INKED SKINS : 王义然 (finally back!! wip, collab anyone??)

      wang yiran

username — wonbeanie.

nickname — luna.

activity rate — 7/10.


name — wang yiran (왕예란).

nicknames —                  
                  princess : helin mockingly calls her that and her
                  close friends picked it up as well.
                  sweetheart : students in her department call her
                  that because she's naturally kind-hearted and
                  master chef : yiran has been watching helin cook
                  for years and thus picked up the skill. she doesn't
                  cook often but when she does her dormmates
                  always flood her with compliments.
                  the swaying tree in the background : gained this
                  unforgettable nickname all thanks to hyunjin.
                  long story short, hyunjin's department play was
                  short in actors so she asked yiran for a favor. out
                  of all the things she could've been, she ended up
                  as "the swaying tree in the background". her 
                  friends never cease to for it.

birthdate (age) — july 12, 2000 (19y).

birthplace — shanghai, china.

hometown — shanghai, china.

ethnicity — chinese.

language — 
                  mandarin : 100% : her mother tongue.
                  korean : 90% : she loved watching k-dramas 
                  when she was in china so she knew a few
                  phrases. however, she only properly learned the
                  language when she and helin moved to seoul
                  five years ago.
                  english : 70% : learned it from her multiple visits
                  to the us with helin. she isn't bad at the
                  language but feels cautious speaking it.


jinnie, give me back my tennis skirts! it's not my fault i have nice legs i wanna show off

face claim — yiren (everglow).

backup face claim — shuhua (g-idle).


appearance — yiran is no doubt beautiful from head to toe, with flawless pale skin and sculpted-like face features. she has a perfectly toned body and thin legs that she takes pride in. her hair color is usually a variety of shades of brown and is straight and reaches down halfway to her back. she also has three piercings; one on each side of her ear lobes and one helix on her left ear that shows when she tucks her hair behind her ear.

style — 


NOOO bambi's mother was killed! why'd you pick a tragic movie? now i can't stop crying!

traits — 
                                                                                   enfp, gryffinpuff
                (pos.) confident, optimistic, dynamic, charismatic, inspirational, genuine, humble, observant
                                                                 weird, expressive, thoughtful (neut.)
                                                   (neg.) vulnerable, sensitive, insecure, too energetic

personality — 

yiran has a personality that kind of confuses people because she is everything all at once. she’s known for her "different" personality, however, it's not that she's completely weird, it's more that she is expressive and seems to not be afraid to make a fool out of herself. she’s not afraid to cry and show her emotions; her vulnerable side. some may like it for it shows that she’s genuine but some may dislike it because they find it as “too sensitive”. and her mind never stops and is always filled with thoughts and dreams and this can also make her overthink events or situations. she can be so lost in her own thoughts that she has left her body to live in her mind. however, this endless stream of thoughts could be considered both a strength and a flaw. a strength; she knows herself and her thoughts like the back of her hand, she is interested in things and this curiosity is her drive to try new things. a weakness; she’s highly emotional and is very in touch with her own emotions so being in her own head could lead to negative thoughts and create unnecessary insecurities. also, her energetic spirit can be a bit too much for some people to handle.

despite all that though, she radiates confidence and acceptance, in addition, it subconsciously makes others trust her more because they think she’s real. it shows the yiran is comfortable with herself and others relate to her, which makes them feel closer to her. yiran is known for her optimism. she attracts others like a magnet because of her positive outlook on life. she’s bright and dynamic which makes her entertaining to watch and that’s what makes her popular in scenes. she has no qualms when it comes to judgment and has a knack for communication. it is natural to her which makes her seem more charismatic and her energy will ultimately empower those around her. she has the power to inspire who she is with just with her words. yiran also brings out the best in people. because she’s humble it makes her likable. another factor that makes yiran such a likable person is, of course, her smile. it makes her look accepting, open and most importantly happy. her smile can have a huge impact on other people as it makes them feel appreciated and loved. yiran is very prone to skinship. the reason she loves it is because she believes physical contact creates a great sense of trust towards the person, as well as, strengthens the relationship. makes people feel safe, accepted and most importantly loved. this in addition to yiran's smile can make others day better. her fascination and curiosity for many things are why she’s so observant and why she seems to just watch over sometimes, eyes glazed over.

background —
xinyue and mingze met at hnu when they both were students there. that’s when they discovered they’re each other’s soulmate and fell in love with each other. then later, xinyue discovered that she was pregnant with mingze’s child, the result of one drunken night after a party. they were wild and reckless teenagers. she was scared and didn’t know what to do since she was only nineteen years old, both of them were. they weren’t ready to become parents. especially not financially, when xinyue’s parents cut all ties with her after they discovered she was pregnant while mingze was an orphan scholarship student. however, mingze assured her that they can work it out together. so, they got married at a young age, quit school, and moved back to shanghai.

xinyue knows that mingze got a “stable job” once they settled but she doesn’t know what it is for he refused to tell her stating her that “all that matters is that it helps us” and tells her to just focus on her pregnancy. she was no doubt suspicious but decided to put her trust in her young husband. months later, xinyue gave birth to their first baby girl, yiran. she was a loving and caring mother who dedicated all her time to raising her child while mingze worked most days until night. xinyue noticed his change in behavior where they rarely talked anymore and when they do his replies are short and right on point. he became short-tempered and dismissive of his family. she dismissed it though thinking it must be from the stress of his work. though, things went bad when xinyue came to see a text from her husband’s phone. putting two to two together, she discovered that his job was actually mafia related. she confronted him about it which irked mingze, so that was the beginning of the many physically assaults to come. nine-year-old yiran remembers seeing and hearing her mother crying often because of her father. despite xinyue’s hardship, she still cared for her daughter in these dark times. yiran expressed her worry over someday becoming a person like her father but her mother assured her that she can become whatever she wants to be.

after fourteen years of a miserable marriage, xinyue couldn’t take it anymore and divorced mingze. after the divorce, she started to lose her sanity due to all the abuse she’d received from her ex-husband and found it painful to look at yiran because seeing the young girl felt like a constant reminder of mingze to her and she hated it. one day, as she talked with her younger brother, who was studying at hnu, over the phone about her trauma and recognized that she no longer had the mental stability to raise her daughter, she was startled by yiran’s sudden appearance at the door. seeing the girl’s face, she snapped and repeatedly slapped her face hard. it was the first time her mother ever laid hands on her. however, yiran bore no ill feelings against her for this incident, instead directing it at her father, whom she blamed for both her and her mother's suffering. days after the incident, xinyue was admitted to a psychiatric ward and her brother, helin, took yiran into his care since his parents refused to.

helin took yiran with him back to seoul and enrolled her into high school while he attended his university. although, helin didn’t fail to spot yiran’s mental instability and took her to a psychiatrist where she was diagnosed with childhood ptsd. so with helin’s care and help (and close ones like kyungmin and jaemin), the medications, and many therapy sessions, yiran slowly got better. she then quickly adapted to living in seoul and was smart to quickly learn the language too. so, her high school life went well. she got good grades so it came as no surprise that she got accepted into haebyeon national university, following the steps of her mother and uncle (she’d like to disregard the fact that her father went there too).

—bubble tea.
—chinese food.
—pets (cats, dogs, rabbits, and even snakes. bring 'em all!).
—tennis skirts.
—flowers and her fav is daisies.
—netflix and chilling.
—hanging out with friends.
—anything fluffy or pastel.
—watching soulmates meet or being lovey-dovey with each other.
—posing for instagram pictures
—helping her friends when needed.
—complimenting others to boost their self-confidence.

dislikes — 
—horror movies.
—cold weather.
—really spicy food cause she'll start sweating.
—violence for nonsense or no cause.
—strong scents.
—seeing others sad or suffering.

hobbies — 
—listening to music.
—watching movies, dramas, and even youtube videos.
—trying out new dining places


habits — 
—overthinks a lot in her head.
—writing about her day in her diary. it's lame, she knows, but she first started it when she started her therapy sessions and it greatly helped her so she got used to doing it.
—smiling is her immediate response when she turns to look at someone.
—whining and pouting when she wants something from someone but they won't give it to her.
—avoids eye contact when guilty.
—shuts her eyes or closes her ears or both when scared.
—scratches her arm when she's nervous sometimes to the point it gets red. she got that habit from her mom where she watched from afar when the woman started to lose her sanity and kept scratching her arms hard until they bled and repeating how much she hated having to share her skin with "him".

fears — 
—being alone at night.
—thunder sounds.
—abandonment by those she cares for.
—others getting severely hurt because of her.
—becoming like her father.


trivias — 
—her mother's family owns a popular food chain company called vertigo restau. xinyue was supposed to take over the company after her graduation but that ended after she became pregnant and so helin became the heir. a year after helin graduated, his father handed the company to him as he was hospitalized due to old age.
—vertigo restau. is known for its chinese dishes with a modern twist. the latest branch opening was at river village and it quickly became a hit amongst students and residents.
—yiran chose to major in psychology with a concentration in childhood development after she was inspired by her own therapist. she wants to help children who've been through tough and traumatizing childhood experiences like she did. and well minoring in marketing to help helin in the company when needed.
—when she goes back to shanghai, she'd always visit the hospital to see her mother even though the woman would always reject her visits. so, she just ends up sitting by the ward's door and talking, updating her mom with her life, not expecting any response as always, then leaves a bouquet of daisies (her mom's favorite which became hers too) before leaving.
—yiran, once turning eighteen, felt nervous to write to her soulmate. she had and still has a fear of her soulmate being a bad person like her father. however, helin’s multiple pep talks and constant assurance drove her to write a simple 'hello' in mandarin without much thought. she introduced herself as zuijia which means top in mandarin (a play on her surname wang which means king and the king is at the top of the hierarchy). she does have hope in her soulmate but fear overcomes that aspect so she always writes back vague answers to personal questions.
—is ambidextrous. 
—transports around campus by walking to nearby places and taking the bus to places that are more than twenty minutes away.
—has allergies to fish.
—quiet a picky eater. other than her allergy, she can't eat tomatoes, beans, cow intestines, chicken feet, egg yolk, and anything really spicy, amongst many other things.
—she still tenses up whenever someone screams at her. she can't help it, she's traumatized by her past.
—even though she's never dated anyone before, yiran is sure that when the time comes she'll be good at it.
—has a bad sense of direction when it comes to new places.
—can't sing for , but once she's in the karaoke room, she couldn't care less and would sing her lungs out. so hit her with backstreet boys i want it that way.
—is the over-sensitive type of drunk so she'll mostly be yelling all angry one second then crying her eyes out the next.

oh sweet sweet family


father : wang mingze : 38y : coo of w enterprise & mafia member : fc godfrey gao.
yiran’s learned from helin that her father is a leader to one of the biggest mafias in asia, but that, of course, is his underground work and to the public, he’s viewed as a successful businessman. her relationship with her father is on negative terms. unlike her usual optimistic and forgiving self, she despises and resents her father for his abuse against her mother. after her mother was sent to the hospital, yiran outright told her father that she hated him, blaming him for everything that had happened, and that was the last time she saw the man before going to live with her uncle. she constantly says that she’ll never become a person like her father.



mother : yang xinyue : 38y : stuck in a psychiatric ward : fc zheng shuang.
unlike her father, yiran’s mother was kind, caring, and loving towards her, and in return, she loved her deeply. even during her own dark times, she still supported and protected yiran. however, soon her mother went insane because of her father’s abuse and she started to hate the man. as yiran grew up, she noticed her mother distancing herself from her until the day she snapped and was thus taken to the hospital and her into her uncle’s care. even after everything that happened in the past, yiran still loves her mother. she hasn’t seen or talked to her since the incident because she refuses her visits, but she isn’t giving up and goes to try often.

uncle : li helin : 26y : chef & ceo of vertigo restau : fc exo yixing.
helin kept in touch with his sister and would talk to her through the phone. that's how he knew of all his sister's bothers and the abuse she's been going through. in many occasions had he got mad and said that he would come to give mingze a piece of his mind, but she'd always stop him in fear of her husband truly hurting her baby brother. after she was sent to the hospital, helin took yiran under his care, feeling that he owed at least this much to his sister for doing nothing while she struggled. yiran is thankful to her uncle for taking her despite how he himself was young. although he tries hard to show his mature side, he can't hide his clumsy and lousy tendencies. this side of him yiran finds hilarious. known as "the cute restaurant owner with dimples" amongst the hnu students and she loves to for it. the two have a close bond and yiran respects and loves her hardworking uncle deeply and would do anything for him.

uncle's soulmate & fiancé : park kyungmin : 26y : president of sk times media : fc exo suho. 
kyungmin is the greatest aspect of yiran's hope on soulmates working out and not being bad. seeing how he and helin interact subconsciously brings a smile to her face. while their bickering and little banters are hilarious they do have their down days where they'd get into serious fights and arguments but they always kiss and makeup in the end. yiran has been with them throughout most of their rollercoaster of a relationship and so she was more than ecstatic when helin proposed to kyungmin a couple of months ago. she's really happy for the two. yiran has known the older for four years now and so they're close. kyungmin treats yiran as though she's his own sister and likewise. like any brother, he's protective of yiran, loves to joke and goof around with her, and they enjoy teasing helin together. if you think yiran is a good listener, then you obviously haven't met kyungmin. yiran always feels comfortable telling him things even the darkest or most embarrassing things. she thinks she got that trait from him. kyungmin's been living in helin's house at the 
neighborhood nearby campus for three years now.


little brother : park jaemin : 18y : first year, journalism major : fc oneus xion.
jaemin is actually kyungmin's little brother but according to yiran "family isn't about blood". the boy, being the closest to kyungmin amongst all his other older brothers and like-wise, came over to visit kyungmin often and so his appearance became a normal occasion to even helin and yiran. he may not be doing it on purpose but jaemin's the ultimate definition of walking cuteness to the point yiran can't help but softly pinch his cheeks or ruffle his hair at times. "my jaeminie is freaking adorable~" he'd complain about it but does nothing to stop her and she knows he secretly loves the attention. yiran is very attached to him and treats him like her own brother. kyungmin would always laugh and say that the two seriously act like real siblings. now yiran is excited for jaemin to start his first year at hnu.


barney & friends


close friend & dormmate : kim hyunjin : 19y : second year, musical theater major : fc itzy yeji.
yiran first met hyunjin during their campus tour by the welcoming committee in their first year and the two girls clicked. so when they were placed as dormmates, they became close. hyunjin is one of the two friends (along with yoora) she's comfortable enough to open up to and knows her well; about her past, somewhat about her messed-up family situation, and so on. she's blunt and sassy so it's best for anyone to avoid getting into conflict with her. she's a strong and fierce girl that won't stay quiet if you cross her or her friends and knows what she wants, coming off as strongly straightforward. those aspects of her tend to drive away boys, sadly for her cause she's what yiran and yoora would call boy obsessed to put it simply. she's a romantic who just wants someone to make her feel special whether they're her soulmate or not (she'll consider she hit the jackpot if it's with her soulmate). however, she may not like to display it in front of others, but hyunjin is surprisingly a soft soul in the inside and would sulk and feel hurt and a bit insecure whenever her love life doesn't work out. though yiran and yoora always make sure to be there for her and cheer her up.


— close friend & dormmate : clara won yoora : 19y : second year, korean language education major : fc bvndit seungeun : collab with -churros.
yiran first met yoora when they were placed as dormmates, and in time they became close. yoora is one of the two friends (along with hyunjin) she's comfortable enough to open up to and knows her well; about her past, somewhat about her messed-up family situation, and so on. like hyunjin, she's strong and fierce but unlike the other girl, yoora is unruly. a simple recipe for trouble

close friend : yong sihoo : 19y : second year, film production major : fc the boyz hwall : collab with -churros.
while yiran isn't as close to him as yoora is, she still considers the boy as one of her close friends. she met sihoo along with liang and only started getting closer when she came to their dorm to taste liang's cooking. while liang is more tame and passive, sihoo is wilder and at your face. yiran likes to think of him as yoora's male version. from there, the two would casually engage in conversation and yoora noticed that and started bringing yiran to tag along with them to their wild adventures and appearing in sihoo and liang's vlogs/videos. she won't lie, she loves spending time with them despite the troubles they're sometimes put through, but hey that's what adventures are all about. so yiran doesn't hesitate to agree when sihoo asks for her help in a video, knowing it'll be fun.

se club president : lee minjoon : 21y : fourth year, biomedical engineering major : fc bts rm 
yiran has heard a lot about the older male from the other students and she got the chance to see and interact with him once she joined se. minjoon's confidence and charisma and how he smoothly leads the meetings always amazes her. although, she sees how too stressed he can be at times and feels bad for him. so she'd volunteer to help in whatever she can to ease his worries. all in all, yiran looks up to him (except for his playboy ways of course).

se club vice-president : wang jackson : 21y : fourth year, chemical engineering major : fc got7 jackson
while some students would call jackson as minjoon's lackey or follower, yiran would strongly argue against it. throughout the many se meetings, she saw how the two interacted and how close they really are. she actually finds their friendship precious. "hyunjin, yoora, I want our friendship to be like that TT let's aim for it." also, the older male would sometimes give her and her friends vip passes to raves and special events. so anyone who dares to badmouth jackson in front of her will most likely be engaged in a heated argument. 

blooming club president : yoon taewoo : 21y : fourth year, environmental science major : fc seventeen jeonghan
yiran might have had a teeny-tiny crush on the older male when she first joined the blooming club. however, all feelings were gone once she knew he was together with his soulmate and boyfriend. taewoo won't stop blabbering about his boyfriend and while most members find it annoying, yiran actually thinks it's cute and enjoys listening to him. taewoo is serene, kind, open-minded, and thoughtful. rightfully earning him the nickname of angel. so yiran likes to converse with the older about random topics when they're working together. she sees him every sunday and wednesday at the greenhouse for they are together in group one.

blooming friend : ryu taeha : 19y : second year, screenwriting major : fc cherry bullet jiwon : collab with sweetch3rry
yiran met taeha during their first year when they were both taking general courses and they were in the same korean language class. the two were paired up for a project and through that got close. taeha was introverted at first but with the trusting and open aura yiran gives off, the girl opened up in time. taeha became comfortable enough to talk about her problems (her soulmate, family issues, insecurities, and so on) with yiran and yiran would always listen intently and try her best to give the other girl advice or feeling of reassurance. like she'd bombard taeha with compliments on her acting to boost her self-esteem. even after they finished the course, they kept in contact and they'd meet up to catch up from time to time. yiran has been trying to convince taeha to join the blooming club for a year now and finally, she joined in their second year. she gets put in yiran's group, group one, and the girls stick to each other when working. 

flawless instagram

Layout by Finire
Edit Profile
hnu student. psychology major.
check out my uncle's restaurant chains :


one mess of a group chat

Layout by Finire
Tuesday, 1 ?? 2019
prima donna
i'm sad there isn't a single cute guy in my classes TT
2:02 AM
dancing queen
you have no luck
now go back to your essay
2:03 AM
prima donna
it's freaking 2 am and my brain has shut down
2:03 AM
dancing queen
for you
2:04 AM
why are you texting when you're literally next to each other?
2:06 AM
prima donna
i don't feel like opening my mouth
2:07 AM
good point
2:08 AM
Wednesday, 10 ?? 2019
are you okay now jin
3:47 PM
prima donna
3:50 PM
dancing queen
lies she's still having a breakdown
3:51 PM
prima donna
i'm n0t
i'm okay
what do you need
3:52 PM
i was wondering
can we go somewhere today and take pics pls
i wanna post some new photos on instagram
and you are my talented photographer friend, i need to use you
3:55 PM
prima donna
exCUse me
3:56 PM
3:56 PM
prima donna
ugh okay
i'll fetch the camera
3:57 PM
dancing queen
i'll join you girls after i beat liang's in a random play dance for my channel
3:59 PM
prima donna
4:00 PM
lol of course
don't go easy on him
4:01 PM
dancing queen
not a chance ;)
4:02 PM
that's my girl
4:02 PM
prima donna
so today at central shops at 6 don't be late!
4:06 PM
Friday, 25 ?? 2019
prima donna
i can't believe my blind date just ditched me
7:42 PM
what?? whyyy??
7:47 PM
prima donna
idk i thought it was going well really well actually but when i came back from the bathroom he was gone ...
7:50 PM
dancing queen
give me his name
i'll hunt that er down
7:52 PM
prima donna
i guess i'll just die alone
7:52 PM
hey come on
you have me
7:53 PM
prima donna
i don't like you but thanks
7:54 PM
7:54 PM
dancing queen
i'm serious here
i need his name asap !!!!
7:56 PM
prima donna
he's cute i don't want you murdering him
7:57 PM
yeah let's not end up in jail before graduating
7:59 PM
dancing queen
whatev i'll find it out myself
7:59 PM
y'all come back to the dorm and let's watch mean girls together we don't need no men in our lives
8:01 PM
prima donna
8:02 PM
dancing queen
8:02 PM
Saturday, 17 ?? 2019
dancing queen
partyy at thw frat housw
whr you bytxhes att
10:10 PM
yoooo you saw me half an hour ago
10:27 PM
dancing queen
i did?
10:29 PM
ily you two so much and have i told you how happy i am to have you in my life and as my dormmates
10:47 PM
prima donna
wooow now that's a sight one is a lost puppy and the other is suddenly confessing
you all good there?
10:54 PM
noooooooooooo i''m sad
11:27 PM
prima donna
are you guys drunk???
11:30 PM
11:32 PM
dancing queen
alllllllll dwfinutwly
11:34 PM
prima donna
where the hell is liang and sihoo??
i can't believe liang let you two out of his sight
11:35 PM
dancing queen
i diychwd them
11:42 PM
SOS this is liang
my phone's dead and i can't handle three intoxicated teenagers all on my own!
12:26 AM
prima donna
i say leave their asses at the sidewalk
serves them right for ditching me and leaving me alone to finish my last minute assignment 
12:28 AM
12:29 AM
prima donna
ugh i'm on my way
12:34 AM
Angelz Squad


hey, you can talk to me. what's wrong?

year — sophomore, second year.
major — psychology, concentration in childhood development.

minor — marketing.
clubs — 
se (student events) : joined the club mid-last year. she'd help with preparations esp. in catering and in spreading out the word to the students whenever there's an upcoming event.
blooming : the gardening club. it's a fairly small club with twenty-two members. they're split into three groups with one having six students and the other two having eight students. each team is designated two days of the week (with saturdays off for everyone) to go to the greenhouse that's located at long walk to take care and water the plants, clean the place, and so on. yiran is in group one with six students and they're assigned sundays and wednesdays.

daily schedule —      (schedule)
— yiran spent her first year taking general courses and so she only now began taking her major courses which consist of intro to psychology, research 1: statistics for psychology, lifespan development, and child development. and she’s taking one minor course which is consumer behavior. on mondays and thursdays she has classes from 9:30 until 5:30 and on tuesdays and fridays she has classes from 10:30 to 4:00. wednesdays are off for her but she does have her weekly blooming club meetings at the greenhouse from 1 to 3:30 which she has on sundays too. the blooming club meetings are basically just her and her assigned group members watering and taking care of the plants and flowers at the greenhouse and cleaning the place up. yiran would spend her weekends or free time differently according to her mood. when she’s tired, she’d just sit at the dorm and binge watch movies or dramas and her dormmates would join her too if they’re not doing anything either. when she’s energetic, she’d be out with friends either chilling or wilding around, going to a rave/party, or simply paying her uncle a visit at his restaurant at river village.

we got another noise complaint

living arrangements — living in the sophomore dorm with yoora and hyunjin. the living room is kind of neat, all thanks to yiran, with stacks of dvds piled on the table beneath the plasma tv for their occasional movie/drama nights. a couple of pots of plants are placed near the windows that yiran would constantly preach the other two girls to treat as their own babies. connected to the living room is a small kitchen that mostly consists of snacks and drinks. when they wanna cook something themselves (more like yiran cooks while yoora orders her around and hyunjin pretends to be doing something), they'd go to the grocery to buy only the ingredients needed for that one recipe. they all share one bathroom which gets hectic in the morning when they're all in a hurry to rush to their classes. so it's normal for them to barge into each other peeing or taking a quick shower which may result in some screaming match. "get the out!" "jesus i'm just gonna brush my teeth real quick! you're the one who's taking forever!" as for her room, while everything else is neat, her study table is a literal mess of scrambled up papers, stacks of books, sticky notes filled with information concerning psychology, and etc. and on the table other than study-related things are two small photo frames; one of her with her two closest friends slash dormmates hyunjin and yoora, while the other is an old family photo of her as a baby, her mother, uncle, and father, but her father's face is torn out. her bed is always kept tidy and matches her room color palette; white, light grey, baby pink, and hints of sky blue. her cabinet contains lots and lots of clothing (mostly tennis skirts lol) and the dresser saves her stash of makeup, blow-dryer, and straightener.


i know i smile a lot but with him, my smiles are more genuine 

soulmate name — song liang (송리앙).

nickname — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

birthdate (age) — march 4, 2000 (19y).

face claim — zhou zhennan (r1se).

backup face claim — justin (nine percent/nex7).


personality —    collab with -churros (app).
looks like a slytherin, is a hufflepuff. don't let his sharp eyes trick you, he is babie. compassionate and is always out to help. earnest and never fails to show his appreciation for others. loves kids!!!!!!! prolly been through some mean, petty family . struggles with his identity. a bit frustrated that people can't seem to get over the fact that he isn't a foreigner, but he tries not to let it get to him. sincere, and sometimes people can see some of his maturity shining through every once in a while. is that one friend who takes care of their drunk friends in a hectic party. he would say he's that designated driver friend, but he doesn't know how to drive so haha. dad friend. in liang we trust? the most put-together among the dormitories, tends to cook meals for dormmates. is literally that one meme with the black house and pastel house.

relationship — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut. Autem denique argumentum duo ea, quod offendit nam an, quas minim possit eu. Te vim veri numquam voluptua, ei eum esse movet albucius. Ad ius debitis dissentiunt concludaturque, ne erant reprimique eam. Te dico salutatus interpretaris pro. Id nec iriure similique. Duo porro utinam tractatos id, liber inermis nam et, mundi graeci ius cu. Maiorum appetere vix ut, in ullum erroribus nam. Ut vim nulla debitis accommodare, no has atqui prompta. Est ei quem mnesarchum. Pro iriure vivendo signiferumque ne, quo quis invenire an. Quem dolorum ullamcorper vis ne. Ex mel malis nostrud intellegebat. Audire democritum efficiantur ea ius. Invenire erroribus percipitur id vim, at vix tempor splendide. Quodsi cotidieque interpretaris eum cu. Ne aperiri vocibus pertinacia duo, nostrud antiopam reprehendunt est ea, ad eam aeterno reformidans.

trivias — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet .

character quote

comments/suggestions — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

scene requests — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut.

password — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut.

turn in — back to the story


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Collab for my female character? ~