Controversies.. repeat


All because of stuffs they said. they are getting into trouble now. Death petitions are being signed…

This is almost like a replay of the JayPark controversy with Korea. So when BlockB finally leaves the industry, will everyone start regretting and ask them to come back? Once they leave they can’t ever come back. 

I wasn’t into Kpop during the JayPark controversy… I’m not even a fan of BlockB, and heck didn’t even bother to listen to their music. But I’m sure, no one is perfect. In their actions nor their words. Koreans arn’t perfect, no matter how they seem to be. 

Yes, they are public figures and should watch what they say. But sometimes it’s just a matter of fun, and forgetfulness. When you’re having fun, sometimes you tend to overlook your own behaviour, irritating and angering the other party. 

I believe BlockB is a young group. Youngsters nowadays they are reckless. They don’t really watch their words, just want to live in the moment. And when trouble comes, they don’t know what to do. Their leader, Zico have shaved his hair, and their Maknae (whom i forgot the name) is in the hospital due to thestress they are receiving.

I believe that this is somewhat similar to the Jay controversy. I only got into Kpop 1year from the period. and am agonised to read what had happened.

Jay received death petitions, returning back to the US. then he officially left the group after the petitions keep coming… When it was announced he was returning to the US (or seattle), everyone started panicking. was he going to leave the group? and everyone wanted him to go back to 2pm. Imagine the hurt he received. Everyone wanting him to die, and then suddenly they want him back. Fickle-minded. tsk

I can’t imagine what is going to happen. BlockB saying sometimes about breaking up, or at least seperating for the moment. will everyone panick? will they want BlockB to stay on? Will they start activities trying to bring BlockB back?

But hey, I think most of the petitions are signed in Thailand. Because, they made the remarks about their country. At first I was, too, a bit angry at their comments. I watched the video with only the ‘hate’ side. But I read some people’s writings about the controversy.  And yes that person was right. BlockB said that they only have about 7000won at the moment

And i understand that they had donated money to the flood looong before the interview. (heck I don’t even know if it’s true. But I believe it is.) They made casual remarks, and received so much hate; making one shave their head, and another faint.

Honestly. what do you guys want? Them to disband? They had already apologised alot of times. But you don’t want to let up right? 

Time to stop the hate before it’s too late.


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