Mixed Feelings

My insecurities are crawling back to me again

My throat is clogging up with emotions but I can't let them out

Cause it'll only make me look silly, a crybaby.

I've learnt not to cry easily, 

I've learnt to hide my emotions well

But it's tiring my soul out

Laughing has become a pain now but I'm still laughing like the happiest person on earth

Cause the tears don't come out anymore and I've realised too late that my emotions have all been messed up

I've forgot how to cry because I've been laughing too much.


                                 ------- CHAITY


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crying is not a sign of weakness.
But a sign that you have fought
ehmura #2
I hope everything is okay with you
I hope that things get better for you :) It's okay to cry . It's okay to let out your feelings . Crying is not a sign of weakness. Please kindly seek for help and support if you need.

You never have to fight it alone. Love yourself , know that you're amazing for not giving up. I will cheer on your well being. You can win this !