↷ towards the lost world + Nō Jae Kyung


The Lost World
The Warrior
"The search for our friend begins now."


▷    Why, hello there~

Username: TheRoyalCouple
Do you have a name?: Angie
Activeness:  8

Fill me in with your details
Name: Nō Jae Kyung
Juno- A combination of his full name, also meaning Protector/Protectress
Kyu- A nickname he got from his childhood friend.
Age: 17
Birthday: 03/18/97
Ethnicity: Japanese- Korean
Language(s): Japanese- Fluent. Korean and English- Intermediate.
Birthplace: Isumi, Japan
Hometown: Okinawa, Japan
Blood Type: AB
Reveal the true you  

Visual name: Park Sang Il
Visual Gallery: Gallery
Back-up visual name: Won Jong Jin
Back-up visual Gallery: Gallery
Height: 184cm
Weight: 85kg
 Anything else: N/A
Fashion: He mainly wear casual or sports clothing so that it's easy to move in and rather dislikes formal clothing since it restricts his movement. Juno loves to wear light jackets with pockets in them so he can store one or two weapons. He keeps a strap around his arm to hold his chained knife for easy access.
Behind the facade 
Aloof: During his travels he began to act more aloof so that others wouldn't be hurt by being friends with him. He keeps to himself so that none would mess with him or critisize him.
Introverted: As a child Juno wasn't brought up with a lot of kids and when he was they would be afraid of him. The children's parents told them to stay away becauseof his father being too scary. They also thought he was weird because of his talent with martial arts. Juno then developed  a introverted personality because he was always alone and began to act aloof with strangers and children. So from then on he kept his thoughts to himself and prefers it that way
Around friends:
Protective: During his travels he met many poor people and women being abused, so from then on he swore that he would would proctect any and everyone especially the weak.
Stubborn/Willpower:  Juno's entire life is based on his stubborness and willpower.  Everyone always told him learning and mastering  took years upon years but Juno wannted to and did prove them wrong. Although he is introverted when he sees someone degrade someone else he forces his opinion on them.
Outgoing: Thanks to his grandpa he developed a more childish and outgoing personality. Upon going back to Korea and meeting real friends, Juno began to open up more and began to joke around every once and awhile.
Shy/Clumsy: Everytime he told a dumb joke he would always regret it and begin blushing. Juno isn't used to being around with so many people, so he always messes up when talking to them. He can't express his feelings very well either.
Cautious: Juno is still a bit afraid of messing up and losing all his friends, so he makes sure he doesn't reply immediately so he can think of a good answer/reply. He is still cautious about everything because of his constant training in secluded areas and training. When outside he always makes sure everything is clear. Juno seemed to develop a rather weird habit since Gauru would always play jokes like bringing in dead animals and sneaking them on his shoulder.
Childish:  Juno is still amazed at everyday technology and acts like a child when he sees something new. Juno's personality is all over the place but the most suprising is his love for dance. Although he acts amazed at technology seeing Juno dance is like seeing a baby smile for the first time. His face brighten up everytime he dances.
Martial Arts
Kit Kats
Cute items
Shoes- he lived in the outdoors most of his life so he feels as if shoes aren't needed
Sneak attacks
Loud noises
Huge cities
Children- they seem to be afraid of his exterior
Racists- When he traveled the world Juno was avoided and verbally abused because he was an Asian.
Formal clothing
Snakes- Gauru would often place them on Juno's should so Juno began to hate the site of them
Looking behind his back- he's used to enemies sneak attacking him well more like overly cautious
Messes with his hands
Stretches often
Traveling the world
Mainly uses a Modified Kunsari-gama.
Rairly uses the blade to any sword or knife and uses the hilt instead.
He has mastered using most melee weapons.
Has a wall in his room that hangs up all his weapons he had received during his trips.
Actually studied up on sword arts such as kenjustu, kendo, iado, etc. during his free time.
Tries to hide he fact he even likes cute things.
Has no idea how to use technology other than calling people.
He's in the taekwondo, kendo, and dance club and is one of the top athletes at the school.
Can cook very well since he was living alone for a few years.
Juno learned hip-hop dance in America and has been practicing it ever since.
Gauru- A Coyote pup he found in America. The pup was left behind so Juno picked up the male pup and raised it. Later on when Juno was going to leave America to go travel the pup had followed him. From then on Juno would bring Gauru wherever he went. Gauru is the exact opposite of Juno. He always plays around and pulls pranks on Juno. Gauru is very energetic and playful.
Without them, I am not who I am today
Family Background/History: 
Juno was born in Isumi, Japan, during the month of his family's reunion. After the reunion they immediately went back to Okinawa, Japan, where Juno was raised. Since his father was a professional martial artist, Juno was already being taught a few moves the moment he could stand up properly. His father saw potential in him, so he then brought Juno to his grandfather's dojo. There his grandfather taught him jujustu and basic stances and moves of judo, karate, and akido. His grandpa saw talent and potential within him, so he then talked to Hiro and Yumi about letting Juno travel the world to learn martial arts from different countries. Juno's father was perfectly okay with it but his mother on the other hand seemed a bit afraid of a child learning martial arts at such a young age and traveling the world at the same time. His grandfather suggested that they go with him until he hits 12. They all agreed as long as Juno kept studying for school. Juno began to learn more difficult moves for another 2 years. However when he was 5 he began to go through a slump where he lost motivation to do martial arts since he said it was too physical for him, so when he hit 6 he and his father went to China so Juno could learn ninjustsu so he could focus on staying calm, being agile, and training his mind. They then went back to Japan when he was 8 so Juno could master jujustu, karate, judo, and akido for the next 4 years.
Once he hit 12, his parents allowed him to go on his own now. The two then moved to Seoul, Korea. The first country he visited on his own was America. He picked up boxing there for a year. One day when Juno was on his weekend hike through the mountains to train. On the trail he found an abandoned Coyote pup. He noticed it was all scratched up from the shrubs and branches. Juno began to raise the pup until it would be able to survive on it's own. Every weekend they would go camping so the pup could hunt on its own. A few months later when the pup could finally catch its own deer, Juno knew it was time to go. The day Juno was leaving he spotted the Coyote trying to catch up to the taxi. The Coyote acted as if it was a loyal puppy, so he decided to name him Gauru and keep him. For the next 2 years Juno studied savate in France since he had yet to learn any street martial arts. When he hit 15 he decided to try taekwando and kendo for the next few years in Korea. He then moved in with his parents in Seoul, Korea. 
The first person he met at school was The Unpredictable Nomad, they immediately clicked and he was then introduced to the group. Later on when the Lost Boy goes missing the group decided to go look for him. They agreed the moment he told his parents. Juno had always been with Gauru and Gauru refused to leave his side, so he allowed Gauru to join them on their search.
  • Father ¦ Nō Hiro ¦ 38 ¦ Olympic Martial Artist ¦ Very open-minded about things since he is still young ¦ Hiro travels a lot so he's very calm about everything. 
  • Mother ¦ Nō Yumi ¦ 36 ¦ At home mom ¦ Makes sure nothing gets too rowdy. The mediator in the family  ¦ It may seem a bit awkward to outsiders since the two of them are both quiet when together. Juno and his mom know exactly what the other wants and needs.
  • Grandpa ¦ Nō Daisuke ¦ 74 ¦ Dojo owner ¦ He's wise and gives people advice. He treats everyone with great care but when he needs to he is strict with his students. ¦ On a daily basis they act as student to teacher, but at home it's as if seeing two brother argue. Juno is really thankful for a cool grandpa like Daisuke.


Mainly friends with only the group sincethere is a small language barrier and also because his outer apearance is intimidating

Best Friends: 

  • The Hidden Summoner ¦ 16-17 ¦ Student ¦ Shy yet very quick-witted.  ¦ It's very awkward for Juno but it seems that she doesn't notice at all. He fidgets around and tries to act cool(and fails miserably at it). His ability to act normal around her seems to be pretty bad; he messes up his sentences, he begins to ramble in Japanese, he trips up, does that awkward smile and wave. Nothing ever seems to work right when he's around her. All in all it seems to be very one sided, but Juno is trying very hard to fix it., but he doesn't want to ruin their already strong bond. The bond that started everything. His passion for martial arts. Juno always admired her beauty, but when he saw her in Korea she seemed more frail than ever. Like a butterfly, she could fly away at any moment. He began to be cautious and act warry around her. Distancing himself little by little so he won't break her wings.
  • The Unpredictable Nomad ¦ 17 ¦ Student ¦ Intelligent and quiet. They are quiet similar to each other which allowed them to click immediately ¦ When the two of them hang out together it's usually very quiet. Juno sometimes brings up a conversation by saying something random. They always seem to drop each other signals and act on it. The pair seems to understand each other the best. Sometimes they even act up around each other and Juno tries to mess with him.
  • The Amiable Wave ¦ 17 ¦ Student ¦ Solbi is very warmhearted which allowed Juno to open up to her. She never forces anything on anyone and allows them to be themself and acts acording to what they're feeling ¦ When Juno is around Solbi he begins to talk a lot more than usual. The warm aura that she emits helped Juno to open up to the whole group. He often asks her if the Hidden Summoner thinks bad of him because he's such a dork. 
Are you my Soulmate?
Love Interest's Plotline: The Hidden Summoner
Once upon a love story: They met on of his first trips. He and his father went to a dojo so Juno could pick up ninjustu so he would be able to train his mind and agility. They met each other in the ninjustu dojo. He was speechless since it was the first time he saw a girl in a dojo. Before he knew it he was on the ground, utterly suprised. Juno and his dad stayed at the dojo for another 2 years. During those two years he would always lose to her and he didn't know why. The ninjitsu teacher was also confused since Juno was able to win against the other kids that beat her.The last day at the dojo he had still lost, so he told her he'd definitely be strong enough to win over her. She said she couldn't wait till that happened and gave him his most prized weapon that he still uses to this day. She mentioned the weapon was a momento that had been passed down in her family. Something happened and when he went back to Japan, she also went to Japan. He was so young that he hadn't paid attention to why she went to Japan, so he forgot about it. Now that she was also in Japan they began to hang around each other very often. They trained together, stayed together, and did everything siblings did.When he hit the age of 12 he knew that he liked her and he knew she didn't like him that way. He'd always wished they had met in a normal way not as rivals or spent time as siblings, just strangers. When he left for his trip he was devastated since he thought he would never see her again. When he went to school in Korea he was so shocked that she was also there. 
Show me what you got  
Plotline: The Warrior
Fighting Style:
The only thing he can rely on is himself and his weapons. His travels allowed him to be able to apply any art to any situation. Juno makes up for his lack of powers with strength and knowledge, however he lacks knowledge on how to handle ranged abilities and guns well. He mainly tries to dodge everything thrown at him, however he can only dodge 4-5 times since his body can't keep up with the speed of ranged abilities. His kunsari-gama allows him to grab onto his opponents weapon or body part. He mainly uses it when fighting against multiple people so he doesn't get overpowered. Juno also keeps a retractable staff in his jacket pocket, he mainly uses it for enjoyment or training since it is a blunt weapon. Juno uses akido when training with another person so he doesn't injure them or himself since akido teaches you to blend with your opponents movements to throw or flip them. When in a fight against someone that is larger than him in size or when trying to test someones strength/ability he begins to use jujustu which uses the opponents force/weight against them. If jujustu doesn't work he begins to use judo which is based on his own strength and momentum. If neither of these work he begins to use a mix of karate and savate. He uses the technigues of savate to kick mid ranged opponents while using karate to strike a them with his arms. If spaces is limited and is very cramped he then switches to boxing and karate.
  • Jujutsu- a method of close combat for defeating an armed and armored opponent in which one uses no weapon or a short weapon. Since striking against an armored opponent is ineffective, users learned methods for neutralizing enemied using pins, joint locks, and throws. These attacks were based around the principle pf using an attacker's energy against him, rather than directly opposing it.
  • Judo-objective is to either throw or takedown an opponent, immobilize or subdue an opponent with a pin, or force an opponent to submit with a joint lock or a choke. Strikes and s by hands and feet as well as weapons defense is also taught.
  • Akido-  is often translates as "the Way of unifying (with) life energy." The goal was to create an art that practitioner could use to defend themselves while also protecting their attacker from injury. Akido is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. This requieres very little physical strength. Users lead the attacker's momentum using entering and turning movements. The techniques use throws or joint locks.
  • Bojustu- the art of using a staff with martial arts. Some techniques involve slashing, swinging, and stabbing with the staff. Others involve using the staff as a vaulting pole
  • Karate- striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open hand techniques such as knife-hands, spear-hands, and palm-heel strikes. Grappling, throws, joint locks, restraints, and vital point strikes are also taught. 
  • Boxing-  a combat sport that engages people in a contest of strength, speed reflexes, endurance, and will, by throwing punches.
  • Savate- traditional French martial art which uses hands and feet as weapons combining elements of western boxing with graceful kicking.
  • Taekwondo​​-  known for its emphasis on high kicking and fast techniques. Taekwondo develops strength, speed, balance, flexibility, and stamina. 
  • Kendo-  also meaning "Way of The Sword", it is a modern martial art that descended from kenjutsu and uses bamboo swords and protective armour. Kendo is a physically and mentally challenging activity that combines martial arts practices and values sport-like strenous physical activity. It's concept is to discipline the human character through the use of principles of the katana. 
  • Iaido- smooth, controlled movements of drawing a sword from its scabbard, striking or cutting the opponent, removing blood frome the blade, and then placing the sword in the scabbard. Iaido is a relection of morals of the classical warrior and to build a spiritually harmonious person possessed of high intellect, sensitivity, and resolute will. The use of Iaido is non-comabtive but for concentration.


How & when did you discovered them: Juno learns of his passion of martial arts when he went to visit his Grandpa at the age of 4. His Grandpa owned a dojo in the city, so he showed Juno the joy of martial arts.  His Grandpa noticed Juno had a talent for martial arts, so he talked to Juno's parents and told them to allow Juno to travel the world to learn other martial arts. From then on he would travel to different counrties to learn the culturally different martial arts.
Hasta Luego 
Do you have any concerns?:  The lack of info on martial arts..I'll specify them more if you want to like what each one focuses on.  I curse the many martial arts he knows.. *^* Hmm do you want links to his weapon collection..? Urr if the knew interaction is a bit mixed up just tell me so I can clear it up..
Scene Suggetion(s): Urr I'm bad with these things sooo nope. x3  Hmm oooh I know Solbi and Kwangmin figure out he secretly loves cute things and he just starts blushing to death and the whole gang start crowding around cause this is a one in a lifetime thing.
Oh and another could be where Juno, Solbi, Kwangmin, and Gauru have a completely out of whack conversasion. Like Kwangmin and Juno give each other this silent look and Solbi and Gauru are just talking about the many pranks that Gauru has pulled on Juno .  
Maybe one where they first meet and Juno is struggling to communicate in Korean and English and then starts rambling in Japanese.
Anything else?: Everythings a mess, so please review the life out of it :D ^ Uhm maybe too many? xD
Password: Tasmanian Tiger. >:3


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