3 Word Survey (stolen from min_neulmi- I hope you don't mind)


MUST USE 3 WORDS. (no more no less) Not as easy as you might think...(or is it?!)
NO ANSWERING "I DON'T KNOW" or this kind of answers.
1. Where is your cell phone? > On my left 
2. Boyfriend/girlfriend? > No, hopefully soon.
3. Hair? > It's nicely blonde.
4. Your mother? > She's at home.
5. Your father? > He's at home. 
6. Your favorite item? > I have lots.
7. Your dream last night? > Didn't have one.
8. Your favorite drink? > Strawberry milk-YUM 
9. Your dream guy/girl? > Exactly my biases.
10. The room you are in? > My own room.
12. Your fear? > Loud noises, Emptiness
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? >  Lawyer and historian.
14. Who did you hang out with last night? > My awesome friend. 
15. What are you not? > An unprotective person.
16. Are you in love?  With Park Jungsu-Leeteuk
17. One of your wish list items : A bunny suit. :P
19. The last thing you did? Watch lacrosse game.
20. What are you wearing? > A shirt and pants
22. Your favorite book? > Don't have one.
23. The last thing you ate? > A yummy cookie.
24. Your life? A little boring.
26. Your friends?  Fun, bouncy, quiet. (They're quiet AT TIMES.) 
27. What are you thinking about right now? > How to answer. 
28. Your car? > I would crash. 
29. What are you doing at this moment? > Listening to music. 
30. Your summer? Too freakin hot.
31. Your relationship status? I'm very single.
32. What is on your TV screen? A random show.
33. When is the last time you laughed? When I fell.
34. Last time you cried? The other day.
35.School? > all-girls school.


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OMG! Dongsaeng-ah, are you serious? A bunny suit (question 17)?