
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! I HAVE ONE MORE WEEK BEFORE MY 16TH BIRTHDAY~~~ on a higghhh~~~ and i hope wednesday will come quicker...i cant live with my grandparents anymoreee~~ TT otherwise their gnna be the death of me...i feel like im imprisoned there...I CANT GET ENOUGH SLEEP AND ITS THE DAMN WEEKEND!!!!!! what are i gnna do...TT


i wanna go back to australiaaaaaa~~~ i dont wanna be on "vacation" anymore. i hate america. i hate seattle. and i hate RAIN. GO AWAY YOU STUPID RAIN!!!





ps. on my birthday, as a treat ill be changing my username so...look out for my "ITS MY BIRTHDAY" blog post ^^


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marshielisa12 #1
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and happy birthday! :)
Ahhh one more week!! I'm so happy for you. Our age will be the same soon. I'm not even sure if I can call you my dongsaeng anymore. But it's okay. I'm turning 17 soon anyways. Tho it's still 3months away xD.<br />
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pinkypinkyBEAST #3
:O Can I call you Unni? LOL Im 14 =D and I live in Vancouver! Not far from Seattle, I go shopping their every month ^_^
Soon, you'll be my age! But it won't be for long since I turn 17 soon anyway.. Well, I'll look out for the blog post! *-*<br />
AND AWWW, don't hate Seattle... :( I hope you'll feel better about it!