☁  FLY HIGH  ⋯ 최예슬 , collabs?


full name  choi 예슬 yeseul
other names 
SEUL, YEYE, SEUL-IE a series of monickers taken from her name used by her friends.
GOLD FISH she has the same attention span of a goldfish. used by her best friend, jiho, most of the time but there are some instances people close to them has picked up this nickname as well.
BRAT, MISS BUSAN, DEVIL'S CHILD nicknames coined solely by yongmi and some employees of bewitched whenever she visits the cafe. brat  is self-explanatory. miss busan is due to yeseul's behavior acting like beauty queen - all smiles and charming everyone, as pointed out by one of the employees that yeseul can win the pageant title as miss busan. devil's child are the employee's favorite nickname for her that they use behind her back.  the employees are aware of her family background with yeseul's dad being the devil they're referring to. 
SUNFLOWER jinhyuk's endearment for her.
OCCUPATION university student
DATE OF BIRTH 3rd of august, 2000 (20)
birthplace jeju-do, south korea
hometown busan, south korea
ethnicity korean
nationality korean
languages spoken 
FLUENT KOREAN self-explanatory
FACE CLAIM 드림노트 youi 
         프로미스 seoyeon, 이달의 소녀 gowon
appearance standing 163 centimeters and weighs 45 kilograms, yeseul was blessed with a doll-like visuals, yet she still worries about her appearance or how she looks during a not-so-bad hair day. her natural black hair is always bleached and months ago, she dyed her hair purple that's currently slowly fading into lilac. she always puts on a light makeup but never forgets to add a winged-eyeliner to her everyday look. yeseul currently has 8 piercings (2 lobes, 2 orbitals, 2 flats & 2 helix).
STYLE "why are you dressed like that? you're just going to the library, not a fashion show" "does it matter? you'll never know who you'll run into" think like: jennie's fits or cher from clueless. a mixture of casual or over the top, depending on her mood, but mostly seen wearing skirts and cardigan crop tops, a designer bag and some chunky white shoes or heels. the type to have a 10 minute breakdown when she can't find anything to wear.


choi yeseul, daughter of the legendary black-rated witch hunter from blackend, entitled drama queen and has an attention span of a goldfish. she's an ESFP , enneagram's TYPE 7, temperament's SANGUINE and her sun's in leo  — so it's no wonder she loves being the center of attention lol.

wait where did you get the picture? i look so good with purple hair <333 i need the hd pic, thanks anon!

TAGS: #it's hard being me #why did anon use comic sans


POS. charming, outgoing, loyal, good-natured

her charming nature and impressive way of communicating with people makes her extremely difficult to resist, able to achieve anything she wants. queen of the social scene, yeseul is a popular good-natured sweetheart who loves to have fun and being around people. despite her status of being on top the social hierarchy, she's warmly interested in others and not entirely worried if she's befriending a witch or not, it doesn't matter to her as long as they can keep up with her energy. she's voted most likely to have thousands of contacts on her phone. yeseul works so hard socially, never runs out of topic to talk about. she's the belle of the ball, the queen bee and the squad hero but her demands for praise and all-around admiration can get a bit exhausting. 

she enjoys bringing others together, giving makeovers, taking control, putting a smile to everyone's faces and bringing out the best in people. yeseul has a strong desire to be liked or loved by everyone, and for everything to be pleasant by supporting other people continously. known to be protective and loyal of her friends, she does the extremes for them from standing up for them to buying them expensive gifts.  her over the top caring nature gives her a hard time seeing or accepting a difficult truth about someone she cares about. 




imagine how tired we are

TAGS: #brainless beauty #queen bee #choi yeseul must be a witch because she's a . ha get that? i'm funny #sick of seeing her face everywhere


NEG. airhead, sensitive, stubborn, vain

depicted as someone who's head is always in the clouds and superficial in moments, it's a big question to everyone why she's in the university and why she's expected to join the notorious blackend. often caught up lost in her thoughts, staring into nothingness or often says the dumbest things, yeseul sometimes fails her classes but her father, not wanting their family name getting tainted, pays the university a big amount of money to let her pass. her helpful nature sometimes leads her to making bad decisions, not thinking of the outcome. 

yeseul likes receiving compliments but hates receiving insults and criticism, her sensitivity leads her into breaking down and crying. her emotions are fragile, which leads up to another confusion to how she came from a family full of strong-willed witch hunters. people say her beauty and kind nature makes up for her stupidity. well, yeseul's not that dumb but people like to put her character under the dumb trait. sure, she fails some of classes but she also strives in a few. she believes it's not her fault her mind easily drifts away to the classes she fails in.

among under things, looking good is her priority, proving to the rumor that she's always seen carrying around a mirror or checking her reflection to any mirror she passes by. she hates conflicts and being raised spoiled with getting anything she wants, she tries to solve it quickly with money, or basically, she believes in her own saying "money can solve anything". her arrogance and self-confidence can be annoying at times. some people find her a walking headache or a queen of disaster, it's up to you how you pick your poison. 

IN A NUTSHELL. maybe it's the excessive caffeine intake to answer the question why yeseul's full of energy 25/8. her presence can literally 'light up' a room — until she opens . she either says something dumb or involves solving a problem through money. she lives in her own bubble of sunflowers and rainbows, unaware of her own spoiled privilege, yet too innocent and ditzy. she belives human and witches can co-exist one day and wishes she can buy her way out of her family's legacy of witch hunting.

SYNONYMS. the type to pay for everyone's drinks, drama queen, sending random love messages and soft memes, shows you off 24/7 and wants to be shown off, heart of gold, big heart!! short temper!!!, superiority complex

or: a mixture of cher from clueless, karen from mean girls and joey from friends 

BACKGROUND. generations after generations, the chois are known in both witch and witch hunting community as successful and independent witch hunters with gruesome techniques on catching a witch. in 2001, the very year blackend was established and yeseul turning a year old, yeseul's parents, were the first few hunters who got in the witch hunting organisation. yeseul's father was heavily involved in blackend's success through the years, implying the teachings he learned from his late father.

because of yeseul's parents impressive techniques and success rate, both earned a great amount of money. yeseul's mother, jihye, used her earnings to start a business involving selling of weapons especially made for witch hunting. in 2005, choi's chest, a shop for witch hunting weaponry became famous nationwide, skyrocketing it's sales and continous big amount of cash going to the choi's bank account, explaining the choi's wealth and until this current day, choi's chest is known around south korea for having the best products. 

even before the wealth, yeseul has always been spoiled and babied for being the youngest. yeseul watches her older brother, sehan, get trained at a young age in witch hunting by her father. yeseul was also involved in both her parents' lessons in witch hunting but yeseul knows, at the age of eight, that she didn't want to be any part of it, saying it's too scary and violent. yeseul's parents believed once she reached the age of maturity, she'll willingly participate in witch hunting wholeheartedly. she was still coddled by her parents, thinking if they give her anything she wants, she'll eventually give in and pay gratitude by continuing their legacy. yeseul was fed by her family's words that witches doesn't deserve to exist as they use their magic for evil. at one point, yeseul believed them, not wanting any harm in the world but then she heard a lot of stories from the kids in her school how witches are only nice people that were framed to be bad because humans are jealous of their "cool powers".

at the age of nine, yeseul's mother was terminally ill. they spend a huge amount of money for her therapy as she begins to weaken while the young yeseul tries her best to stay by her mother's side at all times, cheering her up and tries her best in school as well. her parents gave her the best tutors in town, after seeing how yeseul wasn't the brightest and everyone knows, to be a black-rated witch hunter, they have to be smart enough and mentally strong. they just want yeseul to be qualified, like her brother, sehan. 

at the age of fourteen, yeseul's mother passes away with her dying wish was for yeseul to follow their footsteps, be like sehan who chose his destiny wholeheartedly on becoming a witch hunter. and that's what yeseul did, as much to her despair, she chooses to take up witch courses while followiing his family's footsteps with a heavy heart. guilt eats her up every time she wants to swerve path, leave her family and hide somewhere in the woods.

yeseul always admired how strong and smart her mother was, and she's someone yeseul wants to be when she grows up. though, both share a different opinion on witches. while yeseul's mother thinks ill of the witches, yeseul's opinions on witches remains to be positive, hoping they're just framed to be on the wrong side and they're generally good people with cool abilities.


LIFESTYLE. born and raised with a golden spoon in , yeseul was used to a lavish lifestyle, always getting whatever she wants, though her house can be lonely with his father and brother gone all the time, her maltipoo dog and housekeeper being her only companion in the house. she spends her time shopping, hanging out with her best friend, going to the dog park with miu and yoga during her free time. 

most of her time is taken up by college, though as many people sees her as someone who doesn't excel she still tries to do her best by going to the local library to do her research or cafes to do her thesis. her study habit, however, includes a lot cramming and procrastinating. despite attending yoga classes on the weekends, she somehow lives an unhealthy lifestyle — she barely gets sleep, her excessive intake of coffee (but she does drink a lot of water especially before and after yoga!) and sweets.



07:30 AM    WAKE UP

                  STARBUCKS AND ORDER
                  VENTI ICED AMERICANO WITH                    5 SHOTS OF ESPRESSO

09:00 AM   
12:00 PM    
01:00 PM   
     —          THESIS 1 (RESEARCH)
03:00 PM


08:30 AM       WAKE UP

10:00 AM     COFFEE RUN
11:00 AM     
                      STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 
12:30 PM     CLASS
02:30 PM     THESIS 1 (RESEARCH)


❐ shopping with jiho
1 hour of yoga
❐ cry
study at bewitched :) 
take miu to the dog park
spa with miu and jiho
maybe do some assignments? 
attend a party if someone's throwing one


LIKES. fashion, designer brands, soft aesthetics, reading theories and stories about witches on reddit, yoga, disney movies, cute stationary, pastries, parties, dogs, love letters, sunsets on the beach, flowers!!! especially peonies and sunflowers, polaroids and scented candles.

DISLIKES. being left on read, someone wearing the same outfit as her, big physical contact (though she appears to look like she likes skinship, she's not a big fan of it), insects, chores, gore and violence, seafood and coca cola.

HABITS. eats chocolates or pastries whenever she's stressed about something, she gives herself a pep talk mentally (explains why she suddenly spaces out), uses filler words when she talks (like and omg), she wears pink for good luck and doodles anywhere she can write on.

HOBBIES. shopping, updating her social media accounts and blog, matchmaking and yoga.

WHAT'S IN HER PINK PRADA SAFFIANO LEATHER BAG?  3CE heart hand mirror, glossier lip balm, strawberry flavored chewing gum, hand sanitizer, notepad, colored gel pens, band aids, polaroid camera (just in case something polaroid-worthy happens) and sometimes her macbook for some of her classes and research.

01. has troubles sleeping and only gets a few hours of sleep — one of the reasons she dozes off in the class or just spaces out. 

02. caffeinated drinks is her h2o, as unhealthy as it sounds. always seen drinking iced coffee. her personal order at all times is an iced americano, no water with 4-5 shots of espresso. she consumes two venti sizes in one day.  (yes, it's jaemin's custom order from starbucks.)

03. she'd choose fashion design as her major if she wasn't taking witch hunting (and if she had freedom to do so)

04. she's mostly alone at their house with her father and brother being out of town for work or god knows where. 

05. she has a maltipoo dog named miu, named after one of her favorite brands miumiu.

06. does her daily skincare routine. she'll freak out if she forgets to do so.

07. she has a blog under the www.dailyseul.co.kr link, with five thousand of followers. she clickbaited most of her followers that she'll post things she has discovered about witches lol. 90% of the blog is basically her LIFE and 10% are posting about witches like "i think i met a witch!!11! they were charming. i always knew they were nice!!1!" cue enraged comments of witch antis. 


bewitched we are open!
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yslchoi can i please know
seojun's shifts?
hello, is bewitched
cafe, dog friendly?


who's this? and 
no, it's not
it's me
ur fav customer
is this one of my
are you guys pranking
it's yeseul! <3
miss yongmi?!!!
did u block me
miss yongmi? ;A;
owner-customer. bewitched owner. elemental witch. played by han jiwon.
the moment yeseul walked in to the cafe, yongmi made sure to be cautious, giving her employees a head's up, in case they don't know who yeseul was and what her family can do. once was enough, but yongmi didn't expect the daughter of the notorious witch hunter to be visiting the cafe every week, obviously fond of one of their employees. 
yongmi hates the fact yeseul can bring trouble to their cafe, even after overhearing yeseul whining to her best friend loudly that she hates doing her thesis and she hates having to follow her family's footsteps.
the over friendly nature in yeseul tries to befriend yongmi, or, just reaching through yongmi to compliment how bewitched cafe is yeseul's new favorite, writing up a review on her blog that everyone should check out the cafe. yeseul expected for yongmi to thank her multiple times, probably, but yongmi thanked her once and put up a wall right after. 
with yeseul hanging around the cafe, yongmi can't help but call her a brat, implying that she's a disturbance but really, yongmi believes that yeseul, might someday, somehow figure everything out and turn her back to what she usually believes in and puts everyone in the cafe in jail. and yongmi can't risk that, warning all of her employees to be careful around yeseul.
 "hi, miss yongmi!"  yeseul says in a cheery voice, her tone almost piercing into yongmi's ears.
"hey, brat" yongmi nods in greeting as she turns over to one of the employee near her, whispering, "i think we have to put a sign that says no choi yeseul's allowed"


busan station

yslchoi my dad's finally
back from seoul!

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jjhdoll hi mister choi <3
yschoi ew stop that's
my father @jjhdoll

how's your thesis?
hey dad!!!!
someone's helping me out, it's all good <3
how are you? how's jeju?


father. black-rated witch hunter. human. 
manipulative, insolent, vain blackend’s second best witch hunter to ever join their organization, yuri has followed his father and grandfather’s legacy by being notoriously cruel, his name alone rings bitterly against a witch’s ears. yuri himself has bowed to wipe every witches he can while he’s still alive. if his hatred for witches is poured into a glass, it’ll overflow. he thinks they don’t deserve to exist, they’re made to be evil and pollute the mortal realm. too bad, yeseul didn’t share the same hatred the family has towards the witches, but it didn’t matter. yuri was manipulative, he showers yeseul with anything she wants because he knows yeseul can’t say no to him, guilt-tripping her through his wife’s dying wish and getting whatever she wants since she was young. “be grateful, not everyone has what you have” .
though, ever since yeseul’s mother passed, yuri became more distant to yeseul - always had his attention to his work and looking over sehan’s training to becoming a witch hunter. yeseul was only showered materialistically and not a fatherly affection yeseul always seeked. as yeseul gets older, yuri always check up on yeseul over her academic progress and the witch courses she was taking, but never once asked how was she is in general.
despite that, yeseul pushes aside the hollow emotion she gets from his father and forces herself to trust his father, even after hearing his father’s reputation in witch hunting. she tunes out everything ill-sided she heard about his father. after all, yuri is still her father, and yeseul’s big heart still hopes that one day, he’ll let go of her and will support her to whatever path she chooses, just not witch hunting and being part of blackend.


 grand hotel seoul

blackend.csh currently
at seoul's  association of
witch hunters annual

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yslchoi ew who dyed ur
jjhdoll hi sehan oppa <3
yslchoi @jjhdoll, omg
ew stop

don't you think
bewitched cafe
sounds sus


the name alone
already sounds 
what about
the name?


never mind.


older brother. black-rated witch hunter. human. played by kim junmyeon.
cunning, sarcastic, jealous  
their mother used to say how sehan and yeseul are joined at the hip, never leaving each other’s side when they were younger. yeseul used to look up to sehan with big adoration, while sehan takes care of yeseul like a fragile glass. but ever since their father started training sehan, he had lesser time to spend time with yeseul, and his personality changed as years passed by.
as they get older, with sehan being away for college, they never contacted each other and only talked when sehan goes home from college during the holidays. yeseul learns sehan dated a witch in college but turned her over because as what sehan explained, he felt betrayed that said witch lied to him.
after the revelation, sehan felt the need to build back the bridges between him and yeseul, saying that he needs to look after yeseul before something like that happens to her. sure, yeseul loved getting the attention back his brother used to give her, but it felt different. sehan was blinded by bitterness and hatred, trying to pull yeseul along with him.
“witches can never be trusted, yeseul. they’re all evil”
“don’t you feel sorry for me? i fell in love with a witch... god, that still gives me chills everytime i remember. and i never want that to happen to you! you better be careful, you’re easily fooled and you won’t even know a witch has casted a spell on you already.”


lecture hall

jjhdoll airpods in, world
out <3 also, can't hear
yeseul's constant nagging
that i can't thirst over his

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yslchoi u can't sit with me



yeye! why did u
turn my mom's dog
into a soft meme!
and i love u 2
gold fish <3
nooo i love u most


noooo i do!!!
do u really
yes uwu
now can i have
sehan oppa's number?


best friend. university student. human. played by moon sinae.
flirty, witty, blunt
yeseul has a lot of friends, but having a lot of friends doesn’t mean she can trust everyone. yeseul only trusts one person, her best friend since diapers, jiho, who shares the same interests as her. they bond over everything, and share almost everything, except for the braincells. jiho’s that friend that takes flirting as a sport, every month she has a new boy toy and sometimes, she tries to set up yeseul with one of her monthly boy’s friend, much to yeseul’s dislike. either way, she’s the only one that puts up with yeseul’s bratty attitude and dumb decisions, and if yeseul puts herself in front of jiho to protect her, jiho would do the same. through thick and thin, they are each other's support system. 
jiho's take on witches however, is she doesn’t hate them, she’s just scared of what they’re capable of. she’s currently taking up theatre arts and is responsible for being the Mom friend to yeseul.

yoorim hi
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yslchoi hello <4

you really make the
best coffee. what's
ur secret 


where can i
buy that?


uhm.. ebay?


friend. bewitched employee. hedge witch. orugas' #best girl .
yoorim is best known for her coffees in bewitched, so when our resident coffee lover yeseul visits bewitched and tasted one of the best tasting all-caps-chefs-kiss coffee ever, yeseul wanted to meet the barista.
“who made my coffee? it’s so good, it’s like it’s made with magic” yeseul says in excitement unaware of what she has said, bringing silence in the cafe, mostly the employees staring at her. meanwhile, in yeseul’s mind, she was worried she said something dumb again.
“there’s like the taste of magic dancing around my taste buds?” more silence.
cutting the story short, yeseul meets yoorim who was enthralled about yeseul’s outpouring compliments. yeseul half jokingly says (sort of) that she wants to personally buy yoorim because she makes a great friend and coffee. yeseul later leaves her big tips everytime she visits the cafe, because yeseul thinks yoorim’s cool, adding yoorim to her personal favorites book. though, at first, yeseul was intimidated by yoorim but her worry vanished when yoorim talked to her paired with the prettiest smile.
yoorim’s carelessness over her magic becomes unbeknownst to yeseul, always spacing out when yoorim accidentally uses her magic in front of her. yoorim sometimes call her dumb, or responsible for saying “earth to yeseul???”. generally, yeseul will take that as a big insult but she gives yoorim the pass to call her that because she knows yoorim didn’t mean that, probably.
they became friends overtime with yoorim being yeseul’s favorite barista. plus leaving big tips to yoorim, a token of her friendship and to commend yoorim’s skills on making the #best coffee out there that yeseul can’t seem to have enough.






username hi
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yslchoi hello <4





relationship. occupation. species. x1's flash is playing while i'm typing this. i miss x1.
이리저리 망설이고 주저하고 후회하고 또 지쳐갈 때 Drink It! Drink It! Power Up! 내 사랑을 꾹꾹 눌러 담았어 (Fresh!)







With This Magic That I Have I Can Show You What’s Possible Trust Me Haha Drink It! Drink It! Power Up! 빙그르 빙그르 빙글빙글 빙그르 빙그르 빙글빙글 빙그르 빙그르 빙글빙글 빙그르 빙그르 난 너의



username hi
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yslchoi hello <4





relationship. occuption. species. x1's flash is playing while i'm typing this. i miss x1.
이리저리 망설이고 주저하고 후회하고 또 지쳐갈 때 Drink It! Drink It! Power Up! 내 사랑을 꾹꾹 눌러 담았어 (Fresh!)







With This Magic That I Have I Can Show You What’s Possible Trust Me Haha Drink It! Drink It! Power Up! 빙그르 빙그르 빙글빙글 빙그르 빙그르 빙글빙글 빙그르 빙그르 빙글빙글 빙그르 빙그르 난 너의


예슬's SUN
예슬's SUN

ryu.jpeg hi
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yslchoi my pretty tree
friend <3
ryu.jpeg @yslchoi my
sunflower friend! 😊 
stalemilk tree....?
jjhdoll i don't follow you
but ew @ the flirting

omg hyukie!!!


hey what's
wrong??? :(
u look like
toothless ;A:
love interest. bewitched employee. green witch. eloquench's #best boy uwu



THE FLUFF. yeseul was the type to charm everyone, and not the other way around. she gets a line of suitors but never had interest in dating one, because, she thinks it’s pointless and "too much of a work". boys can be difficult and mean most of the time (that’s what she has implanted in her head, thanks to his father and brother's influence).

like every first time customer who visits bewitched, they fall for the guy with prettiest smile and brightest aura behind the counter, and yeseul’s one of them. jinhyuk, or who hides by the name of seojun, just naturally sparkles. and no, not that edward cullen kind of sparkle. being a er for disney movies, yeseul thought she was starring in one of those cheesy love at first sight scenario. lost in her thoughts, completely forgetting where she was.

yeseul’s little reverie was cut off when seojun, who probably asked her a few times already for her oder.

“miss, are you okay? what can i get for you?”
“what can i get for you?”

it’s like every girl who has encountered jinhyuk, yeseul formed a crush on the cute cashier guy. yeseul finds herself frequently visiting the cafe, ignoring the hike to the mountain (and thanking herself for doing yoga for a long time now) just to see a glimpse of jinhyuk, and the coffee of course. mostly, on her part, she uses her excuse of “the cafe has great ambience, great pastries and coffee”, well it’s all true but half of her is smitten towards the so called plant dad of bewitched, which she heard from other employees.

in the course of frequently visiting the cafe, sometimes doing her thesis there, she managed to befriend jinhyuk, with the help of another employee, yeseul’s favorite barista, yoorim. yeseul and jinhyuk managed to share small talks, having the same personality, a tint of blush and shy smiles in between.

meanwhile, yongmi and some employees of bewitched has this uneasiness at the bottom of their stomach, with yeseul’s constant visit in the cafe, everyone aware of her family background.

jiho, yeseul’s best friend, who gets dragged along to yeseul’s poor attempt to show up at the cafe and ogle at the poor cashier guy, was tired. sure, she was happy yeseul finally showed interest to a guy but, she didn’t expect yeseul to be whipped over a, "simple guy", that's not up their alley.

“jiho! did you see how seojun smiled at me?”
“he smiles at everyone, yeseul. he’s nice to everyone”
“but mine was different, didn’t you see?”
“he smiled at me too, gold fish”

yeseul frowns and her lips downturned.hey, i called dibs on him first”
jiho rolls her eyes “then you better make some move rather than the constant pining. you’re choi yeseul for goodness sake”

and so, yeseul did took up the courage to ask seojun out, the choi yeseul way. “seojun, how much does it cost for you to go on a date with me?” 

for obvious reasons, you don't ask someone out with a price and especially to someone as shy as jinhyuk, the latter turning down yeseul's offer but a day later, turning the tables around because jinhyuk has a heart and he doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. 

FLUFFIER. so they did went on a friendly date, a getting to know better stage, per se. they clicked with their common love for animals, bringing their dogs with them most of the time to the park (almost like dog parents having some quality time), jinhyuk sometimes helping yeseul on her studies which yeseul truly appreciates because no one had the same patience as jinhyuk on teaching her "dumb ". 

their blossoming friendship through friendly hangouts, as what they like to call it, also influenced their development as a character. jinhyuk slowly helping yeseul from her "money can buy everything" mindset, helping her realize how reality works and appreciate the finer things in life, realistically and not materialistically. yeseul, on the other hand, helps jinhyuk  to trust himself more as yeseul has this effect on people to feel better about themselves, cheering him on and even complimenting him that he’s prettier than her (and that says a lot on yeseul’s part). leaving him post it notes to complete his day while jinhyuk gives yeseul her favorite flowers (and yeseul likes to keep them by putting them against her bedroom wall).

yeseul's simply fascinated with jinhyuk's warm heart to almost everything and everyone around him. his great adoration for plants, animals, everyone close to him and how he treats her kindly is enough to keep yeseul's heart beating.

THE ANGST? almost everyone close to jinhyuk and yeseul are against to whatever's going on between them — whether it's pure friendship and more than that. in a witch's perspective, befriending or getting into a relationship with choi yeseul is almost like branding yourself a bait and a clown altogether. to a human and witch hunter's perspective, yeseul should know better. from different social status and different family backgrounds, yeseul and jinhyuk are sometimes the topic for sweet gossips. yeseul tries her best to hide her friendship with jinhyuk from her father and brother, solely because he's a boy and yeseul's family had a history of scaring yeseul's potential suitors. on the brighter side, her father and brother are rarely home to even know what's yeseul's been up to, personally.

"why is yeseul pining over that guy when she has a line of popular guys going after her"

"how can jinhyuk stand her??? yeseul's probably a witch and cast a spell on him"

on to jinhyuk revealing his true identity to yeseul, from his real name and ability as a green witch. yeseul often seeks for jinhyuk's opinion on witches, unbeknownst to her that jinhyuk is a witch but jinhyuk still gives his subtle knowledge, helping out yeseul with her thesis.

"cool, your knowledge about witches and witchcraft is so good. it almost sounds like you're a witch yourself"
"yeah HAHA"
"you're funny, it'd be cool if you are though"

yeseul doesn't mean no harm if she did meet a witch, and if jinhyuk was a witch. jinhyuk trusts yeseul enough to reveal his identity to her, revealing his ability by reviving a dead flower. honestly, yeseul was close to fainting because it's not an everyday occurence that the guy you like reveals it's true identity, right? yeseul, thankfully, did not faint but kept saying ohmygod, repeatedly. yeseul was happy that jinhyuk trusted his secret to someone like her, both swearing secrecy through pinky swears. and then jinhyuk dropped another revelation to yeseul, revealing that he's a "jinhyuk" all along and not "seojun" --- and the funny thing is, yeseul's more hurt about the the fact that jinhyuk lied to her about his name, upset she's been calling him with the wrong name in front of everyone.

jinhyuk having a hard time admitting his true feelings + yeseul's difficulty in reading between lines = mutual pining and calling each other "a special friend"

one might think they're officially dating, but it's not that easy when both of them are clueless about their obvious feelings for each other. just pining each other around and calling each other as "friends" who go on puppy "dates" and other fluffy stuff people who are in a relationship do.

at one point, yeseul almost believed jinhyuk only sees her as a friend. with her feelings hurt and hopes down, she stopped coming to the cafe, paid even less attention to her classes, stopped replying to jinhyuk and jinhee's messages about her whereabouts. jiho, who was tired seeing her friend mopping around, decided to set yeseul up on a date (with jiho's intention on making jinhyuk jealous). with jiho's evil plan, and jinhee the twin with the only braincell and knocking some senses to the both of them, they finally confront each other with their true feelings. 

in the long run, yeseul and jinhyuk are just equally soft people who are soft for each other. they trust each other a lot despite what other people might say. they are each other's sun on gloomy days, or even on brighter days. 

THE ENDING. up to you uwu

tldr; it's your modern day romeo and juliet, tagged under 30k words fluff, angst, forbidden love, mutual pining, getting together, more fluff than angst, Friends to Lovers, Secret Relationship




ORGANISATION university student majoring in witch hunting, currently working on her thesis
RATIONALE yeseul technically didn't have any choice but to earn a degree in witch hunting as that's what her parents wanted her to do and life after graduation has already been decided for her. yeseul is set to join blackend and expectations of her joining is high due to the legacy her family has printed on the history of witch hunting.
success rate zero percent
TECHNIQUES unlike her family who uses violence to expose a witch's identity, yeseul is highly against violence and if given the chance, she'll use the softer technique: befriending them.
COMMENTS bgm: softly by clairo, and i think it suits yeseul x jinhyuk <3 and i didn't plan on making the love interest section long,,, but hhh here we are!! and i finally finished an app after years???? so if it's lacking some parts im sorry ;;
— yeseul's father and brother following her into the cafe, surprising her and the rest of the employees. #cuethesuspense
— will add more soon


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"thinks drinking iced coffee is a personality"
this cracked me up icb

but awh yeseul sounds like a soff bebi uwu
i see u mention cher from clueless u.u