Infinite Fan Survey;

--Forever an Inspirit--


01. First song/mv you heard/saw? what did you think of them?

Dashi Dorawa (Come Back Again). I watched their live performance on Music Bank before I watched their music video. They were doing introductions and I remember Myungsoo called himself a prince and Dongwoo had sharp eyes *I didn't know their names yet*. After watching their performance I literally felt as if my heart skipped a beat * I know, how cheesy of me >.<* Their dancing was jaw-dropping. I was in a different country during this time so I didn't have access to internet so I unable to look up who they are and stuff. When I returned to California, I forgot all about Infinite /sobs. But when Infinite had their comeback with BTD, I was like "OHMAIGAWD IT'S THEEEEM<3" I learned all their names immediately and became a Inspirit.


02. Who did you recognize right away? who did you not recognize?


Kim Sunggyu. His eyes are so beautiful and his singing is heavenly *I also love Woohyun's singing which has a lot of emotion* During their BTD era, I usually had my eyes on Sunggyu because, well, I couldn't really "see" his eyes *I am a er for guys with eye-smiles, hence Gikwang being my first bias ever in kpop history*. I didn't really notice Sungyeol then. I am not really sure why, but he just didn't stick out like the rest of Infinite.


03. First bias?




04. Current bias?

All of them. Literally, I can't choose between any of them. They all have captured my heart. I know people probably think I'm lying, but I love EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Every member of Infinite has a special place in my heart and I love them equally.


05. Favorite song/mv?

"Baby just can't let you go~"

Wings from their first mini album First Invasion. Beautiful lyrics + wonderful vocals + amazing instrumental = PERFECTION


06. Least favorite song/mv?

I don't have one


07. Best looking member?

People would usually say either Myungsoo or Sungyeol because they are the "face of the group", but for me in my opinion, the best looking member is Dongwoo. His smile is gorgeous. He is quite handsome ^^


08. Best overall package? (no, i don't mean THAT package, I mean in terms of talent and looks ><)


Hoya. Hoya can sing, dance, rap, and he is drop dead handsome. He is my definition of a man when it comes to looks and personality. Although, I think Dongwoo will make a great boyfriend/husband because he is very caring.


09. Rapping - dongwoo or hoya?


You can't really compare the two. They both have their own style.


10. How much do you like woohyun's aegyo?


On a scale from 1 to 10, I give it an . He is beyond cheesy, which is why I love him. He considers himself every inspirits' boyfriend. He never fails to show his affection to fans.


11. Favorite OTP?



12. Which member is the least closest to the others?


I don't think there is one. Infinite doesn't exclude anyone between themselves.


13. Least favorite member? why?

As you could probably tell from my previous answers, I don't have one.


14. Do you think any member resemble another kpop idol?

No. What I love about Infinite is that they are unique and have no resemblence to any body in the kpop industry. It's probably just me who thinks that OTL.


15. Which member do you think is the most erted? o____O

Well, they are boys. So they do have their teenage-boy-on-puberty moments. Each member has their equal share of ertedness.



- Survey stolen from YooniqueDJ my new chingu~


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