I did it because Voodoobaby did it :D


1. Full name: Jolene Lee

2. Nickname: Joe or Jole...and only one calls me Lin Lin ><"

3. Zodiac sign: Scorpio

4. Elementary school: ..............errrr......sorry, I don't think I'm ready to actually reveal my exact location. Kthxbai.

8. Tall or short: tall for an Asian??? I'm 168cm.

9. Sweats or jeans: errr, jeans...I guess? I don't really have any sweatpants. 

10. Orange or apple: This is kinda tough....but I think apple.

11. Do you have a crush on someone: Lee SungMin, Lee HyukJae...the list goes on and on! XD Kidding, none at the moment.

12. Eat or drink: I can't choose between eating and drinking!

13. Piercings: Ears.

14. Pepsi or coke: Also quite tough....hmmm.....I think.........coke!



16. Been in an airplane ? Yes

17. Been in a relationship ? Yes

18. Been in a car accident ? Yes

19. Been To A Party ? Yes



20. First piercing: ears

21. First best friend: LiXin

22. First award: as a team, then school's sports day with the Red House. but individually is an essay writing??? I don't remember.

23. First Love: Lee HyukJae...sorry though, since I've fallen out of love with you and in love with Lee SungMin....

24. First word: Some form of a cry I'd guess.

25. Last person you talked to in person: the maid.

26. Last person you texted: PeiFang

27. Last friend you watched a movie with: Friend? Wow...can't remember...it's been so long since I've been to the movies with my friends

28. Last food you ate: PIZZA! :D

29. Last movie you watched in theaters: The Wrath of The Titans

30. Last song you listened to: Bad Boy by Big Bang (Wow, all B's)

31. Last thing you bought: PIZZA! :DD

32. Last person you hugged: My mom I think....



33. Food ? Pizza! :DDD Anything spicy actually....

34. Drink ? Hot chocolate!

35. Flower ? White roses

36. Animal ? Doggies

37. Color ? Saphire blue, blue, purple, black, green, etc etc.

38. Place ? It used to be my uncle's place until he passed away last year. So there's no specific favourite place for now.

39. Movie ? hmmm.........I don't really have a favourite movie....but right now I'm on a movie marathon with my cousin. We're watching Saw. Next is Saw 4.

40. Subject ? English, always :D



41. Fallen in love with someone? LEE SUNGMIN! MY YEOBO!

42. Celebrated Halloween? Nope, we don't do that here in Malaysia...but we did have a party at that time a few years ago.

43. Went over the minutes/texts on your phone? Minutes...? Whats that? But texts, yes, I've re-read so many

44. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? Yes, so many, so badly!

45. Eaten a whole pizza ? I just finished a whole pizza 15 minutes ago before I came online.

46. Did something you regret? A few...

47. Broken a promise? Definitely....

48. Hid a secret? Of course...

49. Pretend to be happy? Yep....but whether I succeeded or not, I don't know.



50. Want kids? Yesh~

51. Want to get married? Yes! I do! XDDDD

52. Career? Still not very sure about this yet.


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fufufufu25 #1
hehe... dear, u stated at first that u didn't want ur exact place to be revealed.. but then u blabbed it urself in no.42.. hehe~

nice to meet u btw ^^ *waves*
u rly like pizza huh?