정용선 hides his skeleton in the closet !

FULL NAME. Jung Yongsun
• Yonggie + Roughly meaning 'Baby Dragon' (Yong = Dragon), Yongsun's family members all call him this as an endearment as their family has a long history pertaining to their dragon blood and he is the youngest
• The Charming Devil + Yongsun unconsciously charms people with how his actions and words, and since everyone thinks that he is a demon, he earned this nickname

• Twin Dragons + Yongsun and Daewon are both pure-blooded dragons and because they often spar with each other, they are both strong fighters. However, the two are talented at fighting together, side-by-side. With similar fighting skills and being the same age, the two were nicknamed the 'Twin Dragons' by their families.

AGE. 18
DATE OF BIRTH. January 16, 2000

BIRTHPLACE. Hyeoryam, South Korea
HOMETOWN. Hyeoryam, South Korea
• Korean | Fluent | Native tongue
• English | Advanced | Forced to learn by his family in order to place himself above others
• Mandarin | Proficient | Same reason as English but he learned it later so he isn't as good as his English
FACECLAIM. Astro's Cha Eunwoo
BACK-UP FACECLAIMS. Stray Kids' Hyunjin

HEIGHT & WEIGHT. 184 cm and 64 kg.
Yongsun is a handsome kid, that much is obvious. He keeps his hair a natural shade of black. He does occasionally fluff up his hair and allow his forehead to show like in the picture. However, he usually keeps is flat and down. His skin is kept fair and flawless. He's quite tall and is very fit and atheltic as he works out daily and goes on frequent runs. His body and muscles are also toned. He may or may not also have a nice pair of abs.
Yongsun's dragon form looks like this but is a very light shade of blue like this while the scales lining his stomach area are a pale shade of blue, almost white. His dragon form is quite small, about the size of school bus. Dragons live for a long time and they grow bigger with every passing year without any real size limit which is why he isn't very big. 

FASHION STYLE. Yongsun's Closet

EXTRA DETAILS. Yongsun is capable of partially transforming any part of his body to his dragon form and is able to produce solely his horns, tail, and wings if he wants. He uses this to hide his dragon lineage which is extremely rare and appears to be a demon instead.
TRAITS.   R a v e n c l a w  |  I S T J
[  +  ] charistmatic, patient, loyal, reilable, capable
[  =  ] reserved, conservative, observant, straightforward
[  –  ] prideful, calculating, arrogant, realistic, cautious
ELABORATION. "He had charisma, and not the kind of charisma that was about how his face looked. It was how he stood, how he moved." After watching and studying people from the sidelines for so long, Yongsun knows how to move people. If it wasn't for him being so cautious and trying so desperately to hide the fact that he's a dragon, Yongsun would've been a natural born leader, the popular kid in class who would on good terms with all his classmates and teachers. He has a way of charming people with the way he speaks and convincing them that he is capable of doing anything. He simply attracts attention wherever he goes, and any time he walks by, people's eyes are just drawn towards him. "He knew no great thing is created suddenly, so he learned to wait." Yongsun has patience that one wouldn't expect for someone at his age. He is always willing to wait for someone for as long as it takes without a single complaint. He doesn't press others for information and instead waits until they are ready to tell him. If he's tutoring you for a class that you're really struggling with, he would never get mad or frustrated with you. Even if you yell straight to his face, he wouldn't yell right back. He would wait until you calm down to talk to you. "He believes that blood makes you related, but loyalty makes you family." Sure, Yongsun can be a cocky little piece of , but you can bet your that he would never betray you. If he gives you his word, do not take it lightly. Dragons pride themselves on always being true to their word, and their pride is not something they take lightly. When Yongsun says that he'll be by your side through thick and thin, he undoubtedly will. However, his loyalty is not simply recieved. Yongsun believes that loyalty is returned and is only loyal to those who've shown him this fact. However, if you do manage to earn his loyalty, Yongsun would never think of betraying you. Even if all the odds are against you, Yongsun will be that one person who will be by your side. "If he gives you his word, take it; it's the word of a dragon." If he gives you his word, do not take it lightly. When a dragon gives you his/her word, it's a sacred thing. It means that  Yongsun will not hesistate to do whatever it takes in order to make sure he keeps his word even if it meant that he would have to cross heaven and earth for it to happen. "He was capable of anything that came his way as if it was only natural." In order to be able to protect himself, his lineage, and his family, Yongsun had to learn to do everything. His family no longer has to worry as much about him since he is the most gifted in his family. You need him to fight? He's practically a natural-born fighter and is the one of the strongest dragons in his family. You need a leader? Who else could you find to be as patient, capable, and loyal as Yongsun? Need someone who can plan strategies? Well, look no further? Yongsun can do a wide variety of things that most people specialize in and actually excel at all of them.
"The less he revealed, the more they wondered." Due to his species being extremely rare and his family's constant warnings over the years, Yongsun grew up to be quite reserved. He never asks for much and never goes out of his way to make his presence known. He typically keeps to himself. He does have a lot of things to say and does want to voice his opinions but often ends up never mentioning anything. Despite encouraging close friends to vent to never hold back their emotions, he does this very thing. "Call him old-fashioned, but he keeps his traditional values." Yongsun grew up in a very conservative family and grew up with a tradtional way of thinking. For example, he does believe that men should be the ones to protect the women and children. He also believes in only dating/marrying one person at time. He also grew up thinking that only a man and woman should get married together. However, he is wavering on that last one. (Shut up already!) "He was a genius at figuring out people simply by  taking the time to notice the things other overlook." Yongsun is the kind of guy who quietly sits in the backgroud while taking countless mental notes about everyone around him. He notices everything around him as an old habit since his parents always warned him to be alert and ready to run/fight for his life. He needed to be observant if he wanted to hide one of the biggest secrets of his life. He is quick to pick up the smallest of changes in his environment and adjusts his plans accordingly. "He always thought honesty was better than sugar-coated bull." Yongsun never holds back his thoughts when he is leading a group. He usually is quite reserved but will not hesitate to call you out on your bull if it is necessary, especially in dangerous situation. He won't be harsh with his words, but he still hits you where it hurts even if its not intentional.
"It was pride that changed angels into devils, but he was never an angel to begin with." Maybe it's the dragon in him, but despite being reserved, Yongsun is quite prideful. He takes great pride in his strength, smarts, and lineage. He loves being a dragon and the rarity of it. This often causes him to unconsciously look down on the other supernatural species which makes him a bit of an at times, but only those that he lets get close to him will find this out. "He made all the calculations off the expecation that the odds will be against him." Yongsun often comes off as a quiet wallflower who just can't seem to make friends when in reality, he's planned out everything. He knows how his actions appear to some people and figures out how he comes off to others. He uses all this information to his advantage. He'll play ignorant, dumb, and naive just to ensure the fact that he's a dragon never leak out. "He wouldn't call himself cocky, but he does take pride at being the best at everything he does." Aaaaand we are finally back to explain what a cocky Yongsun is. He doesn't blatantly show it, but he constantly praises himself for his perfection. Yongsun is about as arrogant as Lucas, but he shows it more with his actions and tends to think of it rather than verbally displaying it like Lucas. "He learned that being realistic could save people from future pain and disappointment." Yongsun is real with you. He won't feed you some sugar-coated bull, he just won't. He doesn't underestimate or overestimate the people his working with or his enemies, he sees them for what they are and plans/leads accordingly. He won't hesistate to tell devastating news because he thinks that it would just be plain cruel. If you want someone to tell you how something is, "Caution and paranoia created an invisible wall that even the builder has no clue as to how to get past it." Because of Yongsun's rare lineage, he never let anyone get too close to him since he can put himself and his family in danger. He only approaches others with extreme caution. Due to all of this, Yongsun has a difficult time trustinig other and simply letting others into his life which why he doesn't have friends. He is wary of everyone and everythings and considers the risk that come with them.

BACKGROUND. Yongsun was born as a result of an arranged marriage just like every other member of his family. However, that is not to say that his family wasn't loving. Sure, they were strict and had a slightly round about way of showing it, but his parents weren't unhappy with their marriage.

Yongsun grew up with three other siblings and all of them went through their lessons together. They grew up close as Yongsun's older siblings would often give him advice for his lessons. These lessons consisted of learning traditional arts (such as calligraphy and archery), advanced academics, English, fighting, and perfecting their control over their shapeshifting. Yongsun and his siblings were homeschooled for a majority of their life like most other dragons in their community. This was due to the fact that they were dragons, an extremely rare species even within the supernatural realm. This fact is practically ingrained in every community members' mind because such a fact could never ever be leaked even the slightest bit. This resulted in Yongsun fearing for his life since he was young. Letting the fact that he is a dragon leak out could endanger the lives of his entire family. It is probably here that Yongsun developed his overly cautious personality.

With every passing year, it became more and more evident that Yongsun was smarter, stronger, and gifted than his siblings. He picked up all his lessons quickly and worked hard to make sure he was perfect at all of them. His entire family was proud of him and even considered him their pride and joy. Because of this, Yongsun's parents allowed him to attend a private school at the age of 12 instead of having his first school be Hyeoryam High School like his other siblings. His parents wanted to see how he would fit in in society and if he would be able to adapt to the new environment.

In the beginning, Yongsun was awkward and found it difficult to relate to the other kids his age. However, the other kids thought he was handsome, so they quickly did their best to befriend him which worked. Yongsun soon found himself acting like everyone else and for once, he was having fun like a regular kid. Yongsun inevitably become the popular kid with his good looks, smarts, and fighting skills. He became something similar to a leader for the boys as they all followed him and his decisions. For the girls, Yongsun was the most desired guy in his school. He was always kind and chivalrous so it was hard to not to fall for him. Yongsun enjoyed his school life and was confident in his ability to hide his family's secret. His parents allowed him to continue attending since he fit in so well without any problems and since going to school seemed to make Yongsun much more vibrant and happier than he used to be. However, this changed when one of Yongsun's family friends was attacked.

His name was Daewon, one of the few dragons Yongsun's age whom he was able to see fairly often. After hearing about Yongsun's success with transitioning to school, Daewon's family tried to do the same with Daewon. However, Daewon and Yongsun were different in that Yongsun was confident in all his abilities while Daewon was quite shy and timid. Daewon, like Yongsun, was good looking, so when he transferred to school, he was bombarded by all the girls in his class. Being claustrophobic and afraid of the sudden lack of personal space, Daewon panicked and sprouted his tail which he quickly used to push back the girls surrounding him in an aggressive manner. Fortunately, Daewon realized his mistake and quickly made his tail disappear and appologized to his female classmates for shoving them a little too hard. He quickly explained that he was mildly claustrophobic. This reasoning was accepted by most of his classmates, but one of them belonged to a family who specialized in exterminating supernatural species. That student would later befriend Daewon as a way to find information about his family. This lead to Daewon's "friend" telling his family everything and to Daewon and his family being attacked. Everyong in the dragon community caught wind of this alarming news and forced everyone to lay low for a long time. 

Daewon's parents immediately contacted Yongsun's explaining what happened. Yongsun's parents explained what had happened to Yongsun and his older siblings who all agreed to be cautious of their own schoolmates. Everyone in the dragon community knew that it would look suspicious if a lot of kids suddenly transferred at the same time, so they kept their kids in school. Most kids simply decided to act a little more distant and cautious with their classmates, but this incident deeply affect Yongsun who was gradually getting over his deep fear of accidentally endangering his family. Daewon was a close friend of his, so his incident was like opening up old wounds as Yongsun's fear became more evident and fresh.

Yongsun slowly stopped hanging out with his classmates as his paranoia prevented him from seeing them as anything else other than a possible threat. He stopped finding joy in attending school and began to quietly sit alone even if others invited him to hang out with them. Yongsun no longer enjoyed hanging out with his other classmates, and his personality changed. He became quiet, cold, and distant whether he was at home or at school. Concerned, Yongsun's parents asked his siblings to talk with him. Yongguk, the youngest out of his older siblings, tried talking to him first, but Yongsun ignored him. Afterwards, Yongjun and Yongju, his oldest brother and oldest/only sister,  tried their luck. Yongsun tried to ignore them like he did with Yongguk, but unlike Yongguk, the twins were much older than Yongsun and refused to take no for an answer. The three fought each other with the twins double-teaming against the youngest. While Yongsun was indeed stronger, Yongjun and Yongju were more experienced and did not fall too far behind Yongsun in strength. After beating Yongsun's , Yongsun finally confessed his fear and paranoia to his older siblings. They consoled him and promised that it would be better once he got to Hyeoryam High School like them since being a supernatural at the school was practically a given. Yongsun agreed to loosen up more and relax a bit, but when he finally began attending Hyeoryam High School, he failed to shake off his fear completely. While he did make progress into confess that he was a member of a supernatural species, he refused to admit he was a dragon. He continued to remain quiet, alone, and distant from everyone else. 

• traditional sweets like red bean paste and matcha desserts (nothing super sweet though)
• photography
• snow/ice
• dragons (is secretly a dragon nerd and loves to hear stories about them, read about them, and critcize any information he reads or hears about them)
• board games (strategy games are his favorite)
• nature
• anything fluffy
• STEAMED BUNS (get him some and watch him fall in love with you)
• skinship (surprising but he actually loves it and is just too prideful to admit it)
• music
• origami
• ice cream
• sugary sweets
• junk food
• mint
• ice cream that has topping mixed in it (he believes ice cream should be smooth and creamy)
• warm/hot weather
• annoying people
• soda
• bitter food
• bright colored clothing
• watching quietly on the sidelines while the group is having fun
• brushing off everyong who comes to talk to him
• watching others 
• waking up early
• constantlly checking his surroundings
• gardening
• taking photos
• transforming to his dragon form and messing around in it
• cooking
• hanging out with Daewon
• flower arrangement
• sparring with his siblings
• watching others have fun
• playing his piano, violin, or guitar

• can't handle spicy food very well but can tolerate kimchi and gochujang
• only eats healthy food
• can rival Lucas in sports (but doesn't want the popularity that would come out of beating him)
• is ambidextrous
• actually doesn't mind studying
• is currently questioning his uality (He grew up in a traditional househole so he believes that only a man and woman should be together, but he finds himself looking more towards guys than girls. He is currently very conflicted over this since liking guys goes against his family's morals. He wants to think that he is straight, but he knows that he is homoual deep down)
• his worst fear is causing his family harm by letting the fact that they are dragons leak out
• secretly wishes that he can relax and hang out with other kids his age again
• doesn't pay attention to trends
• is slow at understanding jokes
• finds dad jokes amusing and it will always get a small smile out of him
• is terrible at technology (he's a bit of an old soul)
JUNG MINSU. Mother. Stay-At-Home Mom. 48. strict, respectful, traditional, conservative. 6/10.
Yongsun and his mother aren't too close since she had to be both his mother and teacher at the same time when he was younger. She was very strict with all of her lessons and always held high expectations for her kids, Yongsun most of all. She loves all her kids and wants to make sure that they all grow up to be elite members of society. Yongsun understands her and concerns, but he's just not a momma's boy. The two don't often talk about anything else other than school and lessons.

JUNG JUNGUK. Father. CEO of their family-owned business. 49. prideful, reserved, competitive, playful. 7/10.
Similar to Yongsun and his mother, Yongsun and his father aren't too close either. However, the two are closer do to Yongsun's exceptional talent when it came to fighting in both his human and dragon form. Yongsun's father is quite honestly a child at heart, and so when he noticed Yongsun's talent, he was excited. He wasn't as strict in his training as Yongsun's mother was when it came to her lessons. In fact, the two often spar together like a dad teaching his son how to play catch.

JUNG YONGJUN. Eldest Brother. College Student. 21. reliable, strong, confident, cocky, fun. 9/10.
(Yongju's Older Twin Sibling) Yongsun is much closer to all of his siblings than his parents as they all went through the same training and were homeschooled for a good portion of their lives. Yongjun likes to tease Yongsun, but he never fails to guide his youngest brother and give him advice. Yongjun is the only male that Yongsun will admit to admiring without any hesitation.
JUNG YONGJU. Older Sister. College Student. 21. sassy, compassionate, helpful, wise, reliable. 9.5/10.
(Yongjun's Younger Twin Sister) Similar to Yongjun, Yongju is the only person that Yongsun will admit to admiring without hesitation. In fact, Yongju is Yongsun's favorite sibling and one of the first two people he would go to for advice, the other being Yongjun. She shows Yongsun the most compassion and is the closest person to him. Yongsun is often teased by his older brothers for looking like a puppy around Yongju. 
JUNG YONGGUK. Older Brother. College Student. 19. reserved, stubborn, loyal, reliable. 9/10.
Unlike the oldest twin siblings, Yongsun and Yongguk often get into squabbles. Yongsun only goes to Yongguk for advice if their older twin siblings are both away. However, even if Yongsun and Yongguk argue, the two will never turn their backs on each other. They treasure each other even if they don't actually show it. The two often hang out together since they have similiar interests so they spend quite a bit of time together.
WANG LUCAS. Rivals. Student. 17. arrogant, competitive, flirty, loud, funny. 1/10.
Lucas and Yongsun do not get along, especially after Yongsun beat Lucas in a game of basketball and soccer. Yongsun hurt Lucas' pride and the latter has been insistent on a rematch that Yongsun refuses to participate in. Yongsun is the only person in the school to have beaten Lucas in a sport and is acknowledged to be on par with Lucas in terms of looks. Lucas has been demanding a rematch ever since, but Yongsun refuses since the last time he won, he was swarmed by students due to his newfound popularity.
IM SIYEON. Schoolmates. Student. 17. grumpy, anti-social, sassy, hypocritical. 1/10.
The two have never formally met, but Yongsun knows who Siyeon is since she and Lucas tend to always hang out with each other. Siyeon also knows who Yongsun is since he is one of the few people in the entire school to have looks that are par with Lucas' and also because Lucas went on a rant about how Yongsun refuses to accept a rematch and is  coward because of it. 
KANG DAEWON. Childhood Friend. Student. 18. shy, reserved, anxious, sweet, reliable. 8/10.
Daewon and Yongsun have known each other since they were kids, and Daewon is Yongsun's only friend. Daewon transferred to Hyeoryam High School in his first year after undergoing an immense amount of training to hone his control on his tranforming. Daewon is Yongsun's #1 sparring buddy is now on par with Yongsun when it comes to fighting ability. The two only hang out with each other at school, usually in a comfortable silence. Daewon is the only person who doesn't try to force Yongsun to be more social which Yongsun greatly appreciates. (Similar to Yongsun, Daewon uses partial tranformation to appear as a demon instead of Dragon.) 
FAMILY HISTORY. Dragons are thought to have been extinct for over a thousand years, but Yongsun is one of the few remaining. Most of the people with dragon blood stay even remotely connected to each other. Within this dragon community, marriages are often arranged in order to preserve the dragon lineage. This is to ensure that the dragon species don't go extinct. The marriage of Yongsun's parents was also arranged, as were his grandparents. However, Yongsun's parents were a little bit more special as both parents came from a high-ranking, pureblooded dragon family. Every member of Yongsun's family is strictly trained in academics, traditional arts, fighting, and shapeshifting from a very young age.

ROLE. Yongsun's main role is being a leader and giving out precise instructions. He leads well and is flexible to change. He can be the brains of any operation and is reliable with both his strength and smarts. However, Yongsun can really go anywhere in a battle. He's an all-rounder who goes where he is needed. If there aren't enough fighters, he will go up to the frontlines and easily be able to hold his own. If there a lot of members in a group who aren't strong enough to protect themselves, he will surround them with his large, long body and use his wings as a cover/roof over them. Even in such a position, Yongsun can stand his ground and protect those who need protection. 
• thick scales that can't be pierced with a gun
• flight
• can use a large variety of weapons
• can breathe a pale blue fire
• can maniuplate and create water/ice and wind
• dragon transformation
• maintaining and using his full dragon form is extremely draining (can hold his form for a max of 4 hours)
• afraid to harm humans
• extremely hesitant to transform into a full dragon in front of non-dragons
• fire can easily harm him
• junk food makes his body weak and feel like  

FULL NAME. here, include special characters.

• here + explanation & who calls them like that.
• unlimited.
GENDER. m/f.

AGE. yo
DATE OF BIRTH. month day year

• here + fluency.
• max 5! 

APPEARANCE. here + include their fashion style

PERSONALITY. a summary is enough but make sure you provide me with enough details.

BACKGROUND. a summary is enough but make sure you provide me with enough details.
LOVE STORY. go wild 
ENDING. break up? dating? married? friends?
HEY, I'M LUCAS AND THAT'S SIYEON. AND DON'T CALL ME YUKHEI. AND WHO THE HELL ARE YOU THO? Yongsun eyes the two with a suspicious look. "Jung Yongsun," he replies curtly.

HOW DID YOU FIND US AND WHAT MADE YOU THINK THAT IT WOULD BE A GREAT IDEA TO JOIN US? YOU COULD DIE ALONG THE WAY, YOU KNOW. "Well, first of all, Yukhei is the one that finds me and demands for a stupid rematch. He said that if I joined you guys for your little investigation, he would stop bothering me," Yongsun pauses and hesitates for a moment before continuing, "but also, my childhood friend, Daewon, he was kind of close to Hyeri. Her death hit him pretty hard, but I worry that he might be the next victim. He's like my other, kinder, half, and I refuse to let him or anyone he knows get hurt. Besides, I'm strong, I won't die."

YOUR FAVORITE SPECIES? SAY WEREWOLF AND I WILL KISS YOU. HOW ABOUT YOUR LEAST FAVORITE? Yongsun shoots Lucas a disgusted look and shudders. "No thanks, and I guess my favorite would be dragons?" he shrugs, "I don't know. I don't really have a favorite or least favorite. None of them really stand out to me."

WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE RIVALRY BETWEEN OTHER SPECIES? Yongsun shrugs once more. "A rivalry between other species isn't really my business. That's between the two species so its not my place to interfere. However, I won't hesitate to make a move if either species involves someone I know. That's whenit becomes my business, and I'm not about to let a comrade go into a stupid war and die because of something their ancestor did to upset another species. That's just plain nonsense."

YOUR THOUGHTS ON HUMANS? THEY ARE IRRELEVANT BUT JUST WANNA KNOW. Yongsun hesitates as he remembers Daewon's incident and his gaze becomes ice cold. "If they are irrelevant, I have no reason to give an answer."

WHAT ARE YOUR STRENGTHS AND FLAWS? WOULD YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF AS A STRONG OPPONENT? "They're for me to know and you to find out. What idiot would tell others about his own flaws?" Yongsun scoffs. "As for that second question," he smirks at Lucas, "why don't you go ahead and ask Lucas for an answer? He is one of the few people I actually got into any kind of competition with." 

UH, YOUR PLANS FOR THE FUTURE? "That one . . . I actually don't know yet."


BEEN GREAT TALKING TO YOU, BYE! Yongsun doesn't say anything. Instead, he simply gets up and walks away without looking back once. 
COMMENTS. Hi! Sorry if I made him too perfect. I will go back and edit it if you want me to.
SUGGESTIONS. If you need a better idea of the kind of leader Yongsun is, I kind of based him off of iKON's leader, BI. This video helps give you a rough idea of what I was going for.
• Yongsun revealing that he's a dragon in order to protect the group from a large-scale surprise attack and having a panic attack afterwards. Then the group rushes to find Daewon who helps Yongsun calm down and explain to the group that they are dragons and that it needs to be kept a secret
• Siyeon finding out that she's a dragon and struggling to manage her abilities. So she asks Yongsun for help and he takes her under her wings and teaches her how to transform and control her abilities.
• Yongsun coming to terms with the fact that he's gay and he decides to tell Daewon and his family about it. (Daewon would be surprised but accepting, how his family reacts is up to you)
• Yongsun refusing to eat junk food and the whole group gives him a judgemental look. So he has to explain why he can't eat junk food.
• please find a love interest for this poor boi, he needs to experience some love at least once in his life
• the group meets Yongsun's older twin siblings and teasing him about how much his personality changes
• Lucas annoying Yongsun for a rematch or for a fight

• one of the members brings/makes steamed buns and Yongsun shyly asking for one
• Yongsun and Lucas going undercover for information and using their good looks to charm others for information
• Once things are over, Yongsun and Daewon begin to hang out with more people
• Yongsun having to transform into dragon completely and circling around the group in order to protect them
• group members tell some dad jokes and give Yongsun a judgemental look when he starts laughing
Jung Yongsun
has wings and talons! (Shhh! It's a secret!)
+ Moozie


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