I resemble.............

Stolen from MidnightSapphire. - I hope you don't mind. :P



Kim Taeyeon.

[x] You're a very childish, dorky person.
] Your favorite season is winter.
And Spring!

[x] You're the leader-type. My teachers say I am and I sorta am in my group of friends. I'm the eldest too LOL

[x] You love gummy bears. I love all lollies! [except liquorish. EWWW...]
[x] Your parents are very supportive of you. Most of the time, but when they think it's bad they say it.

[] You're on the short side. No, I'm really tall for my age...
[x] You keep a lot of secrets from your friends, because you feel you would burden them. Ummm.... Sorta. I don't like to tell about some personal stuff even though they might think that I always complain about things. I STILL KEEP HEAPS OF SECRETS FROM U GUYS!

[x] You didn't play with dolls as a kid, but instead, robots, tops, and cars. I played with both. Does that count?
[] You talk in your sleep.
[x] You have bad memory. 
Sorta. It depends on what day it is... :P
Total : 8 

Jung Jessica.
] You cry when you're angry. Yup. When I'm frustrated, under pressure, when people yell at me and lecture me. I cry a lot.
] You appear cold at first, but you're actually very sweet. Depends on who it is. :P
[x] You would choose sleeping over eating. I need lots of sleep or I'm cranky as hell.
] You are dreadful in the kitchen; you can't cook at all. I'm not that bad. i can cook things. Although I did almost burn down the house once and got yelled at by my brother... -.-
[] You're from the USA.
] It's VERY difficult to wake you up, and you treasure your sleep time immensely. I treasure my sleep a lot and I hate getting up. I'm awake but you have to like pull my out of bed to get me up...

[x] You're popular to the boys/girls. I wouldn't say I'm popular, but I get along with a lot of people. :) Being social is a MUST for my family....
[] You can play soccer well, and also a bit of boxing. Can't play soccer to save my life. I trip over the ball sometimes. And I've never tried boxing, well only in the Wii. I got tired out after 4 rounds...

[x] You have a bad temper. YESSSS!!!! I have a very bad temper! Even though I seem cheery and all that, I have a very bad temper so don't get on my bad side. I have a BIG grudge list. And I take everything to heart so if you give me a little bit of critism then I get really ty and I end up hating you. Well untl you be nice to me again. :P
[] You have a younger sister, and you don't think you're a very good older sister to her. 
Total : 6


Lee Sunny.
[] You're scared of fireworks. 
] You enjoy video games and sports.
YESSSSS!! I love sprts and I LOVE Batman Arkham City. The new one on Xbox 360. I've finished it 4 times.

[] You're one of the shortest people.
] You have a lot of aegyo. Nope. I fail. I used to be cute but now I'm just.... I don't even wanna talk about it.
] You hate your name. Yes and no. It's not a common name and all of my teachers get it wrong. 
[] You mumble like a puppy in your sleep. Not sure.
] You love sneakers, and prefer them over any other shoe. So cumfy. I would wear them and slippers everywhere.
] You're unorganized, and your room will often be messy. Yes and no. My mum often tells me to clean it.

[] You haven't had your first kiss yet. 

[x] You can't cook very well because you're scared of fire and knives. I've gotten burned my boiling water, my sleeve caught on fire and I sliced my finger with a knife but I can cook alright. But I'm scared of fire...
Total: 5


] You're the youngest among your siblings.
Yup. My whole famly actually and I get picked on but I pick on them too... Hehehehe
[x] You cry a lot. Yeah. I actually cried yesterday watching Harry Potter when Sirius died.... Don't think I'm weird.
[] You're obsessed with the color pink. Not a fan of pink. But I do have a lot of pink stuff from when i was littler.
[x] You clap your hands when you laugh. Sometimes. I usually hit my leg on the person next to me instead.

[] You usually get what you want. No. I have to beg for it but I still don't get it unless I REALLY need it or I pay or it myself.

[x] You're scared of ghosts. All things supernatural. I get REALLY scared and I have to have ALL the lights on in the house.

[x] Your voice is very loud, and can be heard over loud music. Yeah. But I don't think it can be heard over music.

[x] You're scared of babies/kids. I don't really know what to do when I see them. But after a while I get close to them and I'm alright, thoguh I still need someone good with kids aorund me in case the kid cries or something. Although I get to be stupid and funny around them and they laugh so that's a plus and they can't tell people what i did!
] Your charm and your weakness is your liveliness. I guess.
[x] You're kind to everyone, even people who dislike you. I mean to them behind their back. I find I can't really be mean without having to say sorry to them afterwards.
Total : 8


[x] You're very honest and quirky.
I guess.
[x] You don't like bothering others with your problems/feelings. Hmmm.... I do tell people about my problems but only my closets firneds btu I still don't tell them about my REAL problems.
[x] You're obsessive about cleanliness and hygiene. I'm not obsessed but I like cleanliness. 

[x] You would give up a career for love. Depends who the man is. But probably, yes.
[x] You make jokes out of lots of things. Yep. Ask any of my friends. Always joking.... When someones upset I make a joke and that's the only way I can make them a little happier.
[] You're a talented dancer.
[x] You're one of the most athletic people out of your friends.
Yeah, next to another 2 people. :)

[x] You're an independent person. My parents always try to make me independent But in some things I need a lt of help but I usually try to be independent.
[x] You hate when people sleep with their mouth open. Never seen it but I think that if they do then spiders will get in their and... EWWWW
[x] You love fast food, but try not to eat too much of it. Yeah...

Total: 9 


] When you're focused on something, you don't pay attention to anything else.

[x] You have a habit of slapping people. Yeah. when I need to say something funny or something important I slapped the person next to me's arm.

[x] You act feminine when guys are around, vice versa. Yeah but then I turn into my usual self [not that I'm a tomboy]

[x] Not good at math. I wouldn't say I'm terrible but I'm not too good. Other's might disagree but yeah..

[x] You have a lot of guy friends, and used to/are tomboy-ish, vice versa. Yeah. No offense to my friends now, but I like hanging out with boys more coz you don't have to prove yourself if you get what I mean...
[x] You love playing pranks on your friends. YESSSS!!! In fact, I'm planning one now.... >:)
[] You're very flexible. Not really. Coz I grew so fast...
[x] You're like the lawyer of your friends because you always need to have your say first. At times yeah, but I usually stay quiet when/if they fight.
[x] You like to make things clean/organized. Not really. I would prefer a messy room but then when I trip over stuff I have to clean ti up.

[x] You're scared of elephants. I love them coz they're cute, but I think if I get too close I'll get squashed and die...
Total: 9


[] You eat, on average, 6-7 times a day.
] You've never had a boyfriend/girlfriend.
] You're a gamer.
I like playing games a lot. :)
[x] You're the tallest out of your friends. Yes and I hate it.

[x] You seem to be intimidating, but you're actually quiet and obedient. Yup. I can't really stand up for myself unless it's with people that I'm REALLY comfortable with.
[x] You're a friendly, cheerful person. Always smiling as my friends say :P
[x] You feel that you're not beautiful. I'm probably one of the ugliest people on the planet.
[] Your motto is: "Let's not procrastinate." Meet the queen of procrastination. *points to self*
[x] You're a fan of Harry Potter. Hehehe. I love when it come on TV

[x] You invent cute nicknames for people. I invented one for my friend who is sorta tomboyish and she hates it! But we still call her it. :P

Total: 7

] You're considered the prettiest out of your friends. 
] You seem quiet and hard to approach, but you're actually quite friendly. 
] You're the strongest--physically--in your group.
Weakest. I'm so weak but my legs are really strong.
[x] You love roller coasters. Some.

[x] You have a unique laugh.

[] You're a free thinker.
] You don't know how to swim.
] You're the queen/king of midnight snacking.

[x] If you're upset, you'll voice it out. Sometimes.
] You like ballad songs the most. Hehehe. I liek classical too.
Total : 6


] You love eating sweet potatoes.

[] You're very skilled with the piano.
] You wake up when someone turns on the lights or calls out to you.
] You like books and enjoy reading.
Depends what book but usually.

[] You think guys/girls are gross.
[] You're fond of wearing headbands.
] You love listening to classical music, or nature's sounds. 
I have heaps on my i-pod! It makes me calm...

[x] If you're angry, you'll stay quiet. Depends who it is...

[] You're an only child.
] You're very polite and obedient.
When I don't know you, yes. but if I've known you for a while and I'm comfortable with you, I sorta do what I want.

Total : 4



 I'm most like Taeyeon, Tiffany, Hyoyoen, Yuri and Sooyoung! AWESOME!




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