Wow I'm Late! XD (NEW STORY!)

Wow I haven't writen in here for EVER! I have a lot of catching up to do!!! So in my art class at school I have started on makeing a SHINee poster with their faces spray painted on it!! But it's not finished yet... Once I'm done I'll take a pic of it and give all my faithful viewers the URL! XD anyway besides that I got one of my friends at school into this web site and now she is HERE!! Her name is diedaraslilgirl, but she once to change that once she gets enough karma... Also since my last update to my blog (i still love saying that X]) I have started up 3 new stories: Protecters (12 subscribers currently), One Day (10 subscribers currently), and I'm Not Cute! (2 subscribers currently). My story Idol Dream has 6 subscribers which makes 30 subscribers total (currently)! XD Though I am, as soon as I finish with this blog post, going to start another story and its going to be called 'Did Someone Say Assassination?' I got the idea for the name from the drama classes t-shirts that say 'did someone say something about murder?' :] I hope I get TONS of subscribers! Oh and I almost forgot! If you're interested in any of the other stories above then One Day is a rated story with Key, I'm Not Cute! is a rated story with Taemin, and Protectors isn't rated but its about all of SHINee and Beast but more about Taemin than the rest... Did Someone Say Assassination is going to be about all of SHINee and other KPop groups... I'll figure out who later... I know I'm putting b2st in there, but ya know writers gotta do what a writers gotta do XD well LOVE YOU ALL MY FAITHFUL VIEWERS AND READERS AND SUBSCRIBERS AND ETC. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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