replace with fc





✩ CHAN - His Hwan name, which he uses more now to hide his identity.

✩ CHRIS - Short form of his name Christian, often used by his friends if they aren’t calling him Chan.

✩ PEST - Clara calls him this, and to be honest he kinda likes it. 


Hwan - fluent / His father spoke it with him at home, so he’s been able to speak it since he was a child.
Valgain - fluent / Growing up in New Haven meant he was sure to learn the most common language (Australian equivalent accent).
Tamazian - conversational / the first place he traveled to after leaving the navy was Tamaza, and there he had a lot of fun.
Công - basic / he only picked up a couple frases while he was there. Tbh, he didn’t do much talking.


✩ He is an attractive man, but the world has left its many marks on him. His chin, upper lip and jaw are usually covered in stubble, his hair typically messy. Scars cover his body like they would any pirate, but he also has   tattoos he’s accumulated over the years that hold special meaning to him.

• Tamazian Symbols ( x - x)

• Dragon Tattoo ( x )


✩ Though he dresses as you would expect any pirate to do so, he also incorporates articles of clothing he has collected over his travels. Whether it be a Ao Dai from Jiā-Dan, accessories from Tamaza, or even traditional clothing from Jiā-Hwan.

Outfits: 1, 2, 3, 4

Accessories: 1, 2

Character’s Daily Life: here

BIRTHDATE: Dekari 3rd, 1299 + (22)

FACE CLAIM: Bang Chan (Stray Kids)
BACK UP: Mingi (ateez)
HEIGHT: 171 cm
WEIGHT: 73 kg


“Okay...I know what it looks like mate...but i promise i


only kinda robBed ya’.”


More then skin and bones...


PERSONALITY TRAITS: Bold, Rational and Practical, Original, Perceptive, Direct, Sociable | Insensitive, Impatient, Risk-prone, Unstructured, Obtuse, Defiant

Bold – Christian has always been full of life and energy. There is no greater joy for him than pushing boundaries and discovering and using new things and ideas.

Rational and Practical – Chris loves knowledge and philosophy, but not for his own sake. What’s fun for him is finding ideas that are actionable and drilling into the details so he can put them to use. If a discussion is completely arbitrary, there are better uses of his time.

Original – Combining his boldness and practicality, Christian loves to experiment with new ideas and solutions. He puts things together in ways no one else would think to.

Perceptive – This originality is helped by his ability to notice when things change – and when they need to change! Small shifts in habits and appearances stick out to Christian, and he uses these observations to help create connections with others.

Direct – This perceptive skill isn’t used for mind games – Christian prefers to communicate clearly, with direct and factual questions and answers. Things are what they are. Though if he’s gambling thats a different story.

Sociable – All these qualities pull together to make a natural group leader in Christian. This isn’t something that he actively seeks – but this does come in handy with his role as the Gunner on board.

Insensitive – Feelings and emotions come second to facts and “reality” for Chris. Emotionally charged situations are awkward, uncomfortable affairs, and his blunt honesty doesn’t help here. He often has a lot of trouble acknowledging and expressing his own feelings as well.

Impatient – Chris moves at his own pace to keep himself excited. Slowing down because someone else “doesn’t get it” or having to stay focused on a single detail for too long is extremely challenging for him.

Risk-prone – This impatience can lead Christian to push into uncharted territory without thinking of the long-term consequences. He will often sometimes intentionally combat boredom with extra risk.

Unstructured – Christian sees an opportunity – to fix a problem, to advance, to have fun – and seize the moment, often ignoring rules and social expectations in the process. This may get things done, but it can create unexpected consequences.

Obtuse – Living in the moment can cause him to miss the forest for the trees. Chris loves to solve problems here and now, perhaps too much. All parts of a project can be perfect, but the project will still fail if those parts do not fit together.

Defiant – Christian Bang won’t be boxed in. Repetition, hardline rules, sitting quietly while he is lectured at – this isn’t how Chris live his life. He is action-oriented and hands-on. It took a lot for the Captain to break through to him, which is why the Captain is of the few people Christian is willing to actually listen to.


Before Christian was born, his parents left their home in Jiā-Hwan in order to assist a merchant they worked for. They traveled for a long time, before settling in New Haven where they helped run a shop that sold exotic goods from Jiāyuan. They lived there for a year before Eunhwa fell pregnant. Minhoon was very happy about the child, but despite loving Chan, Eunhwa felt as though her pregnancy made work much harder. Even after giving birth she experienced frequent fatigue and was ill most of the time. Chan was barely a toddler when his mother finally passed away, leaving his father to raise him on his own.

As a young boy, despite wishing he knew his mother, Chan was very playful and happy. He was good with customers and even brought in business. This was the age he learnt his persuasive and charming behaviour, knowing just how to get people to buy something. He was about five years old when he started going by Christian, since a valgian name was more appealing during introductions with costumers. He liked the name quiet a lot, and even started to prefer to be called Chris over Chan. As a child Christian started to notice his father’s deteriorating health, but Minhoon always brushed it off as the shop being dusty, not wanting to worry Christian of the sickness he had contracted. What the young boy didn’t know, was that his father had picked up some foreign virus from the ports while picking up a shipment, and slowly but surely, it was only getting worse.

During his teenage years was when Chris had his first introduction to the New Haven Navy. They were recruiting able bodied civilians to serve time in military. His father was forcibly conscripted, despite Minhoon not having very good lungs. This scared Christian to the core, because he didn’t know what would happen to his father. So despite Minhoon’s protests, Christian enlisted as well to stay by his father’s side.

“Listen to me Pa’, I’m coming with you...and one day we’ll return home together. I promise.”

Christian worked hard on their ship, to pick up his father’s slack, so he wouldn’t suffer more from his illness. Unfortunately his requests to have his father sent home were continually denied by his commanding officer, Commander Edwin Griffiths. The man was senile and pretentious. He looked down on the crewman and worked them half to death.

Christian was a boy, but now he had to be a man. Because the weight on his shoulders was his father’s life, and he would do anything to protect the man who raised him. However that grew harder as Minhoon’s condition worsened. Their time at sea was long, and food was scarce. They had to ration what they had, while Griffiths dined comfortably. Christian tried to have his father eat his portions as well, but Minhoon refused since Christian was still growing.

As Minhoon got sicker, Chris began to loose his composure. Starting fights was a common thing, resulting in lashings which’s scars are still visible today. His acting out gained Griffiths’ attention. Now, instead of being ignored blatantly, Christian had to put up with long shared glares. The eyes said it all: I see you, but your actions are for nothing.

Eventually as Christian was slowly becoming an adult, his time in the Navy was nearing its end. But not as he has hoped it would. His father was just barely making it by, and Chris knew he needed medical help, however there was only so much their on ship surgeon could do. So inevitably, during a battle with a minor pirate ship, Minhoon was overwhelmed by the whole affair, and began to hyperventilate. Because he wasn’t engaging in battle and becoming a burden on the ship, Griffiths ran Minhoon through himself during the heat of the battle. Young Christian witnessing the whole thing.

Chris was tempted to kill Griffiths then and there, but he knew his father needed him more. He pulled Minhoon down under decks, and staying with him till his last breath. Christian blamed Griffiths for it, and rightfully so, but when he called him out for it after the battle, he was accused of mutiny. This was usually punishable by death, except Griffiths decided to have Christian tied to the mast for the next four days and nights. He claimed he was being lenient in the young boy, and he was praised by his other officers.

Christian could cared less, death would have been better at this point. However thankfully when he was let down from the mast, they had stopped at a port. He took his chance to grab whatever he had and jump ship in the night. They didn’t notice his disappearance till the morning, but soon enough Christian Bang’s name was on wanted posters from New Haven to Miyuseille.

It didn’t take Christian long to realize returning to New Haven was not safe any more. But it wasn’t like he saw that as home anymore either. So Chris decided it was best to take to the world, and travel aimlessly. His first stop? Tamaza.

Gorgeous women, and delicious food? What’s not to love? He made a resonance amount of money there in the underground market, though gaining his fair share of enemies too. Surprisingly he also managed to become close to a Priest and enjoy his private library. He picked up the language pretty well, and connected with their culture deeply. So much so that he for tattoos to showcase that. The one he got on his back was meant to cover the scars, and the one on his chest to symbolize seeing with his heart.

Eventually when Chris thought it was in his best interests to leave so he isn’t caught by those searching for him, he made the choice to move to Jiā-Dan where he gained a wealth he never expected. Love.

He started working on a merchant’s land, working the fields to earn money and a place to stay. However the merchant’s Daughter was fascinated by the strange boy, despite their difference in language for the most part. She spent lots of time around him, until he started to notice her, wanting to have a little fun.

He was still dealing with Minhoon’s death, but making love to a beautiful girl was definitely a way to take his mind off things. They spent nights together in secret, and stole glances when they shouldn’t. A forbidden affair that was like nothing he’s ever experienced. He wouldn’t admit he ever felt anything like love. But in truth that’s what he felt for Cara. Love. Which of course meant this ended badly for him.

Chris’s boss eventually found out of the affair, and being the cowardly man he was, couldn’t bring himself to violence. So instead he fired Chris and after a short family trip to s different town, sent news to Chris of the tragedy that has struck. Cara was dead. The grief sent Christian away again, this time to Jiā-Hwan, the birthplace of his father and mother. However this only caused the poor young man to think of Minhoon. He couldn’t stay.

Once again Christian was on the move, this time: The Piranha Isles.

After spending days and nights in pubs and brothels, it dawned on him he’d lost all his life’s purpose. And what does a man do when he has lost his way? He takes to the sea. And after having a long talk with a stranger in a pub about this, he was convinced to join the crew he was part of. After all, how could he say no to free travel across the globe, gold, women, and a brotherhood who would never abandon him?

So without hesitation, a pirate’s life was his!


✩ here
✩ here
✩ here
✩ here
✩ here




✩ Former Camanding Officer - Griffiths (55) / Admiral (formerly Commander) / personality traits / 0/10


✩ Former Lover - Cara (19) / Merchant’s Daughter / personality traits / 7/10


✩ relation - name (age) / occupation / personality traits / closeness


✩ relation - name (age) / occupation / personality traits / closeness


✩ relation - name (age) / occupation / personality traits / closeness

replace with love int





✩ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. 


✩ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus.


✩ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. 

STATUS: here
ENDING: here


username ✩ nickname

LAST COMMENT: Christian’s backup plot would be the boatswain.


✩ here

✩ here





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