A Youth's Confession

As a normal 19-year old teenager, I have always been wondering about my future. All these while, I have been going with the flow, always bulldozed my way through life wherever it took me. But lately as I realised that I am going to be in my 20s soon, I can't help worrying about my future. I have doubts and confusion on how can I shape it. There are a lot of things that I have yet to cross out on my checklist like university, career prospects, starting a family, travel overseas and the list goes on. Oh and own a cat. Pfft, that has always been on my list since forever.

I feel daunted by the questions I have no answers to. Am I going to have a career I will enjoy? Will I marry a nice man? Will I have enough money saved up to travel to places? My childhood was screwed up so I hope to create a decent future. It frightens me to cross the thought that I won't be able to put a tick on all my goals on my checklist. I know life is not simple and I am bound to face the ramifications of my own actions in life. 

But again at the end of day, I would like to live a simple life as who I am. I am not the type of person to dream big and chase after it. It is in my nature to be a minimalist and keep things as they are. It does not matter whether you have your future plans ready or not. I want youths to know that it is perfectly fine to not yet decide what they want to do in the long run and who they will end up with. As youths, I am sure there are still a lot of things you want to do, a lot of places you want to visit and many different people you want to meet. One piece of advice - do as much as you can. Life is about getting out of your comfort zone and satisy your curiosity. Don't just sit there and watch other people carry out your dream on the internet. Be responsible for your life and hey maybe you will find the things that you like.

I hope you guys can get through the machinations of life with happiness along the way :)


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I have a lot of uncertain thoughts too without a solution or destination:”)
The twenties is so much better than the teens. The twenties ARE your youth. Go live, man. Go dream. Life definitely doesn’t end at 20 and neither should your dreams. Don’t settle at the early 20’s unless it’s what you dream of. Go have fun. Know nothing about what the future holds. You’re most certainly allowed to. Most people in their 20’s don’t anyway.
All the best to you :) You can do it
yuansaga #4
I used to be like that until i found a job that i love... Now i am taking care of my family and waiting for time to pass