Can love turn into hate once its over?

Can love turn into hate once you over it?

Remember when i said i'm gonna move on from my crush / first love (for 10 year)? I'm doing it. But instead treating him like a stranger (i'm not that close with him anymore), I kind of treated him like enemy.

I dont know. I dont hate him. Just that whenever i met him, i always glare at him.

My brother also close with him so I'll met him sometimes. Usually when my brother pick me up from college. He sometime in the car.

I've never talk with him in the car and if we face to face, i always glare even though i never mean to do it.

Now i'm confused.


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Not possible dear..
Actually it is more of an instinctive action, to try and throw out all the feelings. Most of the time, true love doesn’t turn into hate.
You may end up throwing your feelings out but can’t hate the other person.