[Random] Once every four years

29th February, 2012
I have a mission to be complete by today~
That is finish my GiKwang One-shot by today~
But since my idea overflowed, I have lack of sleep and I have another schedule to follow
my mission tonight is resulting in Silpae (fail)!!!

It does make me feel frusterated as I want to make today a date to remember since today only come once in 4 years..
The one shot can be said 70% done...
but I am a perfectionist~ I can't help by reread what I write and write more....
I going to finish it by tomorrow...

Today I have spend my February 29th by listening to my favorite song...
Such as
- Fahrenheit's Met you on 30th february
- Beast's oasis
- Jonas Brothers Fly With Me
- Miley Cyrus The climb..
And a whole lot more. I listen to it as I was writing my fanfic.. It's like telling me
Don't give up~ You can only give up when you are trying super hard but still you can't accomplish
but still the word give up never come up in my dictionary and I keep on moving~
I might not be able to finish my story by today but I gone through many happy thing today~
So one of the mission complete that is
Make today count and unforgetable!
It make me realize something else too..
I should live my daily life unforgetable make everyday important...
I can be counted as a fortunate people compare to those that struggle hard just to survive.
Write a diary did help me remembering what a great day I gone through..
(People keep saying writing diary waste of time~)
Thank to those who make me realize all that~
Thank you~ and I really mean it~ ^^

P/s: Thank You for reading this totally random post~ ^^


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b2stie #1
Trust me. You're not The only one going through it ;) And just because you try hard and can't pass doesn't mean you can give up then. Keep trying, if you keep resisting, you'll get it one day. ;)