Supreme Application form

Basic Info:

AFF Username<


Profile Link <

Character Info:


Song Jangmi




26  october



Full korean

Hometown & Birth Place < (can be the same place)


Birth Pace:Kangnam

Height & Weight <

170cm and 50kg

Who Dat Girl:

Looks < (2 links)

Uljjang's name<

Jang Hae Byeol

Back up Ulzzang's Name < (just incase.)

Lee Dasom or Do Hwe ji

Best Assest & Worst Insecurity < (best thing about you on the outside & worst thing)

Best Thing:Being Frank and doesn't doubt,Acting like a mother,Having skills in many things,Big Eyes,kissable lips and chubby cheeks,An Angelic smile(when she smiles),

Worst Thing:Being mean and Cold,Teasing Not Being that Girly and short eyelashes

Surgery < (be honest has your character had surgery, i'm making this story as realistic was possible)

Not at all But likes to have long eyelashes

You Have a Nice Personality:

Personality < (long & descriptive.)


jangmi is a very frank person, she's not afraid to speak her mind and share her opinions about anything. This makes her come off as a mean person. Though she is kind of a mean person. She is very stubborn and doesn't like to listen to anyone and will do what pleases her

It's okay if you judge her Becasue Now she's used to this Everyone judges her Before they even know her But when you talk about her family She's going to bite you Really~

Her family and her beloved ones are really important to her She cares for them a lot and will  do anythnig for them.

First impressions are what she lives off of. if she saws you're acting like a then you're forever a on her eyes or anything else You have to try hard to try hard to change your image .

She is very competitive, athletic and strong. She hates losing.If she loses she'll get mad at herself. Becasue she thinks it's all her fault But she accepts it And tries her best to not lose on that again  She loves playing any type of game that involves outdoors or getting up and moving.

Doesn't want to show her sweet side But can be different if she wants

Can figure out almost everything and smells lie from a mile away Also is very Good at plannig.

Jangmi is a Cold person toward  people!Doesn't smile too much in the public.Doesn't speak much.She is only bright and lovely in front of her members!Likes skinship with her members!Altough she doesn't look like a 18 years old girl and her face is like a badess girl but she is pure inside.Loves her members very much .Very smartCan be  very annoying when she's mad. . Her enemies are scared of her glare,Is Very sweet towards her fans And Acts like a very lovely person towards them,Very Caring and Always acts like an unnie..She lives for her dreams

She's Not that girly and really doean't like the people that act cute infront of boys,Hates people that gave up easily

She always tries her best So That she can't be upset for her bad work,

jangmi seems cold when you first meet her. She doesn't talk much and doesn't seem to care at all. When you talk to her she gives you the cold shoulder and doesn't respond. She shows no emotion and will always have a blank stare on her face.
Many find her to be heartless, but when you get to know her and earn her trust, she's really different. She's really thoughtful and caring.

But she's a Different infront of her members,She acts like an older sister or even a mother A Good listener and always helps them with their problems,She's So nice and sweet when you get to know her~

She is very easily annoyed. She will try her hardest to understand to people

She can be quiet at times but is always paying attention to what is going on, very observant . Has a perfect bull radar, can smell a lie a mile away, and never hesitates to bust peoples bubbles

Has a strong heart and loves hard, and is very loyal.

 On screen She's Like this But Not That cold,tries her best to be warm on the screen And Loves her fans and is thankful

Likes < (6 or more)










• Sports

• Mind games

• Scary movies

• Exercising



Reading minds

Figuring out things


Talking with eyes

Computer,laptop,ipad,mobile,mp4 player And stuffs like that

Violin,guitarand piano

Dislikes < (6 or more)




Being alone in the dark

Two faced people

People that act stupid


Annoying, loud, obnoxious people



Being to girly



people touching her stuffs without premision



People that talk nonsense

Hobbies < (2 or more)




Reading and listening to music


Collecting things


Playing with mobile

Surfacing internet

Writing songs

Making random clips

Playing Basketball or volleyball or swimmming

Habits < (as much as you can; sad,angry,happy,tired,etc)


She loves to cook, it's a way for her to get rid of her stress

Playing around with her members

Loves pets and children and is happy to be around them

Loves teasing others


sticks her tongue out when she's happy or wins

Gives people the death glare so they would leave her alone.

• Yawns with sarcasm when she finds something really boring.

• She rolls her eyes when people tell her what to do.

Bites her lip when she's uneasy or nervous

Trivia < (A LOT: sleeping habits, ideal type, ringtone, etc)


Flower Lover

Loves icecream

wants to learn everything!

Likes skinship with her members

her acting is very good

Has a Perfect body

Acting like a mother is in her personality

Cares for people that she loves a lot

Knows how to fight

Thinks Before Talking

Always talks that the person that she's talking to her will be speechless

Pets and kids will bring smile on her face

Her ideal type is someone that can understand her and Loves her for the way she is,Being strong and can protect her

Her Ringtone isn't that relaxing songs Is Something like Before the Dawn!

Likes dying her hair

Has a very Flexible body

It doesn't matter what you play,She can dance to anything

Makes New Dance Moves

Can learn things very easily like dance moves or lyrics

Whatcha know bout me?!:

Background < (no freaking sob stories)


She was used to be very sweet and bubbly But because she didn't receive much love from her family Her personality changed But still she can vbe like her old times Towards the people that she trust and care,She was born in L.A,Because her family lived there for their business So she was born there,Her personality changed Becasue of her family Her parents weren't around her so much so she was always lonely with her sister,Becasue of that she decided to act Cold and mean But deep insdie she's not that cold.

Hasn't a Good relationship with her father Becasue he thinks money is everything..

she decided to be a singer to show her father that money is not everythnig,talent is And she Works really Hard for her Goal and...

Parents < (name, age, job, personality)


Song Jangwoo|Has a Big Jewelry Company Named:Diamond|50| He's Always Busy with his work Think money will give love,treat his family with money And is barely at home,He's always travelling around the world Isn't that warm


Lee Miyeon|Former Super model and Now Cloth Designer|46|Unlike her father her mother is a warm person She is the only one that give love to her children But she's busy too,She tries to be with her family and helps them But Work always is on her way,She has to be with her husband in his buisiness

Siblings < (prefer no idols ^ same format as parents. OPTIONAL to have siblings)

Song Jinah|Model and composer|22|Her older sister,she's always by her side and helps her with everything Against her fathers words and doesn't have a good relationship with him Becasue he's always travelling and thinks work and money is everything,She's a Warm hearted sister and knows why Jangmi acts cold rowards people,Gives everything to her it doesn't matter what~

Friends < (max 4 & how you met, doesn't need to be idols)

Jung Eunji(or Son Naeeun) and Lee Taeeun(T-ae)


Eunji She and eunji are chilhood friends,They knew each other for a long time,Because their parents work together And they have a same story for theit life But eunji is way different,She is very sweet and bubbly and always is on jangmi's side she's like janmi's second sister

Taeeun: They met each other at the underground club taeeun also loves dancing But she dances for money,She's just Like jangmi And Helps her in many ways..After they met.They liked each other personalities and found out that they' have many things in common..So they became close friends:

Love Interest < (name, group he is in, personality, relationship - hate/love, cat & mouse, friends, etc)

Jung Daehyun Or Lee Sungyeol(B.A.P Infinite)

He's just like Jangmi Cold and mean His mother died(it doesn't matter how!) So his father married another woman His father doesn't treat him well And he hates his father Becasue he married another woman His past girlfriend cheated on him when he was young So He hates girls Now and just flirts with them and thinks they're just toys~Doesn't like kids Thinks they're annoying

But deep inside he's Nice and actually has a soft side that only his friends(his group members)had saw it.You have to know him well And then you'll find out that he's so Nice and lovely

Cares for the people that he likes also knows how to fight~

In other way He's just like jangmi!

How'd You Meet < (can be before debut or after)

At the under ground club,he loves flirting with girls So he's always in a club or bar,Jangmi was dancing in the club.his eyes catch her and she was his target So when she wanted to flirt with her and do some dirty things Jangmi fought with him and she get annoyed because of him..
She left the club But he liked the way she reacted to him

They After met each other at company Becasue his favourite gym is there So He's always there

They dont seem to get along, they actually argue all day every day and do mean stuff to each other on purpose, he othen likes to  make jangmi feel dumb and about everything though if someone else is to pick on her he has a problem with it. Jangmi and he secretly like each other but will never admit due to pride issues.

His relationship < (is he dating, single, flirting with other girls)

Flirting with Random Girls

Rival < (can me male or female & why does he/her hate you or why you hate them)


They were childhood friends Back then and they even had crush on eachother But when they grown up they seperated from eachother,He turns out to be a player and teased and bullied her But jangmi didn't know why he did that things After then it turns out to be that Their Parents Became rivals in their Job So he was forced to be like this,Their Families started to challange in everything So They became rivals After that When seyong saw that Jangmi is popular among Boys Becasue of her look and her talents he started to feel jealous and betrayed So He started to hate her

Also He loved dancing But he didn't have much talent So when he heard that SM accepted Jangmi he becames super jealous~

I LIKE/DISLIKE < (give me a sentence describing a member you can get along with & someone you can't

With Everyone But with Dancers and Rappers alot Not with vocals Becasue she's not that good at it

  Has a better relationship with leader than magnae

 Member Profile;

How'd you get into SM ENT. < (scouted, audition, ?. i don't want all of them scouted)

Her Friend that knew that how much jangmi wants to be a singer and dancer and that she's so talented and wants to show her family that she can survive it Told her That There is a audition for SM ent in seoul So she went there and auditioned and They accepted her right away

Position < (top two from the list)

I said it!Go down the page!:D

Persona < (what people think of you onstage aka 'the sweetie'/ 'the umma' / 'the badass')!

Ice Princess(Becasue she's Cold and doesn't talk or smile much)

Rose(Her Name means rose in english)

Dancing Goddess(She's So talented in Dancing

Stage Name < (optional but make sure it has a reason)


FanClub Name <


FanClub Color <

Hot red And Black

Trainee years <

If i don't count trainig for Woolim  for 5months then 1 year and 11 moths for SM

Extras: ( anything i missed/requests/questions)

Don't we need Blode type

Hair color,eye color or hair style Or anythnig like this?What we wear usually?

And expect those No The application is Awesome!I Reallt want to be in this story,Badly Thanks for your hard work And Good Luck~^^

If Anythnig is wrong or you don't like it tell me ^_^


positions < {leader & face is chosen by me}

rapper / composer

dancer / sub vocal(The Main one):


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