KKT CHANBAEK (and maybe others) RP *^*


hello!! Tis me, with a desperate call for some (semi)literate kkt rp, 3rd pov. Excuse the ugly mobile formatting — I’m craving some good ol’ chanbaek or some other exo ships including:

— sekai

— lubaek

— hunho

— sebaek

— aND others, don’t be afraid to inquire 


I do have a few plots in mind containing heavy heavy angst and drama, but I’m willing to do anything at the point due to the fact that I’ve been suffering the Great Exo Depression for a while now, and my partners keep flaking ;-; some AUs I would love to do are historic, space!AU, gangs/cops, affairs, and much much mUCH much more. You name it, I got it. Drop your kkt ID below or find me @sparkyuling !! 


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