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Username ;55GothicRoses

Profile link ;

Name ; Giselle Ong Xiang Guo

Gender ; Female

D.O.B ; 01/01/1997

Age ; 15

Birthplace ; Singapore

Hometown ; Seoul,S.Korea

Height | Weight ; 158 cm|29 kg

Ethnicity ; Singaporean Chinese

Twitter | Facebook : Don't have

Personality ; She's quite navie and inncoent and likes to hope and daydream.She drifts off to wondenland quite often but she snaps back to reality quite fast.Even though she is like those girls who are air-heads,she is actually independent and mature.She is like those girls that may seem inncoent at first but is actually quite spunky and sly.She's very optimstic and loves romcance but hates it when the romance goes wrong.She's calm when in meetings and other places but when she's with her friends,family or alone,she becomes a completly diffrent person.Though she belives in romcane,she believe that there's no such thing as happily-ever-after or 'perfect fairtale' endings.

Likes ;

Sports namely netball and basketball


Roses and Tulips







Dislikes ;

Her height


Boats(She gets seasick easily)






Habits ; 

Biting her inner cheeck when annoyed

Scratching her hand when angry

Mutter when sad

Scratching her head when thinking

Hobbies ; 

Watching TV

Writing songs

Talking to random people 


Reading romance novels


Trivia :

Giselle likes to be called Elle more than Ella

Her blood type is O

Has 10 pets but all died(due to them being hungry)[1)Hamsters 2)Hamster 3)Kitten 4)Kitten 5)Puppy 6)Puppy 7)Dog 8)Dog 9)Rabbit 10)Bird)



Ulzzang name ; Baek Ji Eun

Ulzzang links ;

|| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 
Back-up ulzzang name ;

Park Ah In

Back-up ulzzang links ;

| 1 | 2 | 3

Style ; 

Cute T-Shirts/Colored Pants/Ripped Jeans/Flowly Dresses/Denim Shorts/Converses/Boots/Flats/Lace Gloves/Fishnet/Heels


Family ;

  • Ong Beng Khoon;Dad;39 y/o(Dead)
  • Ong Xin Lao;Mom;38 y/o(Dead)

Friends ;

  • Jeremy Lin/Coach for Basketball
  • Casey Willams/Coach for Netball
  • Fellow Lable mates

Best friends ; Everybody

Love interest ;

Kevin Woo(U-Kiss)


Ex ? ; None

Rival ; None

Le Career:

How you were discovered ;A talent scout was visting her school and looking at the talent show.She was up next and the talent scout thought that she had the looks and talent to be in the compony so she was then scouted and went under training for months.

Audition link ;Dance|Singing

Position ;Main vocals|Lead dancer

Stage name ;Ella

Persona ;Strange worker 

Personal fanclub name ;Princesses

Personal fanclub colour ;Hot pink and white

Personal fanclub object ; Tiara

Plastic surgery or not ? Nope!

Group ; Solo artist


 Requests ; A small and cute moment for Ella and Zelo

Comments ;Hope the story will be a sucess Author-ssi!

Suggestions ; Maybe the girl group could be called(Depends on which image the company is going for):Artemis(for the more dark/y image) or Hesita)for the more cute image)


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