AFF IS UP! and 'One Mistake - Chapter 22' missing.. TT.TT

AFF is up and running again! WHEE!!

I thank the mods here for being considerate and informing us about it!

Totally appreciate it..

It was mentioned that they only manage to get the latest update of a certain timing.

So till that is up, I will not be updating One Mistake.

I have lost my chapter 22 here due to the malfunction but somehow coincidentally i lost it too in my computer.

It's so absurd that I decided to either think of a new chapter 22 or hope there will be a miracle news from the mods.

I hope the latter though. Anw, Chapter 23 is halfway through, but if there are changes it might take awhile more, since school is starting to get busy again. 


Till then, adios! ^o^


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