What Being Bored and Sick Culminates To

Soooooo instead of doing my homework like a good little student I've established Ima do a little Q&A. Cause I'm bored out of my mind and well.....I'm bored. Soooo yeah, ask me anything you want to! I really have very little shame so I'll most likely answer everything, ummmm yeah. So ask away. 



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To my dear C-Sun:
1. I ing hate you for asking me this......I love them both! Hmmmm.....KYUHYUN! I love you just as much L! Don't hate me!!
2. Ima say.....hmmmmm..... Kyuhyun? Because that marriage would be hysterically funny and it would amuse the crap outta Dobu. Also, he's Cho Kyuhyun that's reason enough.
3. Let's see there's: Kyuhyun, L, HyukJae, HanGeng, DongWoo, Hoya, DongHae, SungMin, *keeps listing names*
4. OT4s are wonderful creations. Ima say KyuHaenHanTeuk. BAM! that would be y as hell
5. Ima say shoot LuHan (cause I sure as hell am not shooting Kyuhyun or L), marry Kyu (cause that still means I get to him) and L (because Kim muthaing MyungSoo is a GOD)
To HotDivaKey:
Ans: Yes....well....sorta..... I like "History" and "MAMA" and I kinda find myself liking EXO-M a tad more than EXO-K but I don't know enough about them to make a judgement yet.
Bandwagon partay~~
Time for my evil questions.
1. Kyuhyun or L?
2. If you had to choose one person to marry, who would it be and why?
3. Whose kids would you not mind having?
4. OT4. Name it. XD
5. Shoot, marry, or f**k: Kyuhyun, L, Lu Han.
Man, not even that evil. Whatever~~
Do you like EXO? :D