(LONG BLOG) Future story ideas monbebe's and exol's please help me!!

Ok so this is going to be a long one but please stick with me here because I need a lot of help for the sake of my sanity!

Basically, I've been hit with a crap ton of inspiration and energy for writing again and I have two plans right now in the drafts and I really need some help (maybe even a co-author to help me with deciding on roles and storylines) one is a story that I am just drafting up and another is a story for a different group that I just never got into writing because it wasn't going well.

So I'll start with my old story that I want to give to either Monsta X or EXO. It is originally a story that I was writing with Teen Top as the focus and 100% as minor characters, the title is Why Have My Chibi Dolls Come To Life?! and this is the description for the story:

I knew my life was different, I was the odd child whose parents wanted nothing of them and my older siblings hardly noticed me, I was the weird one at school though I knew I was no different to any of them.

I lived two streets away from my grandma, the only family member who actually cares for me and I have seven amazing friends at school, so life was still good to me. Though with no one sharing the big house with me I get lonely, so I naturally became attached to an item every child holds dear, stuffed toys. Any kind of stuffed toys I see, I get. So it was nothing different of me to go into a quiet toy shop looking for a new companion to share my bed with, it was also nothing strange for me to walk out holding five more than the one toy I had intended to get.

I mean the doe-eyed chibi doll just looked so cute and it would have been wrong to rip the one chibi doll out of the shop and put it in such a large and lonely house with just me, so I brought the surrounding five chibi dolls with us, so there would be plenty of company in the house.

But that didn't mean I wanted to wake up with a real boy beside me, hugging me as if it were the most natural thing. I must be insane to think my six childish dolls have come to life, how do I explain this to my friends?

So that is the description and the idea of the story but just to go into more depth, I had made the storyline that the main character has walked into a magic shop that sells dolls, not realising that this shop owner is magic and moves his shop around selling souls in these cute little chibi dolls to people that need to be helped, no matter if it is a lot or a little bit of help. So she goes in there and picks up these dolls, the shop owner gives her the creeps and she goes on her way. Over the next few days, the dolls pop up in places that she hadn't put them and follow her around until she wakes up next to one of them being a real person now. The main character goes through all of the typical denials and goes back to try and find this shop but the owner has moved on to find the next person that needs the help of his chibi dolls and now she is essentially stuck with a bunch of weird guys who are trying to explain to her they were the dolls and have now come into their human forms to help her in life's problems! It's meant to be a silly cheesy, somewhat crack infested story where no one is really as mature as people the ages of the characters normally are.

Here are some snippets of the story that I had posted:

"Oh! Welcome have a look around!" An elderly man, Yura presumed to be the owner of the shop waved, noticing the girl hesitate at the door. Yura smiled politely and continued walking in, stuffed dolls to plastic and glass chibi dolls were loitering the shop's walls and she walked through shelf upon shelf as it felt like each doll was looking at her, even the cartoon-eyed dolls.

"Faith is calling you" The old man spoke, making Yura jump in surprise at the closeness of his voice.

"That's his name?" The clueless girl asked picking up the stuffed chibi doll as she looked at the man next to her.

"Of course not" The older man snorted as he took the doll from Yura's hands, it's animated like eyes looking at him with a certain shine a stuffed toy doesn't have.

"This is Yoo Changhyun he prefers to be called Ricky" The man opened the tag that was attached to the neck of the toy with a string. Yura peeked at it as he showed her where his name was written down with some characteristics.

"He's cute, can I have him?" She asked and he gave the chibi doll to her.

"You have to treat Ricky well, he's shy and sensitive. You can't just sit him on your bed and never talk to him again he likes to keep you company so take him wherever you go" The elder man advised tapping her hands that Ricky was sitting in.


"Lee Chanhee, aka Chunji. I like to be the ear and shoulder for everyone's problems so if you have problems I will listen and gift you hugs, remember? Sir Kang gave you to us because you needed us, I and my five friends" Chunji suddenly held up the little doll of Ricky in his hand, without a thought he threw the doll behind him and Yura heard a scream.

"Aw Chanhee that really hurt! Warn me next time!" An innocent looking male crawled onto the bed and Yura's eyes widened in awe as he looked at her.

"Woah, she's prettier when your eyes aren't sewn on guys" He gasped and Yura blinked.


"You talk in your sleep" Ricky whispered, his chin still on her shoulder, letting his quiet voice float directly into Yura's ear.

"What the hell?!" Her body writhed and she stood up from the seat immediately.

"Oh, you're coming to play too? Let's go!" Niel grabbed Yura's wrist, having appeared out of nowhere and she struggled as he dragged her across the grass to the playground.

"Kids these days" Chunji chuckled, shaking his head as Ricky stood up and ran to follow Niel and Yura.

That's a couple of little scenes I had, I didn't want to overload and make this even longer, but that's pretty much the vibes of the story as it is now.

Reading back on it though I also had the idea to totally get rid of the chibi doll coming to life idea and thought that maybe the concept of a group of boys that went to an all-boys high school starting at a university together the has boys and girls. And from there it went into ideas of ok, so do they end up renting rooms in the same place as the main character, or do they start a club that the main character is interested in but she essentially ends up babysitting these supposed to be young men as they try and navigate university? I thought maybe that would be a really good way to make it a comedy/crackfic whilst keeping some of the immature and childish fun of the original story.

Because that's what I want it to be, I've spent so much of my time writing stories that are romance and angst or very typical supernatural stories and I've been trying to divert from that in previous stories whilst still sticking to the supernatural genre.

So If anyone has any ideas, advice or could talk with me about it I would really love it! Should I stick to the plot that I have now or use the story as inspiration for the idea that it's given me? And if that sounds interesting to read at all, which group do you think would look better in the story Monsta X or EXO? The story is still up if looking at it would give you any better ideas.

I would really love to put my mind to it so any offers of ideas or opinions will really help get the ball rolling!

I will make another page with the story that I still have drafted if you're willing to click the next page and give your thoughts I would be so grateful!


Should I keep this plot from the original story or change it?



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