Random Survey from Cutterpillow. XDD

1) Do you name your chapters or just call them Chapter 1, Chapter 2 etc? If so, what's the name of your latest chapter? - Ermm... I don't really use stand alones. So, I do it like "Chapter 1: Insert Title Here" and I name each chapter even if it already sounds so lame. XD 2) What have you ALWAYS got to have/do/see when writing your story? - Positive comments, and comments that interact with me not as an author, but as a friend. XD. You know that level when you get really comfortable with someone? I want my readers to talk to me like that. XD 3) Do you think that you and you FC would get along if they showed up to hang out with you some time? - Most of my characters have a bit of my personality inserted in them. I guess we would get along. And, most of my characters have a common characteristic, so it would be fine hanging out with them. XD. And P.S.: We all like the amusement park. WOO! 4) Hm, tell me a random fact about your day today. - I did something really bad, so now I'm bored. :/ 5) What was the last thing your FC had to eat? - In SWIIHS, it's ice cream. XDD 6) What do you use to write? Laptop. I don't draft out on notebooks, but I do draft out on my iPod whenever I'm bored. :D 7) Who do you prefer writing scenes with/about? Your FC or Villain? I like writing scenes with the FC. Most of the time, my FCs are really densed like me, so I get to make them fools. MWAHAHAH. That makes me the villain. XDDD 8) Have you ever said something really awesome to someone or to yourself and thought "Oh! That needs to go into my story"? -YES. MOST OF THE TIME WITH TEAMINT. I really love this girl. XDD. We're both 4D people, and that makes us click and understand each other. XDD. Oh, and sometimes, when I watch dramas and read other fics. 9) What colour shirt are you wearing? (That sounds kinda creepy!) - Yes, it does sound freaky. XDD. I'm wearing Yellow. :D. i love Yellow. 10) On a scale of one to ten how much do you lose track of time when writing your story? - When I'm really focused, it's probably 3. :)). Sometimes, I'd watch videos when I don't know what to write, or plainly chat. XDD. So, it usually takes me around 2-3 hours to get a chapter done. XD 11) How many pages does your newest story have? - Pages? O_O. Huh...? 12) Whats the title of your newest story? - Cinderella with 5 Princes. But that's on hiatus. I'm more focused on Married... and Married Again?! 13) Quick! The main character has just found out that there's a sale on weapons! What do they grab? (If they don't use weapons, what weapon do they find interesting?) -HEELS. Why? Because she's a celeb, and heels can make erts bleed. :DDD


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