When They Fall

When they fall.


Raindrops are caught again

In the spinner's web

Forming the tear drop pattern

Reflecting the past,present,future



When the careless hand destroys it

They fall.

Like andamantine crystal droplets



When the rain plays its clear melody

When the winds whistles its tune

When the sad music plays

When the last tear drop falls

I hear them all


Somehow,here I am again

Seeking in the fallen tear drop

Seeking the unknown


When the ballet dancers twirl

When the lights blackout

When the last dawn falls

When the last tear drop falls

I see them all


Dried leaves in the pages of the old book

Making their faded imprint

Yellowed and dog-eared pages

Hand written words are fading

As the last shred of life flickers away

I disintegrate with it all


I don't have anything to say.


Even I,the writer,don't know which it is.


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hae_ki #1
nice~..... :)))))))
That's beautiful. :) <3
much better poet than myself. actually, i can't write poets for s h i t ! -.-