The School called NEVERLAND Application form

Application Form^^:

Name: [asian please]

Song Jangmi



Birth Date: [1996 min.]

26 10 1993






Full korean

Languages: ]

[fluent] korean and English [Basics] Japanese




Jangmi is a Cold person toward  people!Doesn't smile too much in the public.Doesn't speak much.She is only bright and

lovely in front of her members!Likes skinship with her members!Altough she doesn't look like a 18 years old girl and her

face is like a badess girl but she is pure inside.Loves her members very much coz currently  they're the only family that she

has.Always tries her best in everything .Very smart.she had a dark past but doesn't want to remember it anymore,Can be 

very annoying when she's mad. . Her enemies are scared of her glare

jangmi is a very frank person, she's not afraid to speak her mind and share her opinions about anything. This makes her come off as a mean person. Though she is kind of a mean person. She is very stubborn and doesn't like to listen to anyone and will do what pleases her

If you're scared of water she'll make you imagine that you're hanging above the Han River, If you';re scared of spiders she'll make you imagine spiders are climbing into your mouth & etc. Basically she makes you imagine your worst fears.

-She can make you fear things you never thought you were scared of. But she can also ease your fears.

She can detect ones fears.

jangmi is emotionally unstable and she is very well aware of that fact. But she doesn't try to fix it. She has the syptoms of a bipolar person; One moment she'll be all smiles and laughs and the next moment she'll have you pinned to the ground with a sharp object in her hand. Needless to say, jangmi is violent. She likes to hit things, she enjoys hitting things, and she talks with her fist rather than . But she rarely uses violence on those who don't deserve it

She's not embarassed to say things that could make a sailor blush, she likes to make the corniest of jokes and laugh at

herself and she enjoys making others feel uncomfortable. It's her favorite past time. She has a very... intricate  sense of humor. She doesn't really like being serious, she actually would rather run away from those types of situations, but since she thinks runing away is admitting weakness, she will face the situation with a frown. Yun is a good listener, a very good listener, and she is the person to go to if you need to get something off your chest. She can calm you down when you're mad or sad, and she can make you feel better. But you see, just because she's a good listener,.. .  

 she’s gotten used to people judging her.and she doesn't care about what people say about her  First impressions are what she lives off of. Come off as a b*tch then in her eyes it'll stay like that. First impressions are important. Want to change your image you then you'll have to work really hard at it and prove to her that you’re different.

She is very competitive, athletic and strong. She hates losing.If she loses she'll get mad at herself. .She loves playing any type of game that involves outdoors or getting up and moving.

Doesn't want to show her sweet side But can be different if she wants

Can figure out almost everything and smells lie from a mile away Also is very Good at plannig

She has a strong heart and barely cries

She found out her power when she was 11

She talks with her eyes and loves her power Becasue of that she can help others

Is somehow the 'mother' of her group And sometimes can act like the leader too~fighting is her habit

Don't mess with her Becasue you know what will happen next!

Family Background:


She was a bubbly and sweet girl back then but when her parents died infront of her eyes when she was just 8 everything changed .they were killed by loansharks because they were rich and loansharks wanted to steal money from them!they tought that she was dead too but actually she wasn't.  Then She lived with her aunt back then but her aunt didn't treat her very well.she was just there because jangmi's parents were rich. She didn't speak and just did the things that her aunt tells her to do
She was tired of this life so she
abscond from the house with lots of money and began a new life

Likes: [5+]










• Sports

• Money

• Mind games

• Scary movies

• Riddles

• Exercising





Being alone in the dark

Two faced people

People that act stupid


Annoying, loud, obnoxious people





Any kind of Sports


Reading and listening to music


Collecting random things

Playing with mobile




A Necklace from his grandmother is the only thing that she has from her!

Flower Lover

Loves icecream

wants to learn everything!

Likes skinship with her members

her acting is very good

Has a Perfect body

Has a scar on her stomach from when loan sharks tried to kill her )

Wasa spy before

Money is her bestfriend and she'll do anything to earn it

Lives for her goal(revenge)

Ulzzang: [prefers guys]

Jang Hae Byeol

Ulzzang links: [3+]

Back-up ulzzang:

Lee Dasom

Ulzzang links: [3+]

Partner: [choose 3]

Lee Sungyeol,Kim Myungsoo,Nam Woohyun

Her Bestie:

Son Naeun(Or can be jung Eunji)

Which supernatural are you:

A Sprite

(if you don't want her to be a sprite she can be a Dwarves or Drakes)

Anything else?:

I don't know..There was many things that you could add But it's okay~^^ Good Luck with picking Girls~^^ Also if something is wrong please tell me :)


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Unnie, I don't appreciate this. That is not one or two lines. That's about all of my personality! Change it or delete it.