BIRTH NAME. Baek Jieun

â–º JI

Short for her name

Since Jieun is seen mostly by Seolhyun's side she is usually called Seolhyun's friend or even shadow.

Not everyone knows who Jieun is. The higher codes look down on the lower and since she happens to hide from the attention, she ends up being like a shadow, so sometimes when someone asks who is that girl, the most common reply is "No One" or "Nobody".
Some people say that she resembles the princess Snow White and sometimes about that.
BIRTHDATE. March 15 2011
BIRTHPLACE. Seoul, South Korea

HOMETOWN. Seoul, South Korea






KOREAN (Fluent)

Native Language

ENGLISH (Semi Fluent)

She learned English first with the help of her brother and later at school. She dedicated herself to learn it more and now she is very good.



BACK UP. Kim So Hyun (actress)


Ji Eun looks similar to her faceclaim. She has dark brown hair, hazel eyes and fair porcelain skin. She has a good figure, not too slim, but also not too athletic.

HEIGHT. 165 cm

WEIGHT. 55 kg


Ji Eun is very simple. She doesn't like to be the center of atention, so when she isn't wearing her uniform (which she wears it right and tidy), she most likely wears comfortable clothing such as sweatshirts, jeans and sometimes girly clothing like dresses (but very simple ones).



Kind, Caring, Altruistic, Hardworking, Loyal, Responsible, Fair, Brave, Independent, Intuitive

Reserved, Curious, Optimistic, Protective, Intelligent, Creative, too forgiven (gives the benefit of doubt)

Quiet, Stubborn, Insecure (but keeps to herself), Prefectionist,Impatient,

INFJ-T; Gryffindor/Ravenclaw;
Jon Snow, Luna Lovegood, Michael Scofield

Jieun is quiet and reserved, she spends most of her time alone and doesn't want to be in the centre of attentions. However, even thought she doesn't have much friends, she would protect them and she would always be loyal to them, being brave, even if that put her in danger. She is incapable of seeing people get hurt and tortured, she would help them. She feels like she always need a fair cause/reason to move her.

She pays attention in class and likes to work hard, and she won't give up until she gave her best. Due to the fact that she was hurt during childhood and heard how useless she is, she is insecure and trains physically harder in order to not feel useless again. She doesn't depend on anyone and even thought she has trust issues, she believes that people deserve the benefit of doubt to prove that they are fair and good people. Jieun smiles a lot, being optimistic most of the times and she is actually a warm and funny person, however, she only shows her bright side to her friends.


Warning: Violence

Ji Eun was born in a family which was used to the reality of powers existing. Her parents worked for the government and used their powers for the greater good, or whatever they think it's the greater good.

While her parents were absent, she had the company of her older brother, but it all changed after he shown signs of having powers. Her parents were so delighted with that and how genious he was that they gave Minhyuk (Jieun's older brother) more attention than to her. They rewarded the prodigy and loved him, while Jieun was only his shadow. Minhyuk realized it and tried to change that, trying to take care of his little sister.

When Jieun grew up, at the same age that Minhyuk  first shown signs of having powers, her father asked her if she had any powers already, which she said no, for his disgust. As time passed by, he didn't believe that his daughter, someone who shared his own blood could be so useless and ruin the name of his family, and therefore he decided to make the powers "waking up" sonner, by forcing them. He hit her, used his electric power against her, made Jieun's mother try to control her mind, to see if could fight back. No use. He got so angry by having such an useless daughter that he locked her in a dark room and said that she should be punished and should quickly learn how to use her powers.

Some time has passed and everything was still the same, Jieun had to practice everyday, and once a month her father would test her, if she failed she would be locked in a dark room for punishment. Minhyuk was always by her side, protecting his sister, that's when their father hit Minhyuk for making his sister weak. Not too long after, Minhyuk started his first year in Ledritch Academy, as a ruby coded student, making their parents proud. Now that she didn't have her brother anymore, she just wanted everything to stop, once for all.

One day, when she was 13 years old, her parents failed some mission and they went to see if she had any improvements, they tried to use their powers against her ans she closed her eyes. After she opened them up, she didn't feel hurt at all, but her parents didn't notice it, since she didn't attack them, she felt that something was off, was she used to pain to the extend of not feeling anything?

After a while she realized that no powers had effect on her anymore, she was surprised, was she immune? Then, when the day of her monthly test came, she let her father use his power on her, and she simply walked to him with a blank expression and grabbed his hand, for the first time he wasn't angry, but he wasn't happy either, he just said "You're not that useless after all".

Some months later she joined Ledrith Academy and for the first time in her life she felt she could finally breathe. She made a vow to herself, she would prove that her parents were wrong.

Soon Ledrith Academy became like a home to her.



Jieun is very smart and works very hard, she usually gets in the top 10 in her grade, more likely around the top 5. She always arrives early to class, not because she wants to be the first to get there, not at all, the real reason is that she wakes up early every day and does some physical warm ups (a small run or push ups), after the exercice she would get ready for classes. In the classes, she doesn't like to stand out, instead she keeps a low profile by being attentive and taking notes, and if she has questions she would study later or ask them after class.

In her free times, she likes to study, read, be by herself and her lovely pet, be with her few friends or train (exercice and practice her abilities). In school she is seen as a lone wolf with a lowkey profile, not everyone knows who she is or what her abilities are. She never got involved in dueling and she isn't interested in that, but if any of her friends asks her for help and to participate with them she wouldn't hesitate and woul join them.

Her favourite subjects are Ability Studies, Ability Application, Physical Education and Music.



Her dorm is quite simple and reflects her personality. She has the bed where she sleeps, a desk where she studies and besides the bed she has several bookshelves where she has her books for studying. She has a wardrobe with her clothes. She initially had a small bed, next to her,for her little pet, but eventually she let it sleep next to her. On the floor she also has a mat where she exercises. Her room also has a window in which she gazes at the stars during the night.

Seolhyun is her dormmate.



â–º Jieun likes to read for fun and also likes music.

â–º She likes animals.

â–º She likes to train and do physical exercice, not only because it helps her feel less useless, but because it helps her clear up her mind.

â–º She likes tea, coffee, ice cream and cheesecake.

â–º She loves to watch the stars and learn more about them. She finds herself gazing at the sky and wonder about the universe for a long time. She gets curious and felt fascinating to learn that the stars that she sees at night are actually the star's light that travelled for millions of years. She likes to appreciate it even if she believes that people don't care about "useless facts".

â–º She loves the sea, watching waves and the sea makes her feel calm.

â–º Her favourite colours are blue, black and purple.

â–º Her favourite season is winter.

â–º She likes organized things, and freaks out if things get desorganized. She also likes to plan things in advance and gets stressed out if they don't go as she plans.

â–º She likes to play with her dog and sleep with him, it makes her happy and calms her down.

â–º She loves sweets.

â–º She likes to see flowers and loves plushies, but never received ou bought any of them.


â–º What she despises more than anything are Bullies, Liars, Cheaters and Bad People.

â–º Jieun hates to be compared to others.

► Jieun dislikes the hierarchy of the codes. She thinks everyone is good on their own way and shouldn't be considered better based only on how dangerous their powers are.

â–º She hates drama and rumours, she thinks that people who do that probably don't have nothing to do, are bad people or are insecure people with problems.


â–º Whenever she is thinking she plays with her hair.

â–º When she is nervous, she bites her lower lip.

â–º Whenever she needs to relax she likes to lay down and watch the sky during the day or the stars at night.

â–º She has the habit of hugging her dog when she feels sad.


â–º Her biggest fear is the dark, since she was locked each time she as a form of punishment, she starts crying by herself and trembles a lot.

â–º She is afraid of Death.

â–º She fears to be left behind and abandonned.


â–º She learned Artial Marts.

â–º Even if she doesn't realize, she sings well (especially during shower).

â–º She doesn't care if she can't see or speak her family. The only person she cares about in her family is her brother.

â–º Jieun hopes to one day prove to her parents that they were wrong about her.

â–º She never dueled before.

â–º She never told anyone about her family.

â–º Her brother Minhyuk was famous in the duel club.

â–º She likes to play games (she learned about its existence with Seolhyun).

â–º Jieun doesn't understand why, but she can understand and connect with people easily, but still she distances herself from getting to know people in order not to get hurt.

â–º Since she never received love or affection in her family (the closer she received was from her brother), she doesn't understand love or why it makes people behave in a strange way.

â–º Althought Seolhyun can't read her friend's thoughts, she understands when Jieun is acting strange because Jieun's face is very expressive. Seolhyun probably knows secretly about Jieun's crush.



â–º Father | Baek Seojoon (44) | 2/10
FC: Jung Ji Hoon (Rain)

Jieun's father has the ability of controling electricity. He works for the government and is very strict. They don't have a good relation, since he avoids Jieun and always saw her as a useless kid. After Jieun entered Ledrith, he was upset and disappointed that she was in such a low code compairing to Jieun's brother, and stopped caring about Jieun's improvements. He sees her as a failure.

â–º Mother | Baek Hyemi (42) | 3/10
FC: Kim Tae Hee

Jieun's mother has the ability to control people's mind (access to memories, change them or make them see illusions/manipulate them). She works for the government. Although she didn't agree with Jieun's father methods to make their daughter show her powers, she never did nothing against it. She always compared Jieun with her brother and never was proud of any achievements that Jieun did, but she hopes her daughter gets stronger and a better user so she can become useful.

â–º Old Brother | Baek Minhyuk (22) | 9/10
FC: Im Changkyun (Monsta X's I.M)

Minhyuk is 5 years older than Jieun. He has the ability of control ice. Minhyuk always treasured his little sister and took care of her. He is proud to have such a special sibling and unlike their parents he never once felt that his sister was useless. He wants her to be happy and will do anything to help her improve her life. During his times in Ledritch, he was a popular student, not so intelligent like Jieun, but he got along with everyone and after he learned that the lower  codes were downlooked, he started to get worried about his sister.


â–º Pet | Max, 4 (?) | 10/10
FC: Dog

Jieun found a stray puppy who was left to die in the streets. She rescued the puppy and took it to her house, since her parents or were never home or didn't care about her existence, she managed to keep it and take care of it. When the time came to attend Ledritch Academy, she couldn't leave it behind and brought him with her to the school. Max became like her best friend, and her life wouldn't be the same without him.

► Close Friend/ Best Friend and Dormmate | Wang Seolhyun (18) | 9/10
FC: Seo Soojin

Seolhyun is probably one of the few friends that Jieun managed to make in the school. She is Jieun's first friend and the closest to her. The first time she met Seolhyun, Jieun had just arrived to the doorm and greeted her. Upon seeing the Seolhyun's green code, she asked what her ability was. Jieun sighed and said that she must be tired of having to deal with everyone's business, but she would be safe with her and extended her hand for a handshake. Soelhyun was confused, but after taking Jieun's hand, she realized that she couldn't read Jieun's thoughts and looked confused at her, which only made Jieun smile and say "you can relax now". After that they became friends. Jieun says that Seolhyun is too lazy and should try to live a little and worries a lot about her. Whenever Seolhyun is arguing with Huicheol, Jieun sighs and says that the both of them have the same personality and if they really wanted they could be great friends.

► Friend | Miyuki Rantaro | 8/10
FC: Takata Mashiho

Jieun met him when he started following Seolhyun around saying that they would be friends because he saw that happen. She chuckled thinking that it was cute and she teased Seolhyun about that, but she wasn't so happy. One day he saw Jieun and got curious about why he couldn't see Jieun with his powers. He felt that she somehow would be there, but he wasn't able to see her, at least not near her. She explained to him. After Seolhyun gave up and let him be friends with her he told Jieun that he also wanted to be friend with her, which made her very happy.

► Friend | Lee Mina | 8/10
FC: Jang Wonyoung

Jieun one day found Mina being outcasted and bullied by a couple of people and she interfered to protect her. After asking if the girl was fine, she left. After a couple of time she saw Mina around Seolhyun, as they had become friends and Mina as soon as she saw Jieun ran to her and thanked her a lot. Seolhyun laughed at Jieun's confused and "what should I do?" face, but soon Jieun relaxed. Mina introduced herself and said that she wanted to become friends with both of them. Jieun agreed, so they soon became friends. After Jieun learned that Mina was from the same code as she, she offered to help her in anything she needed and with her powers.

â–º Schoolmate | Chae Huicheol (17) | 5-6/10
FC: Park Jihoon

Jieun always was a bit curious about Huicheol. He despises her with no apparent reason, which she believes there could be one of two possibilities: 1 - She is Seolhyun's friend, or 2 - She is in a low code, either way, it didn't bother her. Each time she saw him arguing with Seolhyun, she chuckled thinking that the two of them were very similar. However, she didn't like the way he treated people, the overall confidence he had and how he looked down on people. She couldn't help but to wonder why would he be like that, he didn't seem like a bad person, which means that there were two possibilities: 1 - he was misunderstood and created a character, or 2 - he had a past. The only times she approached him were when they had classes together, when he fought Seolhyun or when he yelled at people and made them cry (which she interfeered and made a point). She never dueled with him, neither had interest because she believes to be weak, and she believes that he doesn't know what power she has, but if she ever feels the need to stop him (for example in order to help Seolhyun) or help him realize that he's been doing wrong, she won't hesitate. Jieun sometime wonders if they could eventually become good friends.


â–º Byun Hyori |
Head of yellow code | 6.5/10

Although many people dislike Hyori, Jieun actually likes her. Hyori is her conselour and mentor, and is very direct and effective. Maybe her rude side scares people away, but Jieun understands her and never pushes her or disrespects her, she believes that Hyori must be a reason to be like this.

â–º Hak Sangdong | 8/10

Sangdong is probably the teacher that knows more about Jieun. He caught her training and working hard, several times. After a while he started helping her by understand why she needed to practice so hard. His funny personality makes her feel lighter and brightens her mood a bit. She feels a high admiration for him and even sometimes she wonders to herself if she has a crush on him, but she never really understood well what it means to like someone. Whenever she is with him, she smiles a lot, laughs and even blushes a bit, being able to be herself near him. She uses her free time not only to train her physical condition and combat skills, but also in order to spend more time with him. Jieun asked Seolhyun how she know if she liked someone but Seolhyun thought that Jieun was thinking about someone else and Jieun never had the courage to ask Seolhyun if Sangdong thinks about her.


â–º Not that she knows about


â–º "Miracle is just another word for har work"

â–º "I'm your friend, I'll always be here for you"

â–º "Everyone deserves a second chance"

â–º "If you hurt that person again, you will regret it"

â–º "We all should do what it's right if it's in our reach, right?"

â–º "I'm not useless"

â–º "I understand"

â–º "You mess with my friends, you mess with me"


ABILITY. Nullification

BACKUP. Force Fields



Jieun's power falls into two categories, power immunity and power negation. Overall, she has the ability to cancel the power of someone else.

She has average control over her power upon using it in others (under an area or by touching someone), but she doesn't have control of her power on herself (it's always "on"). Her emotions have effect on her power.

Example of users with this power: Touma (To Aru Majutsu no Index), Bella (Twilight), Shota Aizawa (Boku No Hero Academia) and René/The Haitian (Heroes)

STRENGTHS. At the beginning, if a power touched a part of her body, or was under the area she was, the power wouldn't have any effect on her. Upon training she managed to increase the area that could be unaffected with the power (by focusing and opening her arms, in order to enlarge the area, and by focusing to "shield" someone from the power and therefore the cancelation of a power is focused on the person, in order to protect them).

She doesn't know if she is able to grow and do more with her powers but she will work hard in order to become stronger and protect her friends, and maybe, who knows, learn to weaken or disable temporally the opponent's power.

WEAKNESSES/LIMITATIONS. Jieun's power has several weaknesses and limitations. She can only cancel the power, which means she is vulnerable to physical contact. If she wants to protect an area, or a person she must not loose focus. The longer she is focused and the larger the area, more energy is required/consumed. Her power is always acting on herself, uncountrollable, even uncousciously, which means that other powers that might help her (for example: healing) won't have an effect.

Therefore she must gain control over her power and manage to control her emotions (when trying to focus), in order to learn how she can activate and disactive her power, instead of being always activated.


Jieun is a stable person, however, she feels a lot of pressure in trying to be stronger and not be useless. She used to have panic attacks due to anxiety but she seems to be getting better, but whenever she feels like her world is collapsing, she hides in her room or in the bedroom and manages her emotions alone. No one knows about this.

Her physical condition is good, she is always working out and trainning a lot, since she wants to be able to protect herself and her friends if she ever needs to use her powers. She is good at fighting, she learned how to kick, punch, defend herself and has been learning martial arts in case she needs to protect herself and her friends.

Also, by exercising she is able to clear up her mind and not think about the problems, it calms her down.


[Jieun], after waiting for at least half an hour in a long line of students, was finally being ushered past large, ornate doors, into a spacious room. There are navy colored, golden trimmed curtains framing massively huge windows that overlook one of Ledrith's impressive gardens. 

While the room is bright with natural light, a certain unnatural glow is evident. As the large doors slam shut behind [Jieun], they quickly find themselves face to face with a masked figure seated at a mahogany desk. For some reason, [Jieun] feels as if they know this person, but they can't tell for sure.

The masked figure, twirling a pen in their right hand with a small stack of papers in front of them, motions for [Jieun] to take a seat.

As the two sit down, Jieun finds odd that a masked man wants to interview her, and wonders why he must hide he's identity, maybe there's something wrong going on.  

Seemingly amused, the masked figure clears their throat.

"Shall we begin?"

[Jieun] still isn't quite sure why Ledrith is holding student interviews in the first place. However, seeing as there is no choice anyways, [Jieun] nods.

[ Please introduce yourself. Your age, your likes, your dislikes. Something random? Nevertheless, be as long, or as short as you'd like. ]

â–º "Hello, I'm Baek Jieun. I'm in the 4th grade and I'm 17, but I'll be 18 soon". Jieun looks at the masked man confused about why he wants to know her likes and dislikes. "I like my friends and my dog".

[ What is your personal opinion about Ledrith? Good, bad... Maybe you don't care at all and just want this interview to end. I won't judge you. ]

â–º Jieun once again looks at the man and stays silent for a bit to understand what he wants to know "Ledrith is my home". She shruggs her shoulders and smiles "There are great people here and not so great people".

[ How are your classes, your teachers, your friends, or your classmates? How do you feel about them? ]

â–º Jieun smiles to the man as a response "It wouldn't be the same without my teachers and my friends". Jieun crosses her legs and tries to study the masked man's reaction to her response, but she remarks "However, I believe some people still need to change".

[ What do you wish to accomplish or do during your time at Ledrith? Anything in particular? Or is it just to survive the rest of your 'high school' career, despite it's... unorthodoxy. ]

â–º "Accomplish?" Jieun stops for a moment to think and shakes her head "I never though about that, I just want to improve myself and feel useful somehow".

[ What do you want to accomplish or do after you graduate from Ledrith? There are many options you can take. ]

â–º Jieun sighs to the masked man"I don't know, I still have time to figure it out".

[ Do you mind describing your ability to me? In your own words, not just what's written here in your profile. ]

â–º "My ability?" Jieun blinks at the man confused, doesn't he have that information in her profile? "Well... I cancel powers? Powers don't have effect on me?" She isn't quite sure how to describe it herself "Sir, I believe it would be easier if you read my profile".

[ Be as honest or dishonest with me here. How much do you want to be here, at Ledrith. I assume that either way, you understand why you're here. ]

â–º "As I said, Ledrith is my home" She replied and then looked at the man confused "I don't get your question sir. I'm here at the academy because I have an ability, but I'm not quite sure why I'm in this interview, did something happen?"

[ Now that should be all. Unless you have anything else you'd like to add, you may leave. ]

â–º After realizing that the man wouldn't reply to her question, Jieun sighed and shook her head, before bowing politely to him "Thank you Sir, have a nice day" She bid her goodbye and left the room, still trying to understand what was going on.




FACE CLAIM. Bae Jinyoung (Backup FC: Heo Hyunjun) 

BACKUP. Matchmake

APPEARANCE. Youngjae has some charms, he does have a fit body and a charming face. His not so tanned, not so white skin, matches his black hair and his cat-like eyes. Although he doesn't show his smile that often and may look gloomy, he does have a charming smile which compliments his overall looks. He is usually seen with his almost all ed uniform and with a black piece of clothing. Overall Youngjae is good looking and he easily catches the attention of the female students.


Negative: stoic, intimidating, unrestrained, nihilistic, gloomy, manipulative, moody, easily stressed, breakable, slouchy

Neutral: nonchalant, reserves, blunt, influential, bearable, bold

Positive: hardworking, determined, warm, pleasant, confident, faithful, loyal, dedicated, gallant





Metting him: Jieun had seen Youngjae whenever Seolhyun and Huicheol started arguing. Just like she was standing there, beside Seolhyun, waiting for the hot-headed idiots to stop arguing, she noticed that Youngjae would do the same, besides Huicheol. At the beginning she only knew that he was Huicheol's friend, but after a while she was able to learn his name. One day, while Seolhyun and Huicheol started arguing again, Jieun sighed, tired of that situation, and approached Youngjae "This will take a while. Do you want to take a walk? They will come after us". Youngjae rolled his eyes but decided to follow her. She rarely had classes with Youngjae and Huicheol, so she at first didn't meet them much, except when Seolhyun and Huicheol crossed paths. Furthermore, Jieun used her free times to study or even train both her abilities and combat skills, so she basically didn't have much contact with people except her friends.

Geeting to know him: If she wants to be alone, she often goes to her spot, the garden in the school. Sometimes Jieun would also see Youngjae there, but their interactions were pretty small, they were barely acquaintances. After a while, she noticed that Youngjae started to sit not too far from her and she started to find it weird, however, one day she heard a couple of students speaking about the terrible side effects Youngjae had to suffer after using his powers and she realized that maybe he wouldn't feel pain if he was near her, so she acted as if she knew nothing. They started talking a bit more casually and Youngjae would sit next to her now, probably realizing that she already figured out why he would be around her. Whenever he fell asleep near her, she would put a hand over his head, hoping that it would ease his pain and let him relax. As time went by, they started getting to know each other better and becoming friends, feeling at ease and opening up to one another, with Jieun sometimes acting playfully towards him, as she got closer and comfortable with him. Ledrith students started to notice their interactions and the higher codes weren't so happy about their friendship. That's when the bullying started.

A tough friendship:

Some red code students started bullying her, not only harming her physically (like pushing her to the ground or even spilling water on her and on her books), but also mentally, by stating that the was a burden to Youngjae and that he was only nice to Jieun because he pitied her, "How makes you think that a mere yellow code like you, could be friends with him?". Jieun endured it, never letting them see her as weak, but that statement hurt her, because after all, she was weak. One day, Youngjae witnessed Jieun being thrown to the ground and used his power in one of the students approaching Jieun afterwards, to check on her. As his power faded the moment he helped her getting up, the students disappeared. He wondered why they were acting like that (barely did he knew that it was going on for a few weeks) and asked Jieun what happened, but of course, Jieun being Jieun brushed it off offering a smile and went to her classes, as if it was nothing. However, that moment she decided that she wouldn't be a burden to him any longer and made the decision of distancing herself from Youngjae. She used a lot of time to study, but most of her time she trained hard her combat skills with teacher Sangdong, who always managed to make her day brighter, but that time she wanted to train more than never, she felt useless and that feeling was killing her. Jieun always prefered to hide her emotions and endure them, rather than facing them, so she would train harder to become stronger and clear up her mind. Seeing her friend suffering, Seolhyun marched into Huicheol and Youngjae and demanded answers, and apparently for the first time, Seolhyun and Huicheol didn't fight, instead they were waiting for an answer from Youngjae, who was also clueless about Jieun's behaviour.

As Jieun returned to her room she played with her dog in order to relief some of her stress, but she found that the dorm was strangely quiet. Then, she decided to go to her favourite spot, the garden and through the way there she saw Huicheol and Seolhyun, but she didn't see Youngjae, what was weird. As soon as she arrived there, she heard a scream and found Youngjae in the graden, kneeling down in suffering and holding his head, Jieun's heart just tightened at the sight of him suffering. She instictively walked towards him, placed a hand on his head, hoping to quiet down the voices, and called him. Soon, she felt Youngjae lifting his head with sad eyes and that image broke her heart, blaming herself for everything. She was caught off guard when he rest his face in her chest, but soon she relaxed and embraced him, as if protecting him from the world. Although she was relaxing, her mind was tricking her by saying that everything was her fault. The moment he lifted his face to meet her, she placed a hand on his face, not only worried but also afraid, she didn't understand why she was feeling afraid, but at that moment what she seemed to be most afraid of was loosing him. Jieun started feeling her eyes itchy and her lips trembling, while facing him and she wasn't quite sure when she actually started crying, that would probably be the first time she let anyone see her that weak, but she didn't mind it, and that was bothering her 'why didn't she mind?'. "I-I'm sorry, it's all my fault" she was barely able to speak, as she felt her voice trapped on "I know I'm weak and a burden to you, and I know you would be better without me, that I only slow you down and that you're just being nice to me, but... You're hurt and I can't avoid it... You're a precious friend to me". At this point, she felt like she lost her voice and only sobs came from why she kept asking herself 'why am I crying?'. She couldn't avoid his gaze as she needed to feel the connectio that only the two of them had, but she never dared to verbally say anything about that, and she needed to know that he didn't hate her after all of this. The moment Youngjae sighed and pushed her into his embrace, Jieun felt like the walls she always had around her just fell. She hugged him, holding Youngjae tight as if asking for him not to leave her, she didn't understand why her body realxed so much and why she was showing her vulnerable side to him that she always kept to herself. The sound of his heart calmed her down and she pulled away to meet his eyes, while he spoke and tried to cheer her up, making her remember the last time they practiced together making sher chuckle and she gave him a smile. Upon hearing his words she couldn't help but feel relieved, relieved that she wasn't a burden to him and that he cared for her, so it wasn't just her, they were in this together. The moment Youngjae said "I need you Jieun", her heart skipped a beat and she hoped that her blushed face was covered by the reddish of her crying face and she also hoped that he didn't notice it, but even if she didn't admit it, his words made her really happy. And her happiness only increased as he said that she was a dear friend to him too. She met his eyes and said "I need you too Jae, it was really hard for me to try distancing from you" A blushed Jieun cursed her mind for replying without thinking about what she had just said. She met his gaze and chuckled, caressing his face "seriously, I missed being around you, teasing you and training with you, who else would give you a hard time?" She stuck her tongue out playfully and then looked back at him, serious "I'm sorry for the way I behaved. It's just I heard that I was only making your life hard, I know that usually I don't believe in rumours or what people say to me but..." She bit her lower lip and met his his eyes "I was scared that you would be hurt because of me, I really want you to be happy Jae, even if it means that I must let you go". Jieun looked down, playing with her fingers and sighed hoping that Youngjae wouldn't be mad at her. But then she heard him say "Then you shouldn't have". After hearing Youngjae and seeing his childish side, Jieun tried to hide a smile, she always founf it cute when he acted more childish, since it was a huge contrast to his serious and gloomy personality, and she couldn't help but to find him cute. And she laughed along with him when he reminded that he had the displeasure of not going through her kicks and death locks. She didn't realize until now how much she missed every single setail about him. The next moment just changed her. "Look Ji, how about we make a promise? A promise to not let other people's words and jugments hinder our fiendship and if there's anything bothering us, we'll talk to each other and figure it out together instead of pushing each other away. Hm?" Upon hearinf his suggestion, her mood just lifted and Jieun smiled warmly to him, as if he had just five a candy to a child. When he held his pinky finger towards them, she looked at him eye smiling, before linking their fingers "It's a promise Jae".

The next years:

Jieun felt that after they got through all that, somehow they've become closer and she is glad, because she couldn't imagine her days without having Youngjae around her, probably the only person she was willing to let him see her through her shell. The rumours kept running wild but this time neither of them cared, they had each other and that was all that mattered, but once again, a red code and a yellow code was something that couldn't be silenced, they were one of the few students to break the boundaries of the codes in the academy.

Seolhyun would tease Jieun by looking at the both of them and ask if it's official even if they claimed to be "only friends" even though their actions would say otherwise. Seolhyun would look and Youngjae and grin before teasing Jieun again, then whenever the two girls were alone, she would tell her that she didn't need to read Jieun's mind to know that Jieun had feelings for him. Mina, on the other hand would innocently ask how it was like kissing Youngjae (since she heard people saying that people saw them hugging and that possibly they were dating in secret), Jieun would blush not understanding why people would think about that and Seolhyun would loose it and laugh to her hearts content. However, whenever Jieun would see Huicheol, she would politely greet him, while Huicheol would simply say "Youngjae isn't here" and that would make Jieun confused.

Interactions: Jieun and Youngjae claim to be just friends, but they can act more closer as they spend a lot of time together. They train both abilities and combat skills and also rest a lot in the garden. They have deep conversations, but they also become very friendly towards each other and act playfully. They sometimes do a lot of skinship, as Jieun his hair when he is laying down, or they touch each other to calm the other down. After Jieun's bullying, she would change how she would behave regarding the bullies and whenever they would be near her she would simply ask "Are you done?" and if they tried to hurt her (since they couldn't use their powers on her), she would grab their hands and squeez it until they gave up and leave (Youngjae would see that and smirk, proud of her, but she would tell him not to act like that). Whenever she gets excited with something and wants to train with him or take him somewhere, she would hold his hand and only become embarassed after understanding what she did. She would even gets jealous, even if she doesn't admit it, whenever she sees Youngjae with other girls and that the doesn't push them away. Jieun gets a lot protective towards Youngjae and promises to always be there for him and make him happy, she will do everything she can to protect him if she needs, even if that may put her in danger. She can't help but smile when she is thinking about him and lately she has been thinking about him a lot, even if she doesn't admit it.   

Ending: We will leave it up to you, whether they put a label on them and realize their feelings or if it's better to keep it as only friends. But it would be nice to see them breaking the hierarchy and grow together as a couple.


Here are some gifs of this shy lovely child. Please love her 💜



â–º None :)


I had a lot of fun creating this character. I hope she is a versatile character to play with :) If you have any question about her, feel free to ask! I linked two songs on the password, they aren't the best songs for the character but the face claim enters and may give some inspiration :) Any song of day6 could be good for her, but maybe colors is the best for her.

Thank you so much for making such an interesting story, I'm looking forward to it!


â–º Hm.. Maybe making her duel for the first time? Maybe with Seolhyun and their friends and fight Huicheol?

â–º Maybe people figuring out her power and that she is Minhyuk's sister and get compared to him?

â–º Maybe Jieun getting trapped in a dark room and she has a panic attack and someone finds her and finds out about her secret?

â–º Hm.. Maybe she could be filled with emotions and due to that she inactivates her powers and has to figure it out how to active them again? (Or maybe she got an accident and her powers were turned off?)

â–º It would be nice to see her grow as a person and become more confident :)

PASSWORD. Cheesecake and Sweets

SUSAN15  -  CAROL  -  7.5

dolce layouts | by skye



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