one of the dumbest argument I've ever heard!! XD

one of the highlights of today's eng lesson :

- teacher : 'so why do you think this woman can't have the job? what are her weaknesses?'
- student : 'She can be pregnant'
and my friend and my reaction was... : LAUGHING OUT LOUD!!! XD
- then teacher continued : 'But it's discrimination!!'
and the student still continued with the pregnant talk when my eng teacher is in fact pregnant!

Oh Gosh! that was one of the dumbest argument I've ever heard !! XD I was so tired since I slept badly this night but after hearing that, I was laughing a lot! and each time, i was hearing his voice, I remembered 'pregnant' and i was laughing again in classes! XD


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lol kinda sound like discrimination
that´s not dumb at all! O_O
When a woman is asked about this during a job interview she even has the right to lie about it. At least in Germany that is the case because it´s discimination.
In fact women even have the right not to mention it in their CV if they have kids (because, esp. when tey are young they can get sick a lot and then the mom often stays at home).
Is this so irrelevant in France? O:
You're so cute <3