Ace♠ Application


♠ Ace Application 


Contact Info:

Username: TheRoyalCouple

Profile Link:


Character Info:

Name: Seo TaeHyun

Age: 17

Date of Birth: 07/30/94

Place of Birth: Paris, France

Ethnicity: French- Korean

Height: 179cm

Weight: 59kg 

Blood Type: O


Lets See how you look:


Name: Park JiHo




How you act around people:


TaeHyun is somewhat the opposite of his sister, but he is smart, polite, and somewhat pure. TaeHyun is what his nickname is, a Joker. He is always playful and mischeavious. Once you get to know TaeHyun you'll know that he is always up to something. His playful mood gives everyone a sense of relaxation. Although he is the Joker he is also very smart. TaeHyun catches on to things really fast and always keeps it to himself to see how long it takes for the members to figure it out. As the Joker of the group TaeHyun loves to tease the members every once in awhile. TaeHyun loves s and always makes cute faces to the older  and younger members, so he can get a hug or two. Taehyun  has a ton of stamina. You know how the Jokers in the Medieval times always entertained the King and Queen? Well that is what TaeHyun does, entertain people. Taehyun has a ton of variety talent and does everything and anything. Even if it's bad Taehyun will make it funny, so the audience can enjoy. As expected of a joker. TaeHyun always smiles, so the members won't worry about him. Taehyun is used to hiding his problems from everyone, but he always tells Kevin, HyunSo, and maybe other people he is close to. Taehyun does not want the other members to worry about him, so he keeps it to himself. He does it even if it makes him stressed. Even when Taehyun is stressed he will pull through somehow.


His sister



Orange Juice

Joking around





Being Quiet

Sour foods

Bitter Chocolate

Unhealthy Foods

His sister ignoring him

His dad



Hugging people

Joking with people

Streching before playing a sport

Sleep walking


All about you-

Give me your lifes story:

Taehyun's family came from France originally, but had moved to South Korea because of his father's work. Taehyun had loved everything about France and was sad that he and his family had moved. They had moved when Taehyun was 10 years old.  Taehyun's Papa was always at work, so he spent all of his time with his mom and sister out in the garden. He noticed that his father was getting more stressed, so he didn't bother his dad with his tiny problems. After his dad's years of work, they became more distant than before. When they had gone to Korea the Seo Twins had met Kevin. 


Family Background:


Their dad was stressed, he would take it out on them. Taehyun had stood up for HyunSo and took all of the blame when she got in trouble. After about 4 years living in Korea, their dad had began to abuse him. TaeHyun didn't want HyunSo to ever be abused, so he stood up for her. He eventually caused a ton of trouble just to get his dad's attention, so he wouldn't hurt HyunSo. Taehyun caused trouble by staying out late at night and not coming back until mourning. His mom wa always nice and always took care of them. She had helped convinced his dad not to abuse HyunSo. HyunSo always kept his life bright and fufilling. 


Family Members:



Seo JiYoung - 45 - Dad - Business Man - Very distant. They are both awkward with each other and TaeHyun feels that his dad dislikes him.

Seo Claire - 42 - Mom - Translator and Flourist - Closer than he is with his father. She is very nice to everyone.

Seo HyunSo - 17 - Gang Member - HyunSo Loves her brother very much. Also went through many hardships with TaeHyun.


Street Rep-

Name: Joker

Group Position: ♠ Right Hand man 


Love Life and Friends-

Status: Taken

Friends:  Ren(NU'EST), Yonghwa(CNBlue), Seo HyunSo(Hearts)

Love Interests:  Ailee


How You Joined:  TaeHyun had met JaeSeok when his family had gone to Japan for a business trip. TaeHyun and JaeSeok had gotten along well. TaeHyun Had always talked to JaeSeok about his sister and his problems. After a few months TaeHyun had to go back tp Paris. TaeHyun and JaeSeok still kept in touch though. After many years TaeHyun was confronted by JaeSeok in Korea. He told TaeHyun that he should join his gang as his Right Hand Man and as the Brains. TaeHyun had accepted for 2 reasons. Reason 1 was because JaeSeok was his close friend and 2 he wanted to protect his sister no matter what. Even if they are rival groups.


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