성대학교 성 Seong University / Alice Wong / The Inspirational Muse


BIRTHNAME:  Alice Wong / Wong Ai Liu (王爱琉)
AiLiu given to her and used by her family, which literally means "love sparkle"
Bunny used by her close friends, in reference to Alice in Wonderland's White Rabbit, of sorts. At first, it was a play on her name Alice, but then her friends thought her round eyes made her look like a baby rabbit
Ari for Starbucks or any name-using order. She doesn't feel like people spelling her name wrong
BIRTHDATE: July 12, 1996
BIRTHPLACE: Taipei, Taiwan
ETHNICITY: Taiwanese
Taiwanese Mandarin (fluent) basically Mandarin with a Taiwan accent (NOT Cantonese), mother tongue 
English (conversational) learned when studying arts self-taught via the internet 
Korean (conversational, needs practice) it's only been a few years since she moved to Korea, so she still needs some adjustments
HEIGHT&WEIGHT: 170 cm & 52 kg
Take a first glance at Alice and you would probably think along the lines of "This is an angel." Her long hair waves down to her chest, with ash brown streaks highlighting a darker brown color. Her hazel eyes are big and doe-like (or bunny-like, if you'd ask her friends), with slight eyebags that add a youthful look to her face. She has a long thin nose and light pink lips. Due to the amount of sun she's gotten while in Taiwan, her skin tone is just a tad darker compared to other Korean girls. Alice has a slender figure, just enough to compensate her height. People notice that her hands are quite on the chubbier side, and her friends like to squish and pinch them when they get bored. Overall, Alice dons an innocent look.
Alice wasn't quite the fashionista of the group. She prefers to wear simple casual clothes in and out of campus grounds. She also has a thing for light-colored outfits. When attending classes, she would wear a shirt and light denim jeans. Other days she would feel a bit "fancy" and scratch jeans for a skirt, maybe even style her hair into a side braid. On rainy days, or just when she's feeling lazy, she would just throw on an oversized hoodie, maybe top it off with a beanie to keep herself warm. She prefers wearing sneakers and flat shoes compared to heels since she's already so tall anyway. Out of uni, she would wear T-shirts and shorts, sometimes favoring a pair of flip-flops when she's going out for a long stroll. Back home when she's doing her art project, she doesn't really care about how she looks like. Hoodie, training pants, hair tied up in a bun then stuffed into a beanie, anything to make herself comfortable and distraction-free.

Love Interest Picture

PLOTLINE The Inspirational Muse
LOVE INTEREST:  Kai / Kim Jong In of EXO
BACK-UP LOVE INTEREST:  Lisa / Lalisa Manoban of Blackpink
PERSONALITY:  There's a whole other world when it comes to Kai. When he's on the dance floor, where people often see him, he's a passionate seductive Casanova, throwing on grins and smirks mid-routine. The emotions he put into a dance makes clear that he has a heart for what he's pursuing, not just doing it for fun.  He's quite hard-working, too, pushing himself through even though he's had injuries. (Kind of like Alice, hmm.) People often think of him as a playboy, but really, he's just a big sweetheart. He has a big heart, and he cares deeply for his friends. He's easy-going too, he jokes around a lot. He can be so cute and innocent sometimes, too! The good thing about being friends with Kai is that he'll always lend out an ear for you, and he'll get worried whenever someone's feeling distressed.
INTERACTIONS: Ah, famous Kim Jongin. A talented student of the Performing Arts major, a dancing and acting prodigy. You must have been living under a rock to not have heard about him. Welp, apparently Alice never lived under a rock, nor had she ever seen the senior on campus. That is, until her current semester's final project. Her mentor was bored of her nature-themed animations, so she was tasked to create something different. "Take a look around! You can't progress if you're stuck with one particular style!" her mentor instructed. So she brainstormed to no avail. She was walking to the campus library thinking of ideas when she heard music playing in a distance. The sound of the piano intrigued her, and she walked closer to see where it came from. It came from inside the dance studio, and there he was. Kim Jongin, dancing alone, emotions so intense she felt like he was telling a story of his own. Her heart skipped a beat, and her hands got hold of her bullet journal and she started sketching. She imagined him as the main character of her new project. Unbeknownst to her, the music had stopped, and Kai was staring at her confused. When she found out, she nearly squeaked before running off to the library.

Days went on just like that. She would stalk Kai dancing, alone or in class, from outside the studio. She sketched his movements as new ideas sprung up in her brain. She would leave before he could see her, disappearing like the wind. Kai barely noticed. When he did, he'd shrug it off thinking she was one of most female colleagues who would stand outside the studio watching handsome guys dance. It was a relief for Alice, too; she didn't need to worry about being too creepy or something. However, after a few weeks, Alice felt frustrated. She had a rough concept in mind, but she can only get so far by watching him from a distance. She needed details. She needed to know what her main character goes through, what made him feel various emotions throughout his story. She needed him to tell her. On the other hand, Kai got curious as well. What was it about the girl that stood outside his studio with her bullet journal? Did she need any help? Should he go and talk to her after all? Would Alice give him a wrong impression?


♦ Ending:
Comments: SO! Heya!  Lin here with a brand new OC Alice! I really hope you enjoyed reading through that. I know quality over quantity is a thing here but I just can't help writing all the deets >u<. It was a bit challenging when it said Kai didn't even know Alice existed, so I think I'll just give it a start and you can have plenty of room for their development. Come to think of it, if you haven't noticed, Kai's personality is similar to Alan's, so he reminds her of her brother and stuff. He can help her open up from there. Because, yeah, Alice is an overall introvert and I thought it'd be nice to see her character develop as the plot goes on. Oh! About the fashion/appearance thingy, I wrote an in-campus-grounds dresscode because idk if Seong uses uniforms or not, so you can just scratch that part if it does. I think that's all for now... if you want to ask or comment on anything, please do tell me XD. thnk you so muchhh! (P.S. MY INTERNET BROKE AND IT ONLY GOT SAVED UP TILL THE INTERACTIONS PART SO I HAVE TO WRITE EVERYTHING ALL OVER AGAIN UGH GOD FORSAKE ME :') )
Scene Requests:

 When they do get close and Alice is asking Kai about emotion details (how one can convey emotion without words), Kai offers to teach her how to dance. It's a way for Alice to learn how to express herself, of sorts. (Ursula: don't underestimate the power of BODEH LANGUAGEEEE)
Alice. Kai. Both love animals. Solution? Kai's dogs. Let cuteness explode!!!
Alice notices that Kai's not in his studio despite his schedule so she gets worried sick and starts wandering the entire campus looking for him.
Kai pulling a Romeo and Juliet pickup line on Alice (he has drama as part of his major), to which Alice awkwardly brushes it off while flushing red as a tomato.

+ Creative, loyal, humble, compassionate, hard-working
- Soft-spoken, socially awkward, overthinker, impractical, idealistic
PERSONALITY: INFP-A "The Mediator", Hufflepuff, Phlegmatic
Creative: Since a young age, Alice has always been very imaginative. Give her any theme and minutes later, you'll see her pencils and pens dancing across a piece of paper, transforming it into an art that tells a story. She's mostly inspired by nature, for she believes that there are yet so much to discover about the environment around her. Possibilities are endless to what illustrations she can create from looking at forests and mountains. She's detailed, too–she could spend up to 15 minutes looking for the right shade of color alone.  
Loyal: Alice has a rather small group of friends, but she learned that harmony and loyalty play a vital role in her friendship. One wrong mistake and it will all turn into a disaster. She's never been the type to betray and/or leave her friends for her personal needs.
Humble: Alice is quite a talented artist and an equally caring friend. Many have praised her for being so, usually teachers, family members, and people of the elder generation. However, she takes all the flattery in and just chuckles it off, only saying "Thank you" quietly. She never brags about her skills, neither does she seek power over her friends just to be praised and worshipped.
Compassionate: She is a very selfless person. She would offer help at any chance possible, whether it's emotional support, or sending her friends food when they need it, helping old people cross the street, etc. She suffers seeing people suffer, and she puts herself in their shoes. She thinks everyone deserves to live a peaceful, problem-free life.
Hard-working: She would do just about anything to make sure her art pleases people. She takes critique and advice from her mentors and fellow colleagues, and she uses it for her progress. She will never give up learning and improving herself.  
Soft-spoken: She has a very gentle voice. Too gentle, if I do say so myself. She never really talks much, and she thinks that so long as she can hear herself, people can hear her as well. She's never really screamed or shouted as well, so people can't really tell when she's being angry, irritated, or frustrated. 
Socially awkward: When she was young, she seldom goes out to socialize. In her group of friends, she wasn't quite the shining star. She tends to stay to the side and watch her friends have all the fun. She's just scared of embarrassing herself. This also apparently makes it hard–and I mean REALLY hard– for her to hang out with the opposite gender. It's not that she doesn't want to, she just doesn't know how. She doesn't know whether she's reacting the right way or not, so she just tends to avoid interacting at all.
Overthinking: So, she's compassionate alright. She takes critiques and improves, sure. Those are the long-term effects that you see because of her overthinking. When she is being critiqued, she instantly feels down and cries when she's back in her dorm. It's a side effect of her social awkwardness.
Impractical: Did I say she was hard-working? Oh, boy she is. When she's on intense work-mode, she forgets her meal and sleep schedule. She neglects practical matters like chores and entertainment. She doesn't realize it, but sometimes it makes her friends worried about her well-being. She's gotten sick a few times by doing so. Heck, she even forgot her birthday once because she was so busy with a big project.
Idealistic: There's a slim difference between a perfectionist and an idealist. A perfectionist has their idea set on practice, and they intend on making it as perfect as what they had in their head. An idealist, like Alice, plans on things where reality may not meet its circumstances, thus it is unable to make the plan come to life. Basically, it's the opposite of realism. Alice's imaginative mind may wander a bit too far sometimes, and she has to remind herself that facilities are limited. Don't be shocked if you come to her room and her trash can is filled with scuffled paper, because that's the product of her crazy concepts that may not even come to life.

BACKGROUND: Alice Wong was born in Taiwan from a fairly upper-class family. Alice's parents considered her too good for any school in their country, so they decided to hire a tutor instead. She was homeschooled until she reached high school when her parents decided she needed to socialize after all. So Alice went to school for the first time, and she was quite invisible to the rest of the school, spending her recess drawing illustrations and writing short stories. Students only noticed her for her art skills, always competing to pick her whenever a teacher assigns a group project involving arts. Before graduating high school, she told her parents that she wanted to focus on arts as her major, specifically Digital Film Production, for her love of drawing and storytelling. Her parents refused at first, they wanted her to be a fine businesswoman, but they decided that her elder brother would take over their company anyway. Initially, Alice applied for a university in Japan, since her drawing style was rather anime-like than 3D. She got rejected due to her inadequate skills, so she spent a whole year idling after high school graduation, spending her time doing online commissions and saving up money. She then applied to Seong University, which she got accepted.


 Pastel colors
 Chicken wings (favorite food)
 Gua Bao
 Cute animals
 Music that involves instruments (classical, jazz, etc. not synthetic-made like EDM or techno)
 Green tea
 Taiwanese Lantern Festival (she misses it so much when she moved to Korea)
 Anime (especially those made by Studio Ghibli)
 Harry Potter
 Bujo-ing (Bullet journal logging)

 Soy milk
 Chocolate cake
 Rock music
 Horror movies
 Lagging computer programs

 She is biual and most definitely the bottom
 She's currently in her second year, which is kind of late due to her idling year
 She is lactose-intolerant, so she drinks almond or hazelnut milk instead
 Her Instagram is @alicetokki ("tokki" means "bunny"), and she has another account for her art portfolio @bunnydraws
 She often mumbles in Mandarin
 She has a Tinder account made by her brother but she barely uses it
 She does self-taught basic 2D animation
 Her works usually involve nature themes: forests, meadows, the ocean, etc.
 She keeps a bullet journal which she likes to doodle when she's bored
 She stays at the university dorm since she has nowhere else to stay
 She keeps her emotions to herself, though only letting it out inside her dorm
 She's the peacemaker of the group
 She wants to work for an animated film company after uni
 She wants to have pets but she has no time to take care of them


Alan Wong | 29 | fun, quirky, easy-going | Being born from the same parents, Alan was Alice's first friend. He was the fun extroverted sibling, countering her shy introverted self. He was the one who supported her artistic dreams, and he would always make time in midst of his busy schedule to call her every week. He was her motivational and emotional support. When she couldn't sleep, she'd text him or sometimes call him.

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