Recreating a Photo as a Painting [pt. 2]

Guess who's drawing instead of writing and updating her fics?
totally not me. not sure what you're talking about. 

I'm also not sure whether or not to call this blog 'part two', mostly because, well, I'm not really coloring in line-art this time, but rather painting. Though then again, it's sort of part of a recreation series lol, so here we go with the 'part two'. (oh, and here's part one!)


As you can tell, I'm obsessed with historical things, so here's what happened: 



Let's get started with the process/tutorial, shall we? I've decided to go a little more in depth into how I paint skin, since that's really the most difficult (but most fun) part for me. Images below are clickable to zoom in, as usual. 




Basically, Step One is just me starting off with a sort of vector-esque outline of the shape, getting the rough idea of everything's placement. It's my base layer, and all of the shading is clipped onto it. Step Two is where I go and sketch out the basic placement of her face for reference when I shade. You can tell in Step Three that I sort of covered up the details with the basic shading, so that's why in Step Four, where I make the shading darker and more contrasting for more depth, that I go over these details again. Also, everything looks like trash until Step Four, lol. 

a tip for anyone who wants to learn from my terrible tutorial (?): I use a mixture of Transparent and Opaque watercolor brushes to achive this affect. Oh, and a lot of Soothing Watercolor blending tool to blend the colors. Use the G-Pen for the base outlining/coloring, but don't use it for shading. 


Now that the skin (or at least the face) is out of the way, here's how I go on and shade in the rest. Click to zoom in. (also, the fourth picture doesn't have a bg bc I forgot to save it with the bg of the original picture in the back OTL)




Here is my finished product after throwing on a few more adjustment layers and a PSD! 



(btw, I'm not really sure about this, but should I put these all together in one blog post w/ pages since aff now has that sort of system?? idk)


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I feel so biased bcs I honestly kinda like the one without the psd.
THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL GORGEOUS WOW YOU ARE SO TALENTED??? I personally love the flowers that frame her, and the way her skin changes in tone in certain areas because of the light of the lantern!! Wowowow A+ shading