delete this box at some point before turning in.


colors: #87dc7c (green); #f5fcf4 (background light green); feel free to change them

extra clovers: ♣♣♣♣♣

replace the picture behind the white box with [name] inside with your faceclaim. to access, go to [name] and use the left arrow button until you find it. then use shift with the arrow keys to highlight before clicking the picture button (the one on the top row of the menu above) to change the photo. you can do the same for the photo behind the magic knight entrance exam form white box, but that one's optional.

don't forget to scroll to the side!

feel free to change section titles to reflect your character more. (ex: haughty character who thinks of everyone else as peasants changing relationships to "[name]'s servants")

feel free to work with the source code and do fun things.

love interest should be included in your relationships (if you want one). any uality is welcome. 

for the battle stats, the total available is there. the "serious stats" are all of them except the "fun one," which you should replace with a fun fact / thing / joke and can be any value. (ex: lazy member = "motivation: 0 / 5; fiery member = "passion: 7 / 5")

feel free to ask questions! good luck!

replace with whatever you'd like (w500 x h240)
♣ magic knight entrance exam form ♣
random blurb
your character is either alone or with one other person (from your relationships) some place; could be the black bulls headquarters or your own home or wherever you'd like; write a scene from it; can be as long or short as you'd like; can write multiple scenes if you want; can even write out the beginnings of your scene requests here if you want; free reign
fc (w150 x h290) - image credit to white clover (flower knight girl)
faceclaim ♣ name (anime / movie / manga / etc)
appearance ♣ any differences from the faceclaim? (hopefully nothing too drastic?)
fashion ♣ old style; for examples, you can look at the following manga / anime: black clover, akagami no shirayukhime, akatsuki no yona; although make sure still battle-ready or at least won't hinder them in their role in battle (ex: if healer, doesn't matter if wearing skirt but if fighter...?); pictures and / or description appreciated
introduction space for your character
fill it with whatever you please; if you don't want to put anything, then put a picture (w300 x h270) or write the character's name large and fancy i guess?
ideas: hashtags about your character, warning sign(s) if your character came with 'em, playlist of music, aesthetic 
[name] at first glance
"character quote here"
how other magic knights and / or civilians see you; format however you'd like; idea: blurb(s) from the pov of another person on your character
introducing [name]
"character quote here"
full name ♣ english. as fancy as you want, but not fantasy-like aka i should still be able to pronounce it without squinting too hard.
♣ include why and who uses it
♣ optional; copy and paste as needed. 
birthday (age) ♣ the grimoire acceptance ceremony is at age fifteen. calculate accordingly with your history as a magic knight / plotline
personality ♣ format this however you'd like; can include traits, mbti, etc, you can even give me a recipe to make your character as long as i get what kind of person they are; length up to you; don't forget to be eccentric!
trivia ♣ whatever you'd like: habits, hobbies, quotes, fears; only include likes and dislikes if unusual or extreme and would actually be fun / angsty / writable in a story please (ex: male who screams like a girl, can't use magic, and hides whenever he sees cockroaches or a girl who freezes whenever she encounters a specific set of circumstances because she remembers her dead brother); include what motivates character (part of basic requirements; be explicit for oblivious author please) 
history of [name]
"character quote here"
birth to present time; include area of origin (forsaken, common, noble), progress of rank and class as magic knight, how you met arabella and why you came to respect her (unless newcomer, in which case is optional and / or may refer to a future event); format however you'd like (paragraphs, bullet points, timeline-ish, etc)
[name]'s relationships
"character quote here"
relation ♣ name (age) job / rank if magic knight
interactions, personality, their magic, whatever you think i should know to write them; as little / as much as you want; copy and paste as needed; can be people from the actual manga minus the ones who i have removed; include arabella; love interest, if you want one, would be included here (love interest is completely optional and any sort of relationship accepted); anything not told explicitly gets to undergo my imagination and cannot be complained about; ps platonic soulmates are also wonderful; pps so are rivalries
relation ♣ name (age) job / rank if magic knight
relation ♣ name (age) job / rank if magic knight
[name]'s magic
"character quote here"
rank ♣ include rank and class; if a newcomer, you are automatically junior, fifth class 
grimoire ♣ what it looks like; its pattern, main colors, clover leaf count if unusual (three is normal), etc; will also accept a picture if you can find one
magic theme ♣ aka what the spells are named after or the overall vibe of the names
elemental affinity ♣ if there's any subcategories it can work with (ex: water affinity, which can change ice to water, then "water (ice)")
specialty ♣ healing, attack, defense, buffs / debuffs, restraining, mapping, etc
♣ spell's name, effect(s), amount of mana it takes; anything else you think i should know; indicate if your character already knows it or if your character will learn it within the story (as well as the circumstances around it if you want; ex: while a teammate is in trouble; while losing a battle)
♣ optional; copy and paste as needed 
battle style ♣ what your roles are in battle; keep in mind your strengths and weaknesses with your magic + tools; all magic knights can fight even at least a little even if they
other magical tools ♣ wands, crystall balls, enchanted rings, etc; include effect
battle stats ♣ for newcomers, max 14 in total for the serious stats; existing members, max 17; righthand, max 19
strength ......................... ? / 5
magic capacity ......................... ? / 5
magic control ......................... ? / 5
magic sensing ......................... ? / 5
cleverness ......................... ? / 5
fun one ......................... ? / 5
comments / questions ♣ any last words?
scene requests ♣ go wild; suggest bits, arcs, random whatevers
password ♣ did you read the cheatsheet?


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