of the
of the
31 october 1993
koreangal5 / soul / 10점 만점의 10점 
midnight tarot cards (w458 x h560)
legal name
han moonbyul (한문별).
witch 마녀 as you read, self-explanatory.
age 24.
pronouns she / her.
small shop owner.
seoul, south korea.
ethnicity korean.
smooth, soothing, easy to understand with clear enunciation. a little husky and on the lower end of the scale for a female. 
korean her native tongue; very eloquent and hasn't heard a word she didn't know the meaning / origin of
runes researched and self-taught for her store (meanings found here)
fc (152w x 232 h)
yoon bora (sistar).
bae suzy (miss a).
165 cm / 5 ft 5 in.
55 kg / 121 lbs.
style by day 
monochrome colors and simple patterns. fearlessly feminine and fashionable. clothing that teases but does not overly reveal. y and enticing but still publically acceptable. 
1 23 4
style by night 
currently isn't a public figure. more of a behind-the-scenes kind of hero (if you can call her a hero); more like an informant? if she had a hero costume, would be psychic-like.
hi there! i'm chai, the founder of tgt! mind if i ask you some questions?
"be my guest," she allows, lips quirking into an expression, not quite a smirk but not a smile either. it's chilling yet enticing - a unique dichotomy of traits.
how did you find out about the team?
the expression on her face this time definitely is a smirk. "i'm sure you remember," she says lightly, almost like teasing but more smug. and he does; it's hard to forget an event like that. after all, a beautiful woman dressed in a flattering black dress who strides up to you at your favorite cafe and offers you her services for your new venture? that you decided yesterday? you almost thought her a spy for her all her beauty, calm, and knowledge.
how do you identify?
"labels are so trite," she muses, the words a complaint on anyone else, "but i would put myself in the biual category with a preference for a female partner." her words are not hesitant and, you think, almost dare you to complain. (you don't dare.)
why do you want to join?
she hums, tilting her head slightly in thought and exposing her pale, unblemished neck. "no comment," she decides on, smile unreadable and eyes revealing nothing. and it's hard for her, even to herself, to point to one reason to join. but she thinks one of the greatest (maybe) is to help people like herself. or it might be simply to be a hero in general. perhaps to earn money. who knows?
what do you think about tgt's mission?
"it's admirable," she admits, leaning forward and resting her chin on her palm. "difficult though."
any connections to the powered world or info we could use?
"not at the moment," she states, a deck of cards suddenly appearing in her hands - midnight and, you realize, tarot. "i have confidence that we'll meet who we'll need to meet." her confidence and expression leave you little to no doubt in her abilities.
okay, any last suggestions for the team? thanks for your time!
she smiles, the expression genuine and almost child-like as she hands you a small crystal that you can't identify. "it never hurts to have a little faith in luck," she advises, winking. she stands, all long legs and grace, and the moment is lost - mystery again cloaking her figure as she sashays away and out.
traits composed, enigmatic, manipulative.
stranger a pretty face and daring clothing, a smile - almost a smirk - revealing nothing. words flowing off her tongue like honey, inoffensive and almost beckoning. the realization that you know little beyond the superficial and that, still, uncertainty on things that you do know. a warm darkness clothing her aura, like the moment between wake and sleep. a cross between pleased nostalgia and twitching paranoia when her gaze follows you. the witching hour in every minute with her. a figure who is from another life or world.
co-workers affection - physical and verbal - given whimsically and seemingly without pattern. random warnings and pieces of advice you cannot discern how or why but warily trust. quietly wondering if she is human. surprise at the refreshing (and rare) wave of her honest answers and admiration for her steadfastness in her ideals. trying to discern the truth behind her smile but failing. surprise and panic because that wasn't supposed to happen, but her hand holding yours steadily words ordering - taking over for you coolly.
friend expressions more geniune that peek out from her mask when alone - something you know she is allowing on purpose rather than accident. knowing that she feels sadness, anger, confusion - that she pouts and scolds because she does care. a question, worried and kind, asked quietly. a light touch of affection, hesitant but trying - not as confident as her mask. teasing her but being loyal because you know she has been hurt previously. recognizing that she is human and has her own flaws just like everyone else does.
tl;dr a superb actress whose smile is an impenetrable mask. seemingly random actions and moods, almost cat-like. near-impossible to understand intentions and plans unless explicitly asked and answered. an impervious composure. the enviable ability to adapt to circumstances. unashamed in her beliefs. more observant than you think and knows more than you know. secretly caring and maternal but only to her loved ones. lets these same loved ones see past her facades and shows them her true self.
knows how to do card flourishes from many years of practice.
learned to be great at budgeting and bargaining because she has to be. 
only offers her crystal ball readings to those who annoy her because is, she thinks, the least accurate. 
makes everything she sells in her shop by hand by herself except tarot card decks and books.
morning moonbyul wakes leisurely, when already the sun is in the sky and students in class. she gets ready for the day and eats brunch, going out and visiting stores as necessary - for groceries and other necessities. she is neither very social nor does she have any friends really, but sometimes, behind her perfect mask of a smile, she thinks she would take this time to hang out with her friends, perhaps meet up with co-workers, or things along that line of thought. she waters the herbs on her window sill and sometimes stops by other stores similar to hers, checking on their wares and comparing prices or buying an object that inspired her for her own products. she tends to stop by an old antique store, which stands two blocks around the corner from her own shop - the same place where she found her first ever grimoire and, later, bought things for her magick and her store, including the midnight tarot card deck she utilizes for her shop's readings. then, she checks stock to ensure she is ready to open. before she opens, she always does a reading on how the day will go for the store. if there is something foreboding, she is willing to close the store, especially with the death card. 
afternoon her shop (midnight magick market) opens up - one pm to nine pm every weekday and one pm to seven pm every weekend - and she can be found behind the counter, shuffling her tarot card deck and answering her own questions to pass the time. she checks on her wares, and entertains customers. on days when she closes for bad premonitions and such, she spends the day doing whatever she'd like. (when she joins tgt, she will spend it with tgt members, working or just hanging out.) at her store, she does tarot, palm, and crystal ball readings. (her tarot is the most popular and accurate. palm tells the client about themselves. crystal ball is more to mess with people and only offered to clients who are rude.) she also sells incense, herbs, gemstones, and various trinkets and jewelry that have various effects - increasing luck, removing negativity, or helping focus, for instance. her trinkets and jewelry are all hand-made and her most popular wares. she has recently gotten to the point that she is no longer in the red but she still has some difficulty in meeting rent each month. fortunately, she's had much practice at being frugal without cutting product quality.
evening there is something softer and subdued about moonbyul at night, something that the shadows accentuate or hide. perhaps it's the way it is the true witching hour - the time when everything comes out to play - or perhaps it's the way the moon can be used in many spells - however uncertain its effects. regardless, no one denies that the hours after dark are moonbyul's domain. after work, moonbyul grabs dinner (if her bank balance allows her to) and does whatever she feels like. she thinks she might hang out with her friends more here or work if she picked up another job. she might double-check the inventory or work on new trinkets and jewelry pieces. sometimes, she simply reads or visits all-night cafes or shops. there's no limit as to what she does because she is, as she intended so long ago, free. she could visit a club or bar or anywhere, occasionally picking up a friend for the night if she so chooses. she sleeps past midnight, the actual time dependent on her whims. before sleeping, she never forgets to double-check her locks and spend an extra moment reading her fortune for tomorrow or deciding what she'll be doing when the sun rises.
00 moonbyul is born on a rainy night, halloween midnight. her older brother moonbyung is three years older, his birthday on new year's and his future already promising.
04 moonbyul's younger sister moonbi is born on christmas eve. moonbi ends up a violin prodigy alongside "the han genius" moonbyung. moonbyul fades into the background.
07 moonbyul's younger brother moonbin is born on valentine's prematurely. he is in poor health but loved.
11 moonbyul falls in love for the first time. the target of her affections is jung eunji from the class next door who stands up for everyone - even moonbyul, the "weird, quiet bookworm." they become friends and moonbyul doesn't know why her heart beats faster. then, moonbin is admitted to the hospital the day after moonbi's birthday. despite not having dreamt for twelve years, moonbyul has the same nightmare about moonbin for two weeks. her parents and siblings don't understand why she cries.
12 moonbin dies from a combination of pneumonia and his immunodeficiency. moonbyung decides to be a doctor. moonbi composes a song. moonbyul wanders the streets aimlessly and finds an antique store. she buys a book.
13 moonbyul enjoys wiccan magick and the grimoire even though she isn't sure if it works. she befriends terada takuya, a snarky guy who looks down on everyone equally and rolls his eyes but doesn't laugh at her magick use. for her birthday, he hands her a new tarot card deck he says he found in his attic. she learns to use it and finds out, even before his parents decide to, he is returning to japan by summer. they become pen pals and exchange letters.
14 moonbyul falls in love again and again over the years, most nothing more than passing crushes, but she realizes a trend her parents will not approve: she likes girls and boys - mostly girls. she confides in her best friend bang minah, a girl who reminds her a bit of her first love. 
15 by the end of the year, there is not a single student who hasn't heard of moonbyul, and moonbyul no longer has any friends in school. moonbi doesn't understand and moonbyung turns awkward while her parents grow stoic. sometimes, at night, moonbyul thinks she hears something cracking but she isn't sure what. moonbyul dreams again - just once - and goes to the airport as specified. she surprises takuya who tried to surprise her with his return to korea. the rumors reach him eventually, and she almost cries when he stands up for her, claiming they'll always be best friends no matter what. (she thinks she could fall in love with him.) she forgets the cracks.
17 takuya goes to japan for the summer to visit his grandparents. moonbyul doesn't tell him not to despite the foreboding future she reads in her cards. instead, she breaks a mug when the news of the plane crash fills her living room. her parents don't notice that she locks herself in her room for a week. moonbyung is off in college. moonbi asks, but gets frustrated and stomps off. the cracks come back, larger and wider than before.
18 her parents sit her down two days after graduation, faces stoic. the cracks splinter and crush and, oh; that was her heart. she walks out of her home with her laptop (and charger), a suitcase of clothes, her wallet, a bag of basic necessities, and her magick kit. her parents hand her important papers - her passport, birth certificate, things of the like. she smiles at them, something realistic yet chilling. her thanks is sarcastic but her message to her siblings only half so. she doesn't bother looking back.
22 she worked several part-times throughout college, paying her own tuition, rent, and food money on top of studying and making it through classes. sleepless nights, caffeine overload, and hunger pangs become old friends. but now she is done with minimal student loan debt because of the scholarships and grants she applied her off to achieve. she's made a name for herself in her area - accurate tarot fortunes (a small side job between classes), unspecified past, and openly biual. her clothes and iron facade only add to the rumors. they whisper and wonder, questioning how a psychology major can believe in magick when it's "all placebo" and scoffing that her business minor is keeping up a front for her tarot reading customers. she doesn't answer or point out how powers are real; magick might be too. (or perhaps her magick is simply her powers.) she doesn't say a word. 
23 after a year-long string of part-time jobs, no one keeping her for longer than a week after discovering her ual orientation (which she still unashamedly admitted when asked, which probably didn't help her job prospects actually), she buys a small dilapidated store in an unnoticed side street. she renovates it all herself, builds her own website, pastes flyers everywhere, puts herself in debt to start it up, and goes to bed in the back with little to no profit and, often, a hungry growl of her stomach; but it's all hers and she wouldn't trade it for the entire world.
24 she wakes up one morning, staring up at the ceiling. she knows her dreams are a form of divination (as best as she can make out), but something in her squeezes because it sounds too good to be true. she spends an extra minute in warmth of her bed, surrounded by herbs on the window sill, boxes of stock, books stacked on flat surfaces and on top of each other. then, she gets ready, writes a note to stick on the door ("closed for today. sorry for the inconvenience."), and goes to meet destiny. 
biddy tarot the towerten (nct)biddy tarot the three of cups
tangsrisuk "chai" kongpaisarn
boss and worker...? (more like a weak-willed boss who doesn't understand what in the world his worker is doing but at least she does her job?) she low-key scares him sometimes with her predictions, which makes sense given the way they met. (she "ambushed" him at his usual cafe and offered her services for his new venture, which he had decided to do only yesterday. wouldn't take no for an answer and near-bullied her way in.) the two plan his media appearance-related things together with her cartomancy to try for the best and prepare for the worst. 
it's hard to determine the duo's exact relation, because they're more than co-workers but less than close friends. best they can put it: he's fire, she's water, the two cancel each other out. in a way, it's true; yonghwi is able to keep moonbyul in one place and she can calm him from any trigger. it's a strange mutual respect-irritation where he snarks, she returns fire, and all is well. despite their verbal arguments, the two think they "get along quite well" when asked and do care for each other. he teaches her basic self-defense eventually while she reminds him to breathe. 
friends who quickly grow close and become almost like siblings in many ways - teasing, having each others' backs, inside jokes that make no sense, etc: ryuhong getting to see moonbyul's true emotions and knowing it's because she's allowing him. moonbyul randomly picking ryuhong up from class for lunch. ryuhong teasing moonbyul while others gape at him. moonbyul casting a curse ryuhong's family when hearing about them. all of this and more. trust and kindness in both the big things and the little. filial emotions only; nothing romantic.
alias soothsayer.
powers divination (mainly cartomancy with some oneiromancy and occasional flashes of other types).
TIER c (potentially b?).
role (mainly) strategist and (sort of) reconnaissance.
behavior acts the same with their alias because a noncombatant who isn't seen in public; plus, allows (most of) the other tgt members to know her true identity.
power history 
11 her first sign of oneiromancy: dreamed of her brother's death. no one took her seriously; she wasn't even sure.
12 her first ever grimoire; lots of self-testing and self-doubt before she realized that her magick actually worked.
13 her first tarot card deck. later, discovers it to be her best-channeled / most accurate form of daily magick. 
16 another dream. surprises her best friend at the airport.
17 her best friend's death in an airplane crash. the quiet epiphany that her magick might be real powers. does not register with the government because who'd believe her?
24 dreams about chai opening up tgt and meets him. 
divination the broad term encompassing her powers. can tell future or read about things / people / anything using various mediums. mostly uses cartomancy but also has oneiromancy. conditions, control, directness of message varied. other forms / methods uncertain and unconfirmed, but may exist. (up to author what form and discovery.)  
cartomancy uses tarot cards to read about what she wants. generally accurate but indirect message with a lot of symbolism. can use other card decks (generic, game, etc) but less clear meaning. uses it the most and has no limit to how often or when. only needs her deck. results tend to reuse symbolism so she, with the most exposure, understands her own predictions best. (but will she tell?)
oneiromancy usually does not dream. her dreams tell the future only. compared to her cartomancy, straightforward. gets all the time, place, occasion details and, even if a ruse, learns it's a ruse too. cannot interpret others' dreams. cannot control when she dreams or about what.
other magick charms she sells? no real magick from herself or at least not from her power. (from buyer or her latent wiccan magick abilities? that's a different story.) runes? anything else offered in the store? same as her charms. she believes that this magick is real. for those who know that her power is simply divination? depends. 
this took a while, but here she is! i hope you enjoyed her. not sure if i gave her the justice she deserves, but make with her what you will. i tried to leave a lot of leeway on future developments on her power, so incorporate what you will with that. for her family, her parents are pretty well-off with two successful children and live comfortably. her brother is a great, famous doctor. her sister is a prodigious musician. whatever drama you'd like can be tossed in there. i don't really know what else, so here's a few scene suggestions:
moonbyul and family flashbacks involving moonbin; angst about moonbin in general: taking a shot on his birthday, whispering "He'd be __ today," staring at her phone and wondering if she should mourn with her other siblings but not making that call because they made their choice and she won't be the one to go back first; moonbyul injured and ending up at the hospital where moonbyung works; some mission where she runs into moonbi; moonbi getting to know her older sister and asking why the family hates her so much
moonbyul and her store her readings; selling charms; her almost whimsical decisions involving its hours; an actual loyal customer base, even if small; a handsy jerk of a customer who she crystal-reads; card flourishes because it's cool and she practiced
moonbyul at tgt her mysterious nature; her curious (and cautious) co-workers; working with chai on speeches; a flashback to her scaring chai at the cafe; snarking battles but also calming each other down; helping ryuhong settle in; making strategies for both missions and the media; getting information with her powers whether card or dream; learning self-defense just in case
moonbyul and ryuhong anything sibling-like and sweet; ryuhong adding light effects to her crystal ball show; free tarot card readings; moonbyul popping up randomly because she reads he's in trouble; moonbyul contacting him for sos whenever she reads something foreboding about herself; moonbyul "cursing" ryuhong's family and when reminded that her powers are divination only, she replies, "we live in a society where people have supernatural abilities, but I can't try an old curse and hope it works?"; ryuhong bringing friends to her store; her pouting openly (behind friends' backs) when he brings a friend who is her type but not letting her scope out the playing field; moonbyul pretending to be his girlfriend or flirting around if the rumors make him uncomfortable / worried; basically, her covering for him without needing asking and clearing the way without hesitation


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