rina's coding pet peeves

rina's coding pet peeves (or, rina
complains about ).

hello, tis i, it is the marvelous coding fairy rina and i am here today to sprinkle divs on you complain about my pet peeves in coding because i've had coffee and helped a friend with a layout and i am in the mood to fight the world today. so let's get into it. these aren't written in any particular order so no don't ask me if the floats bother me most. 


disclaimer: rina is not an amazing, outstanding coder nor does she know two things about code. she knows how to code but she couldn't tell you the first technical term about anything. she's not saying coders who do the following are bad coders, either. these are personal opinions and not concrete facts. 


#1 - no floats / minimal floats / like two floats in the entire layout. first of all, i was this person once so i have every right to be pressed about it—i used to code my layouts with like two floats in the entire thing and then everything else would be chaos. floats literally are lifesavers and make layouts less likely to break on you when you're editing / adjusting them. they also mean less hassle when coding the layout; a few floats here and there and you're saved the struggle of margins all over the place. 


#2 - disorganized layouts. i don't know why it bothers me so much when divs are written in random, ramshackle orders (i do know why but we won't get into it) but nothing makes me scream more than seeing a float randomly in the middle here, width and height seperated here, overflows and paddings disorganized. most of the time my layouts follow an order: float, width, height, background, margin/padding, overflow, border. i always put the floats first for that uniform look, and i don't know, i just get bothered by things being out of order. 


#3 - font as divs rather than paragraphs. it's just bothersome. not easy to use, depending on the coder, and i really hate being restricted to shift and enter (which is usually what happens). paragraphs are easier to edit and use. 


#4 - overly complex layouts. this is kind of the same as the point below. i tend to lean to the simpler side of aff codes because they're easier to edit and to read. layouts that are too complex i tend to avoid because a) editability in terms of my free use layouts / layouts that are exclusive to my friends and b) the readability and of course, will it bog down in my web browser because there's too much there. 


#5 - lack of editability. for those who don't know, i'm basically the go-to for coding help for some of my friends (dadriel mainly) and a lot of times it's because the layout in question was coded... where it's very difficult to edit, or it was just coded in a way that the usability is... questionable. listen, if you're a coder, i get it, we like complex things but it's nice to code layouts that are usable. a lot of my layouts are ones i would consider difficult to edit but i am in the process of making them easier to edit because of my friends like ariel who struggle with code. i think it's important to remember that not everyone is a coder and sometimes, it's good to take a step back and look at "will someone who doesn't understand how to do thisthis, and this be able to use this layout?" 


#5.5 - lack of editability because the divs aren't closed out properly. please, close your divs, people. as you open them, close them. if you're prone to forgetting like i am and you start a < d i v > you better immediately add that < / d i v > at the end so you know where you are and what you're doing. the amount of times i have wheezed over this. 


#6 - tiny font. if the font is smaller than 10 pixels then girl bye no one can read that. my eyes are already bad enough i am not going to sit here and break my eyes trying to look at your teeny tiny text. i tend to code with between 11 and 14 px font size, sometimes larger depending on what i'm using the font for and what font i'm using. if i'm doing titles or large sections the font can be anywhere between 16-60 pixels. the point is, a lot of people can't read small font.


#7 - color clash / certain colors. you know, layouts that put colors that are too dark/too light together and expect people to be able to read it. also... my eyes are sensitive to certain colors and color combinations and i get headaches from them so i'm not going to want to look at layouts with those colors—hence why paint me  doesn't feature the initial colors and pictures i was going for, and when i finally code low low it will be the same. 


#8 - too small textboxes. the ones that are either too short, too thin, or both. they're hard to type in, hard to scroll and read, and it's just overall not my thing? if you like them and can use them good for you but these are not my thing. can't use them, can't read them, not interested in them. 


#9 - improper overflows. i don't like being able to see your scrollbars. i think it's a big eyesore especially if they're not even partially hidden. layouts with messy scrolls make me cry. 


#10 - span span span span span. you don't need a lot of spans in a paragraph. you can combine them all into one or two, maybe three if need be. but, moral of the story, having one span for each thing is too much. i try to code everything into the paragraph specifically and then do a single span for a section title or et cetera.


#11 - the distressing lack of stretching layouts. i know, i know, they don't look as "impressive" but they're a lot easier to edit (again, a lot of my layout work i do with friends/users in mind) and also i just have an immense soft spot for them and will probably code more of these. 


#12 - hidden credits. maybe it's just me but when the credits are tucked into the layout somewhere it's immensely easy to accidentally delete them in editing, and that's why mine are always on top of the layout or below it. 


#13 - layouts without padding. or the margins to imitate it, if you're an rpr layout person. this one is harder to explain, but i've probably complained about this before to someone when working on a code or another. 


#14 - roleplayrepublic. coding on that site is a hassle. enough said. and i'm going to end with that because there's more i could get into but i think it's time i stop and go drink another cup of coffee and write something else for a while. 


once again, all of this was just my opinion and should not be taken as solid fact nor as an attack on anyone, because i really do respect the coders who do a lot of these things and most of them are on a far higher tier skill-wise than i am. these are just things i personally do not like.


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#5 loud distressed noises at midnight because I break things and then don’t understand how I broke them. less stressed noises when I realize it’s not my fault. MORE STRESSED WHEN CANT FIX—
a saga by Ariel
#7: UGH I CANNOT AGREE MORE, I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE USE LIKE #00FF00 HAHAHA. pro tip: the closer a colour is to the top right corner of the colour picker box thing (if you use photoshop or ai, you know what i mean HAHAH), the more it's gonna hurt your eyes. why? because naturally, the brighter and more saturated a colour is, the quicker that it tires the human eyes. bold colours are still welcome, but nudge the contrast down a little and it should look a lot better! (plus, slightly muted colours are all the rage right now)
#14: no wonder why i struggle so much editing rpr codes jbjksbfkjsbjfkd