my love/hate relationship with tumblr

So I just started following around 10 tumblrs. It amazing how much people have time to post so many entries in a day. I wanted to keep up to date with them, but THEY BEAT ME TO THE PUNCH. I can't believe I was stupid enough to try. Once I thought updates are done-BAM! *x* THERE'S MORE...... It came to the point where it felt like a chore so I gave up. Now I look at it once in a while... Ok, i look every day, but in a cycle like pattern (only 1 tumblr for the day). Then they keep you hooked to the next page ggrrrrrr. That evil little arrow button,yeah i'm looking at chu. Then they're some tumblrs where you don't have to click the next button because WHEN YOU THINK YOU HIT ROCK BOTTOM IT FREAKING GROWS! LLIKE WEEEEEDDDSSS same goes for the archives. -.- ah~ but by the end of the day you got to love tumblr. I got some snazzy pics from them. WTF? Who says snazzy these dayz? no one, that's who. Because it's a chip off the old block that doesn't float the boat. Now days we do things LIKE A BOSS.


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