It's been a while

it’s been a while since we’ve done one of these, but now that we’re officially back on AFF, we decided to post one xD as usual, my answers are in purple and Key’s are in blue ^ ^ enjoy guys~~




What is your middle name?






Are you wearing makeup?


nope~ unless you count lip gloss…then yes~


At the moment no but I do typically


What colour is your toothbrush?


pink =____=


Pink, white and blue


Approximately how many posters are hung up in your room?


13 atm…but Christmas is coming up, so there will be more :3


Ummm… hold up lemme count. 6 currently


What does your hair product smell like?


hair product…like gel or something? sometimes I use this detangling spray that smells like green apple candy OTL


The bottle says: Paradise beach so a beachy paradise.


Where would rather be right now?


in bed…asleep… or in south korea…in bed…asleep…in a cute boy’s arms


In South Korea because yes.


What is the temperature outside?


at my house it’s somewhere around 40 fahrenheit and it’s dropping quickly ;~;


Approximately: 55


Have you ever dyed your hair? If so what colour?


never dyed my hair or got highlights or anything orz but I wanna try a reddish tone one day maybe eventually


I did but I only died it my natural color because my hair is annoying and turns into clown hair during the summer. (it lightens with the sun) That particular year the entire top of my head turned copper and blonde while the rest of my hair was brown.


What is the funniest word you know?


didgeridoo I mean c’mon that’s hilarious to say


Applicable. Idk why but I always giggle when I use it >.<


Name your favourite band starting with the letter 'M'


f-favorite?! favORITE HOW TO FAVORITE *breaks down and starts crying* (the first one that came to mind was Mr.Mr since they recently came back but there’s also Myname and MBLAQ and M.I.B and I just T^T)


Maroon 5


What is your favourite pick up line? And has anyone ever used it on you?


definitely a solid tie between “Pizza ka ba? Crust kasi kita eh” and “Tu cara tiene más víctimas que la bomba atómica” (the first one is tagalog and it translates to “Are you pizza? Because I have a ‘crust’ on you” and the second one is spanish and it translates to “Your face has more victims than the atomic bomb”). As hilarious as these are, I am so glad no one has ever used them on me xD


I don’t have one and no


Describe your first icon using only verbs


I guess we’ll do personal tumblrs for this I go: dance, laugh, , intoxicate…that’s it ;A;




What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought with your own money?


um….probably the fee for this conference I was going to…it was $100 to go ;~;


An xboxOne


State your favourite letter of the alphabet


either j, k or z~ (but if you change the e in ‘alphabet’ to an a, my favorite letters are d, e and f xD)




*looks at the answer* heheheheh she like the d eheheheheheheheheh


What is your favourite accent?


I’ve really grown fond of the australian and the irish accents :3


IN’ BRITISH MAN. They open their mouths and I’m like FUU-


How did you celebrate the new year?


I’ll let you know in a month xD


Booze. Lots of booze.


What do you call a brown fizzy drink that usually comes in a can?




Cola? Idk what am I supposed to call it?


Do you like fish?


fish, as in to eat? yeah, I’m filipino, of course I do. if you mean as pets, then that’s a yes as well ^ ^




What is your most used tag?


on tumblr, it was tied between ‘dansheen masheen chenchen’, ‘NONONONONONOPE’ and ‘S T O P’




Would you rather ask someone out or be asked out?


I’d rather be asked out, but I’ll most likely end up always asking people out ;~;


Be asked out I’m too awk for that whole asking people out business


What is your favourite Olympic sport to watch?


gymnastics, swimming and the taekwondo sparring :3


Gymnastics them es be all on that and I’m always like O.O


Have you ever dumped anyone?


I’ve never dated, so no…but I’ve rejected confessions…


Nope only had 1 relationship and I’m still in it ^.^


What do you want to be when you grow up?


a singer~


On earth


jagiya, are you high? =__=


Have you ever been to the United States? If so, where?


I live in the usa…


I live here…


What instrument have you always wanted to play?


piano, guitar, violin, bass guitar


Drums and guitar


Describe your dream partner's eye colour


a warm, chocolately brown or the color of the sea, be it blue, green or some sort of mix ^//////^


Stormy gray, it’s so attractive


What do you order at diners?


food that I like or think I might like


Whatever I’m hungry for, typically I go for the stuff that neither I nor my mother makes at home. If they have a chicken/country fried steak I’m all over that. My family jokes that my Texan appears when it’s on the menu.


Coffee or espressos?


I prefer espressos since there’s less caffeine than in coffee and caffeine makes my life a lot more troublesome than it needs to be




What is the most annoying song on the radio at the moment?


white walls by macklemore idek why but I really don’t like it (also anything by robin thicke)


Don’t even get me started. Let’s see there’s that stupid Lady Gaga song, there’s One Direction, Justin Beiber is still a thing and then there’s freaking “Summertime Sadness” and I just NOPE.


How many contacts do you have on your phone?


71~ but I only use about 10 of them OTL


Hell if I know and I’m not counting, I can’t count properly. It’s a problem I have, besides I don’t even talk to everyone in my contacts.


What type of music player do you own?


an iphone?????


iPhone 5 C but I have an iTouch too

Describe your favourite painting


it’s a funky green cake that I originally thought was a Christmas tree, and it has three candles on it. the candles are lit but instead of normal flames, the fire looks like fireworks and they kinda explode across the top of the painting. it’s super neat ^ ^


Art…. I don’t think I have a favorite painting so much as I gawk at art in awe because it’s so gorgeous. But… ummm.. Lots of beautiful swirls and blues and yellows, spiraling and twisted towers in the distance, rolling hills and yeah can you guess what it is?


What was the best present you have ever received?


my dog that is actually more like my spoiled son, Peanut


Probably my Xbox 360, I would say the Xbox One but I had to pay for that myself soo…


Spring or Fall? Why?


spring because that means summer is next xD


Fall because the temperature is great, the scenery is gorgeous and NO ALLERGIES


What was the last text you received? Who was it from?


“are you guys going?” from frank


My friend Roma and it was in regards to a Lit assignment we didn’t want to do


Would you ever paint your room pink?


no. never.


I don’t do pink.


What colour is your underwear?


different shades of purple w/ bright pinkish purple lace


Currently it’s white


Favourite perfume scent?


sweet pea, or something citrusy/fruity I guess…I don’t really do perfume much because I’m really sensitive and most of the stuff makes me sneeze


Aruba Coconut


What celebrity do you think needs to drop off a cliff?


justin beiber and/or robin thicke


Justin Beiber


Do blue eyes turn you on?




A bit yeah


What meat do you prefer in a sandwich?


chicken~ or bologna ^ ^ ($5 says jagiya mentions some sort of fancy italian lunch meat)


It depends on the type of sammich but typically Italian meats like Sopressata or Prosciutto di Parma although sometimes I enjoy Pastrami


bam. you all owe me $5 xD jk jk


Would you ever wear a sweater to school?


only every day of my life


All the time in the winter man, their comfy and I get to look fabulous. Also, leggings can be worn under them. No pants no problem man.


What is the name of your current ringtone?


no more dream rap intro by bts ^ ^




Glasses or contacts?


I wear both but I prefer glasses~


Contacts although I find myself wearing glasses a lot because I’m too tired to put the damn things in.


What shoes do you normally wear to school?


depends on the season~ sneakers up until october, after that I wear boots


Any I can put on quickly


Where is your nearest television?


the kitchen


The next room


What is your favourite vegetable?


corn!!!!!!!!!!!! does that count? If not, then carrots~


Asparagus or mushrooms.


When was the last time you drank milk?


this morning~


…Oh hell no. I’m sorry, I currently have a burning hatred for milk because over Thanksgiving break my father broke our refrigerator and didn’t tell me. So I accidentally drank spoiled milk and I am STILL suffering from the after effects.


What was your lowest grade in school?


official grade? a 72 ;~;


72 in physics. I hate it but I’m really bad at physics and I tried really hard and studied my off for that 72 so I’m like eh I tried.


Are you using Google chrome?


hell yeah




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LOLOLOL YOU GUYS. I think Key's "What do you want to be when you grow up?" was the best. And there is always fancy Italian meat. ♥

/shot should I do a thing or a thing or this kind of thing I don't know
Cassies_are_B2UTIFUL #2
Obviously Starry Starry Night by Van Gogh XD