Out of Curiosity?

Hqs anyone ever had a story, fanfic or book or wattpad,etc. Story, them up? Like not in an epiphany way like life changing, but like at how ed up the story is? Like not like how its badly written or anything like that, but like how messed (lack of a better word) up the characters are, or just how out worldly and none realistic the characters and the development of a relationship seems to be? and how it just continues on through out the story and, ESPECIALLY  if it's a fan fiction and you have these particular characters and idols in your head and you know how they actually are but then someone writes a fic and it's like a totally different character than you read about and you are just like, I know that's not them in real life (or may be it is but who knows) or how they are portrayed, but DAYUM. THE FUQ?! I mainly think this way with psychological fics and fics with a lot of , (AND A MEAN A LOT OF ), and they are like monsters and ... dudes. (Lack of a better word) that's literally happening to me right now and idk how I function in real life normally knowing there is this story out there. Like I need to know more as if it is a real life drama even tho its not! I guess a drama can be like that too.. yikes send help please. I need it. 😭😭


Hopefully I made sense. This made a lot of sense in my head.


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