Falling by Jay Park

Errr......no, I'm not actually going to talk about the song, sorry. What I actually wanna talk about is the senior I once had a crush on whom I referred to as A in one of my previous blogpost (titled Ever Had a Crush, Get Over It, Then Had It Again?) Yeah, so if you've read that then you know what I'm talking about when I say.....I have a crush on A now >.< He is....like I've said before perfect! Really, he's handsome, fun, .....no I don't think I can handle describing him again...oh gosh I'd faint. So, what actually happened was...I ran into him yesterday in a mall. Funny thing is, his university isn't close to the mall....actually, it is very far. And the funniest thing is, it just so happened the sales girl my mom was looking for is busy so we decided to have a cup of coffee nearby. And there was a Coffee Bean and Tea Leaves cafe right there! My mom and I ordered then I took the orders and napkins while my mom found us a place. So as I was taking the napkins, I notice this uber cute guy and I noticed he looks kinda like my senior. But I didn't remember my senior as being so.....hunky....xD I was very doubtful at first about that guy being him cuz why the heck would he be here, so far away from campus? I just ignored it then went to sit with my mom which was right behind him....then I heard him talk to his friend and I just knew that it as him...really, his voice is just......deep and....no, I don't think I can handle this...omg! Okay...so I went over t say hi to him and like I've said in my previous blogpost, he and I never had a real conversation, like really NEVER, and the most he's ever said to me in life was three questions. 1. How'd you guys do( in the debate competition)? 2. Do you want to buy a t shirt ( he was selling tees at a concert)? 3. What (food) are you having? So when I said i to him, I totally did NOT expect him to go "hey! Woah, what are you doing here? Sit! Sit!" I only expected him to go "oh, hey..." and that's it... So...yeah, when he said what he said, I just went nuts. But I sat down and talked to him. Like a REAL conversation! And and and...idk if it's just the way he is...but his gaze is.....omg.....I just asdfghjklasdfghjkl! I couldn't look him in the eyes at all because of his gaze! And he had this cute smile on...and and and! Gah! Then he had to go so....yeah, he asked for my number and I gave it to him and he said let's hang out sometimes and I just.....asdfghjkllassdfgghjkll! Le spazzing Okay, I officially have a crush on him again....


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-jeiraz #1
You're falling...
Oh my god! YOU'RE FALLING! OMGOMGOMG. If he ever even tries to break your heart, I'LL KILL HIM.

I support you, sisteeer~
I know the feel, guuuuuurl.