INKED SKINS : Ryu Taeha [ another wip... Collab?]

Ryu Taeha

username — sweetch3rry

nickname — cherry

activity rate — 9/10


name — Ryu Taeha

nickname — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

birthdate (aGe) — November 23, 2000

birthplace — Seoul, South Korea

hometown — Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean


— Korean | 100%| full korean

— Mandarin | 70% |

— English | 70% |

— French | 20% |

I want to be more than just a pretty face.

face claim — Cherry Bullet Jiwon

backup face claim — Everglow Sihyeon


appearance — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

style — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

character quote

traits —

(+) strong-willed, reliable, dignified, insightful, open-minded

(=)ambitious, curious, straight-foward

(-) insecure, jealous, easily stressed, emotional, impatient


On the outside she appears calm and dignified but, on the inside she is a crying mess.

Ryu Taeha is very strong-willed, she can do anything once she puts her mind to it. She doesn't like the idea of giving up. She persist with whatever she is doing until she succeeds.

background —

 — family of actors and actresses

 — rising child actress

 — has growing curiousity for law or philosophy

 — her life in the spotlight is what some people want but, she is envious of the ordinary life

 — met her soulmate but, he likes some else, complicated / he's her ideal type but she's not his




—green tea,






character quote

family — 

Mother | Min Hyejeong | 44 | actress | here |  fc: Kim Heesun

Father | Ryu Dohan | 45 | actor | here | fc: Jang Hyuk

Younger Brother | Ryu Sebin | 16 | actor | Taeha's sweet younger brother who is quite mature for his age. He knows the pressure Taeha has and always talks with her about it. People would think they might have an awkward realtionship being compared all the time but, its not like that at all. The two siblings are very close and would talk about pretty much everything from school, interests to their love life. | fc: Nam Dareum

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friends — 

Close Friend |Yoon Woohyun | 19 | veterinarian medicine major| They were in the same friend group in highschool but, were not that close to each other. Their friends in highschool split to different colleges, Taeha and Woohyun were the only ones going to HNU. They ended up meeting often and had a class together. They naturally became very close, now, he is her closest friend. Some people think that the two would make a good couple but they're not each other's soulmates. It might be that Woohyun is often protective of Taeha. Woohyun is naturally sweet, caring, softhearted guy. He would say "Should I give that soulmate of yours a good stern talking to for neglecting you?". Taeha would laugh at his adorable thought saying, "I know you mean well but, your sweet teddy bear self isn't going to intimidate anyone."| fc: txt  soobin

Close Friend/dormmate |Park Chaewon| 19 | psychology major | They met as dormmates the first year. They hit it off right away and quickly became very close. Chaewon started hanging out with Taeha and Woohyun and they became a close trio. They're dormmates again this year and they're both very happy about it. Compared to Taeha and Woohyun, Chaewon is more of the spunky and bright child. She is the one to say let's hang, let's do this!. While, the two would usually tale a stroll down long walk or shopping streets, studying in the library or sit at a cafe. Chaewon would drag them to the beach, college fun events or a party once in a while to make them have some "exciting college fun" as she would call it. A comedic moment is when she would complain about how Taeha and Woohyun are  skyscrapers making her look like a dwarf. Chaewon is a bit of short child standing at 158cm while Taeha, 171cm and Woohyun 184cm.  | fc: loona gowon

Childhood friend | Jin Bona | 20 | business management major | collab with -churros (app)| Taeha and Bona have known each for a very long time since they were little toddlers. Their parents are good friends and met up for dinners often, so Taeha and Bona were playmates. When they grew up, they went to different schools and had a different paths in life but, they still spare time once in a while to catch up. Poeple seem to be surprised that these are such good friends because they are polar opposites. If they had met at a different time in life, they probably wouldn't get along as well as they do now. To Taeha, this frienship is very special to her because they Bona is someone seen her grow and mature and viceversa. It still amazes her that they managed to continued their friendship for this long and is Taeha longest known friend. When the two would meet up to talk at a cafe or go shopping. Taeha enjoys Bona's company feels comfotable talking to her because she knows Bona understands the story of her life. She doesn't understand why people speak bad of Bona, Bona may be intimdating and sometimes a bit harsh but, she is an amazing friend. Taeha would go out of her way way to defend her friend.   | fc: weki meki doyeon


Blooming friend | Wang Yiran | 19 | psychology major & marketing minor | collab with wonbeanie (app)|Taeha met Yiran last year when they were in the same korean langugae class. They got paired up for a project and got close through chit-chatting in between. Taeha is kind of a introvert but, when she is when a person one on one, she gets close to them pretty quickly and opens up a lot. The teacher let out the class early so, Taeha invited Yiran to get bubble tea near by. They exchanged phones and they have been friends ever since.


— Format here (Ex: Name | Relationship | etc)

it's complicated

others — 

— Not-So-Secret-Admirer | Hwang Jaeyoon | 19 | ? major |fc: stray kids hyunjin

— Soulmate's crush | Lim Minji| age | major |

character quote

Layout by Finire
Edit Profile
Ryu Taeha
HNU student, theater major

character quote

year — 2nd year
major — theater

minor — none
clubs — Blooming - the gardening club

character quote

living arrangements — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet .
daily schedule — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet .

I'm looking at him but, he's looking at her.

soulmate name —Seo Jinseok ( or open to collab on any love story, still don't know I want to go the sad route or not)

nickname — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

birthdate (aGe) — April 27, 1999 (20)

face claim — The Boyz Juyeon

backup face claim — The Boyz Sangyeon


personality — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

relationship — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut. Autem denique argumentum duo ea, quod offendit nam an, quas minim possit eu. Te vim veri numquam voluptua, ei eum esse movet albucius. Ad ius debitis dissentiunt concludaturque, ne erant reprimique eam. Te dico salutatus interpretaris pro. Id nec iriure similique. Duo porro utinam tractatos id, liber inermis nam et, mundi graeci ius cu. Maiorum appetere vix ut, in ullum erroribus nam. Ut vim nulla debitis accommodare, no has atqui prompta. Est ei quem mnesarchum. Pro iriure vivendo signiferumque ne, quo quis invenire an. Quem dolorum ullamcorper vis ne. Ex mel malis nostrud intellegebat. Audire democritum efficiantur ea ius. Invenire erroribus percipitur id vim, at vix tempor splendide. Quodsi cotidieque interpretaris eum cu. Ne aperiri vocibus pertinacia duo, nostrud antiopam reprehendunt est ea, ad eam aeterno reformidans.
trivias — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet .

character quote

comments/suggestions — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

scene requests — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut.

password — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut.

turn in — back to the story


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