Dropping by After 2 Years

Wow. It's been 2 years since I was last on this website. I really don't think anyone's going to see this hahahaha.

Still, this place held so much memories for me. Funny thing is, I'm not really that into K-Pop anymore. I only came back because I just happened to have the urge to listen to an INFINITE song after 2 years and then here I am again, filled with nostalgia and rewatching old K-Pop videos. Before this, the last thing I did that was K-Pop was going to a EXO concert for free cause my mother was lucky in a draw thingy. I wasn't even interested in K-Pop anymore by then!
Also, I'm filled with cringe at the blog posts of the me from 14 to 18 year old me. I mean I kinda became pretty inactive when I was 17 I think. I miss the friends I made here, even if I have some of their instagram accounts now. HAHAHA. Well... It's not like I really talk to them though. And I contacted so many people here with LINE, but now? I don't use LINE anymore because I decided to leave this part of me behind, thinking I wouldn't come back.

How ironic it is that I'm here now. If any of you that I used to talk to here come on one day, drop by and contact me, hopefully. Should I leave my Instagram here?! HAHAHA, no this isn't a ploy to get more followers. I wonder if I'll still log in to this place in one week. I even read a few fics out of boredom but they aren't the same anymore. I'll leave two ways to contact me at the end if any of you want to in case anyone still comes here and remembers me, and in the case I most likely don't come back here until after a year or more. I'll probably drop by Roleplay Republic after this because that's where I spent the last few years most before I just stopped going to both places altogether. On a side note, I'm tempted to delete all my old blogs. They're terrifying. Why was I so earnest?! Why did I type like that??   I mean I stiILL dO (example) but not iNTENSELY.

This place kinda gives me feels because it held a lot of my darkest thoughts and embarassing things that a young me said and felt. I've really missed this place and the memories it gave me. But things won't ever be what they were with people who aren't here anymore I suppose. And also because we've probably changed. Oh well.


( well the offer to contact me is still up. i have facebook but thats for class LOL, steam: Incarnadined || instagram: @_chingsy )


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