THAT FEEL when you want to RP again but you're hesitant--

I'm actually not sure whethers RPs in general are dying out lately or what.

There's always so many new RPs spring up here and there but I've noticed they never last long huh.

What's even more discouraging for me is that a lot of the active RPs here now are like......K-entertainment exclusive only.

I find it even more harder than ever to be able to find a place where I can RP my current faves who are not in the K-pop industry (this is no longer my primary fandom since yeeears ago, but ye)

Like guys.....pls.......I just want to gush over my biases + bring attention to my underrated J-pop, seiyuus, Q-pop, Z-pop.......


It's always hard being the minority lel.


P.S: stan Anthos.


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Bunny_psh #1
hey icb you're still around hahaha but if you want to join somewhere, i could suggest the one I'm in rn. they accept international fcs. glad you're doing well btw
rananeerajsweet #2
if you're interested.. I know a rp where they accept international faceclaims too
This is sort of late but I get how you feel. I stopped joining roleplays more than a year ago since it's been discouraging to see that 99.9% of the roleplays only accept face claims from the Korean entertainment industry. And if they do add people from other countries, they mostly get excluded. Other than that, I disliked the toxicity they emitted during the time. I highly doubt this changed, though. I started roleplaying again but only in private with 2-3 roleplayers I've known for years.