fairydust2k : belle : 7/10
full name :  kwon iseul
other NAME(s) : n/a
nickname(s) : 
- seul } just a shorter version of her name
- tiger woman } people she's worked with have called her this due to her personality
BIRTHDATE : june 15, 1994
birthplace : los angeles, california
hometown : daegu, south korea
ethnicity : korean
languages : 
- korean } fluent. born and raised in a korean family. plus she moved to korea when she was nine years old.
- english } almost fluent. she was born in los angeles where everyone spoke english and received education there for a couple of years up until she was in third grade. her parents are also english speakers. but since she moved to korea at such a young age and her constant use of korean, she has forgotten a lot of words. but she does make time to practice every now and then by watching american television shows. 
faceclaim : fx/ actress krystal jung
BACKUP : girls day/actress bang minah
height & weight : 165 cm and 52 kg
bloodtype : b
APPEARANCE : same as face claim! long dark hair that waves at the end. milky white skin, alluring eyes, pierced ears with one on each ear, and bright lip stains.
STYLE : iseul always prepares her outfit the night before and is almost always seen with professional office wear. dress shirts, turtleneck sweaters, cardigans, blazers, trousers, dress pants, pencil skirts, flats, and oxfords. a watch is always seen on her right wrist. when she's at home, she wears whatever she finds is comfortable and clean. since it's the winter, she's a er for big fluffy scarves that keep her neck and face warm. (below for some reference pics)

}  hardworking, caring, trustworthy and RELIABLE
straightforward, emotional, bossy, and overly ambitious { NEGATIVE
  • sociable + HARDWORKING + OVERLY AMBITIOUS + BOSSY + emotional + straightforward: though these traits all belong in different categories - they all go hand in hand with each other. being sociable, there is never a dull moment with iseul. some people call her the life of the party as she tends to leave a lasting impression on others. using her social skills to her advantage, she is able to build a wide enough of a network to gain her access to resources and climb up the social ladder. though most of the people in her life are business partners/acquantainces, she will take anyone in that is need of help or is in trouble. eg: she will drive a drunk coworker home and will listen to a business partner's rants. iseul is extremely grateful for where she stands today and isn't the type of person to take people for granted. however, being sociable and and hardworking also comes with being overly ambitious and occasionally bossy. with the way iseul was brought up, she always strived to be the best of the best and made sure to reach success. but because of  this, the stress can get to her where she reaches a state of burnout. she's usually level headed but when she reaches such a state, she becomes bossy and emotional. sometimes biting more than she can eat - though usually successful at the end, the process of it drains her and she can potentially hurt those around her with her words. especially at work, staff members can vouch that iseul can be "scary" at times.
  • caring + TRUSTWORTHY +  RELIABLE: despite having a wide social network, iseul does have a group of friends who she's extremely close with and they all know her as the mother duck. due to her upbringing of  taking care of her mom and baby brother, she's gained motherly instincts. you can depend on her if you need a lending hand, a shoulder to cry on and a pair of listening ears. she is not wishy washy and you can always rely on her - unless there is an unforseen emergency. she worries about her loved ones well-being and is always the one to suggest to do this and to not do that as some things are beneficial for their health and some aren't. if she were to ever become a mother, she would definitely be the one who's constantly calling her child and wondering where they are. 
  • OBSERVANT + METICULOUS: iseul is one keen and mindful person. she's able to pay attention and notice things that most people wouldn't. sometimes she can tell what a person is trying to do or the purpose of a person's behavior based on their body language. she may seem like she doesn't notice much as she doesn't always voice what she sees. but in fact, she actually tends to see things beneath it's surface. she's also very aware of her surroundings and actually knows more than she should. because iseul is very observant, she is also very good at her job. making her meticulous and always noticing the smallest of details.
background : iseul was born in a well off family as the oldest child in los angeles, california. her mother was a housewife and her father was a business man. due to her father's occupation, he was never really around and often went on business trips. iseul was never really bothered by this as she grew close to her mom. life was seemingly going well and peaceful as iseul's baby brother was born when iseul turned two years old. 

however, life is full of surprises and things happen when you least expect it. a year after iseul's baby brother was born, the kwons had to declare bankruptcy due to business related issues. because of business failure, the father never came back home and he has not shown up since. due to this, iseul, her mother and brother moved to korea to start a easier life with the help of a close friend of the mother back in korea. iseul grew up watching her mother struggle while she took care of the siblings - making sure they were fed, dressed, went to school, and had a roof over their heads. in addition to that, she also had to pay back the debt in installments despite being in a different country. debt follows and abandoning debt could lead to bigger issues. reason why the kwons moved to korea was because iseul's mother was born and grew up in korea. with hardship, life would be so much easier if the kwons were back in the mother land. reason why iseul's mother ended up in the states was because she followed her husband over after marrying him for his business/career. 
seeing her mother struggle the way she did, iseul swore to become successful and let her mom finally rest. iseul grew up more ambitious than other students. she strived to get the best grades and often was found with eye bags and gum to get her through the day. some classmates called her the "teacher's pet" but she didn't mind. she knew where she needed to be and what she needed to do. while studying, iseul also helped her mom take care of her brother. soon enough, both siblings were going to college. gaining much experience in the work field, iseul worked different part time jobs to provide financial support.
as iseul was married to her books and studying and costantly on the grind, she never had much friends. but hardwork and effort always pays off. as success was finally reaching her grasp and she finally graduated with a business degree and found her dream job, she finally decided to let loose a little and attend a variety of pop ups and social events. it was the year of 2016, where she ran into a table of girls. for some reason, it was the one table that pulled her in like a magnet. they talked about life and although they just met that day, it felt like they knew each other for a long time. ever since then, she decided to keep them as close friends and has never regretted the choice since.
starting off as a basic volunteer and doing very miniscule things during her freshman year of college, iseul started from the bottom. eventually, climbing her way to the top, making her a manager in a known clothing brand in korea. her workplace is a fashion brand that makes popular trending korean fashion to sell in stores. they collab with other brands and other companies sometimes for more exposure and marketing purposes. as a manager with the company, iseul talks with potential partners, helps with marketing and budgeting plans, making sure there's enough inventory/supply, and manages interns that come in for experience. her mom is finally able to rest as iseul's brother has also found a job too, in the information technology field and as a game creator. 
likes : matcha, food adventures, shopping, fashion, night lights, crime shows
dislikes : spiders, slow internet, lazy people, cucumbers, having to find parking
hobbies : watching tv shows, online shopping, teasing her brother, taking her mom out on dates, taking walks, playing first person shooting games
habits : occasionally having a "" face when she's not talking/smiling, sleeping on her side and with out curtains, drinking a cup of matcha every morning
trivia : 
  • she can drive but she rather take the public transportation as she hates struggling to find parking
  • her favorite comfort food is jajungmyun and seafood soup
  • she's more of a wine gal 
  • she's not a very athletic person and at sports - she's pretty out of shape, if you ask me
  • her bag must haves: wallet, chapstick, hand cream, hand sanitizer, supplements, travel sized perfume, pads (she hates tampons), a pen, small notebook, and a portable charger
  • her favorite color is pastel blue
  • she loves listening to kpop and edm 
  • she is an iphone user
  • she has about 6k followers on her instagram - her handle being @seulbean
  • has an extensive resume where she's worked parttime jobs since a young age
  • iseul graduated with a business degree but has a huge passion for fashion despite not being able to pursue it as she was tied down due to financial issues - and she knew a fashion degree could be a hit or miss. thus she went the business route and luckily got herself a place in a fashion company.
family : 
  • kwon junho : 55 : unknown : no news of him since he left the family in a financial crisis.
  • kim minji : 50 : was doing all jobs available but is now doing part time at a spa as a personal choice : iseul lives with her mother and they share a very close relationship with one another. iseul has always said "without her mother, she wouldn't be here today."


  • kwon injun : 27 : information technology and a game creator : injun recently moved out and lives in an apartment with a close friend for the sake of an easier commute to work. however, he visits every weekend for some homemade soup, love from the mother, and bullying love from his older sister.
friends : 
  • rihan : wedding planner : met rihan in a social event in a tent. they shared stories with each other and ever since then, they became great friends. due to their conflicting schedules, they don't often see each other but they constantly texting each other and checking up on one another. they both are supportive of each other and will go through thick and thin together. 
others : 
  • moon heejin : 22 : intern : a hardworking intern who reminds iseul of herself but a more tamed version. heejin doesn't know but she's iseul's favorite intern and iseul is trying to teach her everything she's learned throughout the years. 
  • cha gyeongja: 51 : currently an owner of newly opened spa : is iseul's mom's close childhood friend and iseul's non-blood related auntie. gyeongja gave the kwons the support when no one else did - allowing them to move to korea and helping them with their first debt payment installment. iseul's mom works with gyeongja as a parttime worker as a personal choice.
occupation : manager at well known korean fashion company 
SchEDULE : monday - friday from 9 am - 6 pm (but does overtime sometimes) & weekends off
TARGET : one day, to be able to create her own fashion line and have her name be well known to the world. maybe have models wear her clothing and catwalk with it. 
hardship : not having a fashion degree, dealing with lazy interns, budget issues, failed collaborations
Conclusion : staying in the same company but working on the side, collabing with her brother and jongin to draw out clothing for the characters in the game they're working on creating.
Tell me about your ideal type : my ideal type is someone that is willing to grow with me. someone that can call me out on when i'm making a mistake or being out of pocket and someone that can keep me grounded. patience is crucial as i can be fiery sometimes (definitely wanting to change my ways and be a better version of myself). it is also very important that there is communication and we can work on things together.
why you suddenly decide you want a lover? : at this point, i'm already almost 30 and with my mom constantly asking me when i'll be bringing a man home - i think that's a sign. would love to have her witness my wedding (rihan be my wedding planner!) and hold my grandchildren. i have everything i need but my love life has hit the train tracks - maybe it's time to start looking. 
anythinG you wish to do with him? : it can be anything as long as we are doing it together. i love adventures but i'm also down to sit at home and relax in a pillow fort. 
your view about future with him : a very happy future with him - possibly a pair of twins? if not twins, three kids. doesn't matter the gender - as long as they're healthy and happy. 
love interest : exo's kim jongin / kai 
backup love interest : exo's park chanyeol
bIRTHDAY : january 14, 1996
personality : dedicated, patient, straightforward, flirtatious, motivated, clingy
  • dedicated + motivated: jongin grew up spoiled but never took anything for granted. he always tried his best and as the younger brother of two, he looked up to his brother and wanted to be just as successful as his brother. for a while, he had no idea what his passion was but he knew he loved playing video games and watching people play video games. but with his brother's assistance, he was able to find the route he needed to take. he attended college and graduated with a computer science degree along with iseul's brother. he was not afraid to work hard despite there being tough days and was goal driven. 
  • patient + straightforward: jongin is the type that isn't afraid to speak his mind. he will call someone out if he needs to and has no problem voicing his opinion and chipping in his point of view. he is very direct and isn't the type of person to hide his feelings and what he thinks. some people would consider this rude while some people consider this as genuine. despite being straightforward, he is very patient and believes that good things come with effort and patience. he is willing to work with people, give people the benefit of the doubt and see people's point of view by listening and giving them the guidance that they need. 
  • flirtatious + clingy: jongin has never been in a relationship in his life besides holding hands with a girl when he was in first grade - does this even count as a relationship ?!? but because of his lack of experience with love related relationships, he overcompensates by being flirtatious and acting as if he's seemingly experienced, trying to protect his pride. like they all say - fake it till you make it. and he fakes it pretty naturally. being the baby of his household and having a support system all his life, he's always had clingy tendencies especially towards those he loves. he's clingy in a way where it's wholesome but can sometimes be overbearing if you receive 30 text messages from him at once. or if he's trying to hold your hand while you're trying to use the bathroom.
background : jongin grew up as the younger brother of two in a middle classed family in south korea. being the younger brother and having an older brother and parents to always support him, he was quite spoiled and given leniency his entire life. despite being spoiled, jongin had a drive to go to school and follow his dreams and goals. he was always technology savvy and ended up being in the same graduating class as iseul's brother and was hired in the same job as him. both boys shared the same ambition where they wanted to create a game together and eventually moved in with one another for the sake of being closer to their job. 
relationship : for jongin, it was sort of like love at first sight that developed even more overttime. for iseul, it was like "you're annoying, stop bothering me" to "okay, you're tolerable" to "okay, you're pretty cute." in the beginning, it was a lot of him texting/teasing/flirting and her ignoring and rolling her eyes. very occasionallly, texting back every so often. however, fondness for jongin developed overttime as he provided her assistance when she was in trouble. one time being that he provided her a helping hand when she was stuck with a flat tire. she found it easy to confide in him and reach out to for advice and reassurance. they met in the year of 2020 but it took up until almost the end of 2021 for the two to finally get close. it was very obvious with the way they looked at each other that they had something for each other. however, iseul was still working to pay off her student loans - making getting into a relationship the least of her priorities. middle of 2023 comes by and she's finally able to pay off her student loans. (if iseul is picked, you can choose who asks who to be the lover!)
interaction : iseul first met jongin during injun's (iseul's brother) graduation in the year of 2019 - it was a very brief meeting due to the amount of events that was happening that day but iseul made an impression on jongin. however, at that point - jongin wasn't close to injun yet. they only knew each other as classmates and classmates from the same graduating year. due to that reason, jongin didn't think it was appropriate to ask for details. however, he did find iseul's instagram - didn't follow but would often check up on her feed. it was like god decided to have them meet again when jongin and iseul's brother got hired for the same company and eventually moved in together as roommates.
their second meeting was in the year of 2020 when injun was moving into his new apartment and iseul was helping out her brother. jongin was introduced to her for the second time as injun's official roommate and co-worker. jongin made sure to get her number and started off teasing her and calling her old since she is two years older. the teasing would turn into flirting comments and him trying to rizz her up. in the beginning, she found him annoying and did not bother to respond to his antics and persistence. however, as she got to know him more, she eventually grew fond of him and started to talk to him. thus, creating a bond between the two. she keeps growing fond of him as he keeps her grounded and provides her with reassurance especially on days she's been burnt out. he is patient with her, listens to her, provides advice and calls her out on things she needs to work on. he's not afraid of her (like some people are) and is willing to tell her things she hasn't heard from anyone but is needed to be heard. 
  • is left handed
  • is a good dancer
  • favorite color is red
  • loves a good meal of chicken and beer
  • has one of his ears pierced and a small tattoo on the back of neck
  • is working in creating a game where the game is a first person shooting/survival game. there are a bunch of characters with different abilities. they eventually name the game: by nightfall. the goal of the game is to finish the missions provided by nightfall or else giants start coming out and they have to find a way to survive through the night. 
  • is technology savvy
  • bloodtype : A 
  • height: 180 cm
comments : haven't done an apply fic in ages this was refreshing and really made me feel nostalgic ty!
scene request(s) : none! you're the author, do at your heart's desire
suggestion(s) : none! you're doing a wonderful job
password : katy perry's unconditional, bruno mars just the way you are, ariana grande pov, little mix's between us, ed sheeran's thinking outloud
LAYOUT BY -switzerland


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