true blood | jung hyeji | vampire

posted 3 hours ago
basic info
full name
jung hyeji
date of birth
october 31, 1995
night shifts as a bartender
main fc
viviz's umji
backup FC
wjsn's exy
mbti; infp

positive; empathetic, generous, open minded, creative, idealistic
neutral; sociable, clever, humorous
negative; unrealistic, emotionally vulnerable, self-critical, people pleaser, hard time establishing boundaries

power/abilities; super speed, self-healing, and invisibility
20k notes
posted 4 hours ago
in busan, a year after min heejin and jung sungho's wedding - they gave birth to a baby girl whom they named jung hyeji. the weird thing about hyeji was she was born with red hair just like a great great great grandmother. however, hyeji wasn't any different than other children. the only thing that made her stood out was her hair. in school, the boys would sometimes for it. however, most of the girls loved it and wanted to dye their hair that color. therefore, making friends was never an issuse for her and she was a girl's girl. in terms of academics, hyeji wasn't the brightest crayon in the box - being more of a b+ type of student. depsite this, she was curious, active and was willing the learn. however, as hyeji reached the age of 13, she started getting sick with a mysterious ailment that not even the doctors could figure out what was wrong. she was always pale, her fingers and feet were always cold, she was always tired and often had somatic issues. 
hyeji was in the hospital for about a year before she was discharged. a year later, hyeji was then admitted to a small clinic in dalmi as her parents heard of the miracles that came out from there. dalmi definitely had a better experience there and was taken care of by the staff members. unable to find out what was wrong with her, they were able to at least make her feel the most comfortable she could. dalmi lived there and had a private tutor visit her every other day for schooling purposes. when hyeji reached the age of 18, with much gratitude and her parents' approval, she left the clinic to try to live life like a normal human being. despite constantly feeling unwell, she received an associate's degree and worked at olive young back in busan.
at the age of 23, hyeji was admitted to the hospital again where she was declared dead upon arrival. this devastated her parents as she was their only child. shortly after hyeji's burial, a black cat walked over her grave. this was the icing on the cake that unleashed the vampire out of her. a week later, when her parents went to visit her - the grave was messed up and the coffin was empty. hyeji fled off to dalmi as she was familiar of the place and she knew of the creatures that were living there. till this day, hyeji's parents are seeking for her as she strives to survive and not wanting her parents to see her in such a state. 
60k notes
now playing
posted 6 hours ago
ed sheeran
90k notes
posted 7 hours ago
rain, fresh air, white noise, food, horror movies, makeup, skincare, animal blood, tarot cards, zodiac facts, fashion, fast cars
the sun, the hot weather, violence, being pressured
binge watching tv shows, doing makeup, making drinks
- survives off of animal blood and lowkey robbing blood banks
- visits her parents every now and then just to see how they're doing but she's too afraid to show herself to them
- no one really knows that she's a vampire besides yulae 
- she works night shifts and commutes via a motorcycle
- her entire studio is covered with black out curtains, not letting any sunlight in
- is not the strongest vampire as her diet contains a very small amount of human blood 
- despite being a vampire, she refuses to physically hurt anyone
- she is 167 cm and weighs 52 kg
- she has really pale skin but is an expert at makeup so she is able to put color on her face, making her paleness hard to detect unless she takes the makeup off
- often wearing long sleeves and long pants
- is an expert at making drinks
- despite being social, she doesn't have a lot of friends as she is in fear of being found out she is a vampire. most of the people she talks to are yulae, her best friend, her partner in crime, the people she works with at the bar and customers.
- is an iphone user.
- her favorite color is crimson red
- contrary to the belief, vampires can actually eat human food and she loves a good bowl of seafood soup and a plate of steak
- loves horror movies and listening to rock music and rap
- spends sunlight hours either cleaning, baking, online shopping, using the tredmill, meditating, or watching tv shows
- she is a er for cdramas and their aesthetics (of course, she needs english subtitles)
- her eyes sometimes turn green in color
10k notes
posted 4 hours ago
im yulae
+ guardian angel | 33 | nurse | human
shortly after hyeji turned into a vampire, she needed a lot help. she was struggling but needed a way to survive as she was turning weaker and weaker by the day. she eventually collapsed in the back alleyway in dalmi but was saved and taken to the hospital by yulae who was passing by. perhaps it was fate that the two met, but hyeji clicked with yulae immediately. they shared the same birthday and they shared many things in common. for some reason too, yulae immediately seemed to know of hyeji's situation and race - providing hyeji with assistance for her first meal. out of her selfless character, yulae drew back the curtains surrounding hyeji's hospital bed and fed her some of her own blood. they didn't meet again until a week later when hyeji was working as a bartender. yulae loved booze and hyeji bartended her the entire night. yulae became a frequent customer and they eventually became close. yulae is one of the three people that knows where hyeji lives and of her identity. 
lee gunwoo
+ best friend | 29 | bartender | WEREWOLF (NU'EST ARON KWAK)
a week after hyeji was discharged from the hopsital after meeting yulae, she was in the woods looking for blood. rabbit blood, snake blood - some type of animal blood. it was a full moon that night and she was looking for blood the same night gunwoo was out looking for food. they did not end up in good terms until they met again when they scored the same job. it was a newly opened bar that had open positions throughout the facility. initially, hyeji had no idea who he was as she only saw his werewolf form. however, he knew who she was. despite this, he was wary of her character and didn't expose himself yet. until one day, she saw him again in the worods during transformation. at that point, they knew of each others' identities. but they both shared the same goal - live amongst the people and hurt no one. they are each others' identity/secret keepers.
jangmi, a beautiful woman with unreal features. short, petite but a ball of energy. she and hyeji are partners in crime. they work together in harmony to survive. while jangmi helps hyeji with stealing small amounts of human blood and compiling it for her, hyeji makes it one of her duties to help jangmi look for her favorite fruits and sweets. jangmi is a er for sweets that are prepared with saffron (which is rare) but hyeji always manages to find them for her. they are also each others' identity/secret keepers.
name here
+ relationship | age | Job | race
60k notes
jung hyeji.
i accept my fate.


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