Heaven's Gift Applications~

Basic Info. ▌Full Name : Kang Hye ▌Fake Boy Name : Kang Hyunhye ▌Age & Birthdate : 18 ; April 9th 1993 ▌Birthplace :sydney australia Appearance. ▌How you look like : http://weheartit.com/entry/9254720 ; http://weheartit.com/entry/9254784 ; http://weheartit.com/tag/ulzzang?page=2 ▌Description : Long black hair with brown high lights here and there. i have a short fringe/bangs that can be worn either on the side or it can cover my forehead. i have small and round eyes with a pair of thin lips. i have a small nose. ▌Height : 172cm ▌Weight : 43kg Real self. ▌Personality : im loud and talk without thinking. i enjoy to laugh a lot even if its not funny. i never stop smiling. im responsible and is a perfectionist. i have to get everything right. im competitive with a strong sense of self. i never stop trying. ▌Personality 2 : i think before i talk and i only laugh when it's necessary or whatever the subject is it funny. im responsible and independant. i don't like being around people because i feel uncomfortable and awkward. i don't talk to people i don't know well beyond their names, their age. im helpful to everyone whether i know them or not because im so responsible. i like to be the oldest and taking care of everyone. i think about others before myself. im quick tempered but im also easily satisfied/unangered. im not usually stubborn but i can get tht way at times depending on what the situation is. i enjoy to compromise when ideas clash, i don't mind giving in. i hate being weak in front of other people. ▌Hobbies : 1. listening to music 2. spacing out/daydreaming 3. composing 4. reading 5. freelance drawing ▌Habits : 1. bring a comb and mirror wif me everywhere 2. biting my nails when im nervous (which doesn't happen very often) 3. distancing myself when people start to pry into my personal life ▌Likes : 1. bubble tea 2. tea 3. pineapple cakes 4. jajangmyun 5. purple 6. mangoes+grapes ▌Dislikes : 1. coffee 2. spicy foods 3. colours yellow,orange,brown and green 4. heights Love? ▌Crush 1 : B2ST Jun Hyung ▌Crush 2 : KARA Nicole ▌Partner : B2ST Jun Hyung ▌Admire : KARA Nicole, Hara ; f(x) victoria + amber Background. ▌How do you enter SKY E. ? : i was auditioning for a part in a musical and a person in the company found me. ▌How many years have you trained? : 3 years ▌How old were you when you were accepted as a trainee? : 15 ▌History : orphan ; but was adopted into the Cho family when i was 5. i kept my original surname. my half brother is cho kyuhyun of super junior. Specialities. ▌Instruments? : piano + flute ▌Others? : mimicking boy group dances In group. ▌Position? : Leader / Cheographer ▌Persona? : Goddess of Love Extras. ▌Anything else? nupp ^^ ▌Password? SMASHISLOVE


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anw, if can, can you edit and give space? its hard for me to read. <br />
Thank you. ^w^<br />
Nice app btw. :)