The reason why I'm so sensitive



Usually does things don't affect me that much but it hurts when you realise that the place you thought you belong to is just a ilussion.

I've always been an outsider . Everyone knew me as the child who had to  grow up faster, who had to accept the fact that she doesn't have a father , that all her friends were fake  , who had to support her mother that had big debts , the child who  had to view the world with different eyes.


My mom was 15 years older than my father and she was his teacher. His mother didn't accept their love so they married in secret .  Me and my father weren't  close so when he died I wasn't that affected. Because I kinda look like my father my grandmother began to "love"me and she doesn't call me Maria she calls me John ( my father's name) .

My mom had to raise me alone  .  It was hard but she always gave me everything I needed .  When I changed school I thought "This is were I truely belong" . I had this illusion for 3 years only to find out I was wrong . Only when my "best friends " turned their back on me and my old "friends"did the same I realised I lived in a lie.


It's a harsh reality but like always, I have to stand up and make everything just an ugly memory  and live my life, right?




P.S. : I   want to thank everyone for their support . You are the most awesome people I've met in my life !




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Neh, you should always live your life to the fullest :)
Even though it's hard to accept the reality, there will be always 'US' to support you, no matter what :bd
I know you can grasp everything soon >:D<
omg... awwww its okay unnie^^ *hugs*
u still have us C: and its not like there's no one who loves you
there's your mother whose raised you since birth, your grandmother -although she thinks of you has her son(lol my dads name is john too)- and us, your loyal readers and friends (even tho we're only online ones ._. but still friends who care for each other and accept our differences) we'll support you 'till the end!! <333
Hi! Cheer up! You still have fangirls, like us! :)

And you still have your mom... i know it's crazy to say that you can have your mom as a friend, but I had this down time during high school and my mom was the only friend who was there for me, and that's the time we became close. But sometimes we still argue up until now,,hihi :)

I'm giving a big virtual hug for you! :)
Oh my goodness, I think you should get a hug just about now from me! There's always gunna be a rainbow after the rain. :) I'm not amazing at comforting people, but I think most of us agree kpop changed our lives. Kpop always put me at ease, and you always hve other fans to cheer you up! Feel better. :)
XOaddictedXO #5
I sooo want to hug you RN!
But things will get better. You know there are ups and downs. Think at these years at one "down" period of your life. Good things will come for sure! Trust me <3
You can always talk to us. I guess you can also PM one of us if you don't want to write a blog entry ^^ at least I'm open for that!
I also dont have a dad.
My mum wasn't married to my dad.
When she was pregnant with me, he had to go away and promised to come back.
He never came back, neither did he contact us.
Either he ran away or died.
My mother hates him for leaving us. She refuses to tell me things about him.
All I know is that he left us.
After 3 years after I was born my mum met a guy from England, they got married and so my mum left me in Thailand while she and her him left to England.
At that time when I was in Thailand with my grandparents, cousins and aunty, I was involved in a motorcycle accident.
My mum came back to Thailand just to see me. In my head I thought 'Did she really care that she left me? Does she feel bad that I'm like this?'
She had no choice but to bring me to England with her.
I hated my stepdad. Who was he to interfere with my life? Take away my mum and make her have a new child that she would care for the most?
It hurt.
Now my stepdad and me are ok.
My mum owes a loads of debt to loads of people.
My friends also made fun of kpop saying that the males wore too much make up and they look gay.
My close best friend, she also teased me by saying mean things about them.
But she apologized because she never knew how much it meant to me.
So she doesnt insult them.
I hang out with guys too, a group of them. They do make fun of kpop saying they look gay.
But I dont really have no where else to go.
Popular boys think I'm a , girls think Im overly weird.
Only one boy who accepts what I like and doesnt make fun of it, and my close bestfriend doesnt make fun of it anymore.
But my mum calls it stupid, my stepdad gives me weird looks and my brother says it sounds crap, well he says it when he's being a . Which is 5/7 of the time.
Kpop changed my life for the good, but it also been a new way to anger me.
I read your blogs, I see we're similar in a way.
People are y these days.
But we kpop fans still have each other! And one day we should all meet up ^^
Hwaiting ne?!
who says no one will b there for u? U have the AFF family!!! Dont giva damn about those morons who have no freaking idea of what u r worth!
You poor thing...
Let me hug you.
I'm so sorry. I hope in the future things turn out better and you find real friends. Even though we only are online friends , I seriously do consider you as a real friend :)
I'll also support you dongsaeng no matter what ^^ You still have us remember? Fighting!
I'm really sorry about that....I will always support you, Hwaiting!