USERNAME teamoone
it's a childhood nickname that's been forever stuck with her. courtesy of the f4 squad who came up with it. dalyi finds the name kind of childish, but she doesn't hate it either. people who are close to her usually refer to her as this, sometimes adding -ie to make it even more childish, or just simply dal, causing dalyi to grin in amusement.
choding basically means an elementary school kid in korean, but's its also a slang to describe those who act immaturely. not only does dalyi looks like a school kid, but her mischief also reminds you of one. it's a pun of her name and the slang.
it's not a secret how much of a meme material dalyi is. from her instagram posts to the memes she'd casually spam on foodstagrammers's group chat at 3 am, she is granted the grand title of dankyi by her fellow foodstagrammers. it sounds kind of forced with no puns at all, but dalyi is very proud with the title.  
where most people would think that dalyi looks like a puppy, hyunbin firmly believes that she looks like a panda, even stating that the bags under her eyes make her look like an exhausted grandma panda ("hey! the bags under my eyes are designer!",  dalyi would retaliate back). only hyunbin calls her this. another variation he'd call her by is pandalyi.
dilly dalyi, moon (only hanbin calls her this), meme puppy.
BIRTHDATE 15th of february
BIRTHPLACE incheon, south korea
HOMETOWN seoul, south korea
fluent. her native tongue. she speaks in a lazy manner most of the time, intentionally dragging her words on for what seems like forever.
conversational. the only words she knows are probably either from 9gag or memes. 
MAJOR accounting
OCCUPATION daycare worker and a waitress at a boba tea and pastry cafe
jovial, carefree, comical, daring, insightful, charming, gregarious
droll, quick-witted, mischievous, ludicrous, shameless
impudent, juvenile, dependent, imprudent, headstrong, unfocused
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teamoone when life gives you lemons you gotta...
kumazou throw it at uglies???
teamoone oh right
teamoone *throws* @kumazou
seulery KDJHAFAJHS @teamoone @kumazou
kumazou i'm blocking u @teamoone
teamoone he deserves it @seulery

when god made cha dalyi, he puts in a gallon of wholesome memes, a liter of corny dad jokes, cringeworthy puns and cheesy pickup lines, a tablespoon of mischief, a teaspoon of laziness, and finally a dash of terrible awesome humour. oh, and he also accidentally knocked a glass of immaturity. what else? ah, that's right. he forgots to put in a cup of shame. put it all together and you get cha dalyi, a walking meme with an immense love for anything funny.
when the name cha dalyi crosses your mind, you'll immediately think of her lazy grins and knowing smirks. you're probably envisioning her devil-may-care attitude and optimistic outlook of life right now, her cheery smiles appearing in your mind without your permission. there's just something charming abut dalyi that piqued your interest. you know there's more to the unusually high-spirited girl besides her sloth-like nature. you've witnessed first-hand as her partner for a uni assignment how driven and persistent the girl can be, when she's focused.
the girl loves making people laugh, thriving on their delight. it makes her heart warm knowing that she was the cause of their happiness. whether they'll laugh at her jokes or not, it's a hobby -- no, an instinct of her to entertain people. maybe she sees people's laughter as acceptance, as a form of acknowledgement. either way, not only does it make dalyi feel happy but it also makes her feel good about herself, knowing that she is not completely useless, for she's able to help lift other people's moods up, despite doing it through jokes and funny acts.
maybe it's her uncanny ability to be able to notice several things around her that usually goes unnoticed by others, while simultaneously looking like she doesn't care. you know full well that dalyi knows her limits, and is not the type to stick her nose where it doesn't belong. yet how is she able to notice the sadness you've been feeling for the past week? or how she's able to know that you just recently pierced your ears? hmm, and yet she doesn't show it, doesn't let you know that she knows. maybe she wanted to confront you about it, but doesn't feel like it's her place to do so, opting to keep your secret safe with her and choosing to look out for you from afar.
another thing that you find yourself loving about cha dalyi is how down-to-earth and approachable the girl can be. sure, she might have a terrible sense of humor and says the wrong things at the wrong time, but you'll never forget that time when she comforted you and soothed you when you cried. she's a whole lot smarter than she looks, able to empathize even with someone she just met.
you notice how the girl practically lives in the moment, boldly taking risks with no fear. dare her to run full speed towards the unknown, and you know she'll do it. she's just so spontaneous, you finally decided. never dare cha dalyi.
behind her bright eyes, you can't help but notice the sparks of mischief hidden there, and when the sparks doubled, you know that she's about to do something. mostly she's up to no good, her child-like manner causing havoc wherever she goes. sometimes when you're walking beside her, you can't help but feel waves of secondhand embarrassment whenever dalyi does something foolish with such confidence. it's as if she pays no attention to the judging eyes and talking lips, choosing to ignore them completely and focus on herself. the girl can be ridicilous at times, like apologizing profusely to her furnitures if she accidentally kicked it. you've seen her in one of her weird states before too, such as the time she tied up her hair in a bun with a fork, or that time where she scared the pizza delivery guy by wearing a no face  from spirited away's costume.
a quality of cha dalyi that you admire is probably her defensive nature when someone hurts the people close to her. you know that once she opens up to you, she'll be your lifelong friend, protector and guardian, standing by your side and never leaving you. it's quite soothing to know that cha dalyi cares for you deeply. but sometimes, she can be too much at times. too much of everything to the point it becomes suffocating being by her side.
she doesn't show it but you know that once you've become a constant presence in her life, she'll slowly starts to gravitate towards you  and inwardly clings to you, unknowingly relying on you. underneath her nonchalant expression and happy-go-lucky attitude is a small girl wanting to be held, seeking for warmth and a steady presence to guide her through life.
rit's pretty rare to see dalyi crack under pressure, as nothing truly fazed her. she looked like she's not serious most of the time, and she is at times. this caused people to not really trust her or take her seriously. but once you crossed her, she's likely to make a strong and stubborn judgement against the person who crossed her.
in conclusion, cha dalyi is a girl in the phase of growing up. she's still young, reckless, immature and childish. she can come off as rude as times. but she's also loyal, warm, and a great person to be around with.
there's just something about dalyi, something so bizarre and wonderful yet deleterious and fervent.
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teamoone we're going on a trip in our favourite rocket ship
watermark zooming through the sky
teamoone i see you guys had a happy childhood @watermark @seulery
patbingjisoo where are you going? 😮
teamoone honestly i have no idea :"D but don't worry momma i'll be back before you know it! @patbingjisoo
cha dalyi was born to a couple named cha woowon and cho haseol. sadly, dalyi's mother passed away, giving her daughter her last breath so she can live. her mother died giving birth to her, something which made dalyi felt guilty even until now, even when she knows that it's not her fault.
for a while it had only been dalyi and her father, just the two of them against the world. dalyi came from a family just below middle class. they weren't financially blessed but they weren't struggling either. her father was a hardworking man, getting up at the crack of dawn and returning home late at night just to ensure that his daughter willl have a bright future ahead. dalyi was usually put in a daycare while her father went to work.
ever since dalyi was a young kid, she always had a bright and radiant aura around her. she was like your personal sunshine, ready to brighten up your day in any way she can. she loved to troll her father, pranking him and teasing him to no end. her father did not mind, for hearing his precious daughter laugh was one of the most soothing feelings he ever felt. dalyi had been up to no good since she was young, her mischief getting the best of her and often landing her in trouble. 
it was difficult raising a child with only one parent present, since there are situations which required the other parent to be present too. dalyi never got to experience what it was like to have a mother, what it was like to have your mother do your hair for you, what it was like to play dress up with your own mother in her clothes. dalyi's father became dalyi's mother as well, acting as a double figure. he was the one who brushed dalyi's hair every morning before he left for work. he was the one who taught her how to braid her own hair, how to tie her shoelaces, how to ride a bicycle, etc. it was kind of sad, but dalyi was thankful that she had her dad. as long as he's there beside he, she knows she'll be fine. she doesn't need anyone else.
dalyi and her father moved to seoul when dalyi was around six years old, coming to live with dalyi's grandmother. it was a fresh change of scenery, plus dalyi's father was concerned for his mother (dalyi's grandmother), who  has been feeling under the weather the past few weeks. he wanted to keep an eye on her and also wanted dalyi to have a better education, since seoul was the capital city and had lots of resources.
it was during her first week living in the new neighbourhood that she met chan, joonyoung, younghoon and jaehyun (dubbed as fake f4 by cha dalyi herself). dalyi didn't make a lot of friends back in incheon, since she mostly hung out with her father (as lame as it sounds, she felt cool hanging out with her father. it makes her feel like she's all grown up). dalyi was ecstatic to finally have friends. she was looking forward to her life in seoul, hoping it would be better than incheon.
dalyi's grandmother became really sick one day, to the point she had to be rushed to the hospital due to suddenly collapsing. her father worked more part-time jobs to be able to pay the hospital bills. plus, dalyi was starting school too, which means more bills to pay. eventually dalyi's grandmother was discharged, but at the cost of her father working 4 part-time jobs each week.
at school, was quite the social butterfly, a friendly and polite kid that is generally well-liked. she mosty hung out with her four boy friends though, the one she dubbed as the fake f4. dalyi wasn't brilliant in terms of intelligence but she wasn't dumb either. she was above average at class. 
if her father was stressed, dalyi would't know because he always hides it behind his strong facade. dalyi knows that he always comes home with an aching back, to which dalyi would massage until her father felt better. he usually copes with his stress through smoking,  much to dalyi's dismay, who knew that it was bad for his health. 
things were fine for a while. dalyi's father continued to work his off, her grandmother thankfully got better, and dalyi continued to try her best at school.
as months passed by, dalyi saw how her father's face gets wearier and wearier. working 4 jobs was slowly taking a toll on him. there are days where her father would cough violently. yet he would gently swat dalyi's hands away, telling her not to worry for her old man, who was stronger than steel. it only served to make her even more concerned. she couldn't quite focus at school, her mind completely on her father.
dalyi was 11 years old when her father was diagnosed with lung cancer. she was 11 years old when she felt her world crash and burn.
she wanted to blame him for doing it to himself. if only he wouldn't touch the damned cigarette, he wouldn't be in this state.but she couldn't bring herself to shout or scream in her father's face. instead, she cried. endlessly.
dalyi's father followed the doctor's advice, quitting two of his jobs and taking it easy, not wanting to worry his precious sunshine. dalyi's father wasn't able to afford chemotherapy or any other treatments, so the only thing he could do is pray that he won't be taken away from his beloved daughter by the sickness inside him.
dalyi was 12 years old when her father peacefully depart. the funeral was a quick and quiet one, dalyi didn't even have time to cry (it's not like she had any tears left). now it was just her and her grandmother.
dalyi moved on, knowing that she should be strong, for her grandmother, for her father. she was still grieving (still is grieving), and at times where she couldn't cope, she would break down and cry for hours.
she had joonyoung, younghoon, jaehyun and chan by her side, and that  made her breathe a little easier.
fast forward to a few years later, dalyi finally entered high school. she applied for a part-time job (the bills are not going to magically pay themselves), and was more diligent than she was in her previous school years, due to wanting to increase her grades so she can have a chance of landing herself a scholarship.
it was quite a struggle balancing her part-time jobs and school, but she was able to manage her time well. in the end, cha dalyi finally graduated, with an honour roll, and managed to get a scholarship to a good university.
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teamoone balalalalalala
kyoungh00n i am confusion??,,,
teamoone it's baymax you ancient caveman @kyoungh00n
jaehyunjae_e give me a fist bump baymax
teamoone @jaehyunjae_e balalalalalala
memes that are actually funny, free food (who doesn't love free anything?),  green tea, strawberry shortcake, receiving affections, people genuinely laughing at her jokes, a light morning rain, laying down in the grass while watching the clouds pass by, trolling people, recreating memes, making tiktok dubsmash and musically videos, catching up on the latets vine trend, spicy food, nice snuggly warm people that makes her feel soft, her grandmother in good health, fluffy blankets, an adult joke book, cold beverages, breads, cereals
people who poke at others' insecurities, her grandmother not in a good health, bills bills bills, a notice that she's late in paying her house bills, being sick and bothering people since they have no choice but take care of her, tomatoes, carrots, vegetables, sour food, kimchi, stepping on something wet, spiders
taking pictures with her lomo camera, making her own jokes, imitating people, watching cute compilations of kittens and babies
clapping her hands once as she sneezes, cracking her knuckles and joints whenever she stretches
45% food, 40% faceless pictures of herself and her friends, 10% random things, 5% pictures with him, the tall ugly bean. her pictures always have a date stamp on the bottom left corner with light leaks, looking like old photos as if she took it with a lomo camera (let's just pretend she does).
1! dalyi, if she put in a lot more effort at school, could have possibly end up in the top three of her school
2! she wears round harry potter glasses (both of her eyes are -0.5). she wears contact eye lenses once in a while
3! she has a thing for babies and kids. it's due to dalyi growing up as an only child, and she felt lonely most of the time
4! she actually likes rock music, the ones with the electric guitar and deep raspy voices. her favourite all-time song is american idiot by green day
5! her music taste varies. she likes  hip hop, rapping, pop, k-indie, and also classical music
6! she loves to watch horror movies! it doesn't scare her. instead she'll laugh at her own inappropriate thoughts and will crack up at the wrong moments
7! she mostly likes comeides, adventure, horror, thriller, mystery, scifi and fantasy books and movies. romance genre is a no no
8! has a secret desire to star at a stand-up comedy show
9! has her own secret stash of memes that she made herself using her face. she also recreated emojis by imitating the emojis expression and editing them so whenver dalyi wants to send a heart eyes emoji, she'll send a png picture of herself with heart eyes. she proudly calls it her dalmemes and dalmojis
10! can actually cook....if ramen and boiling water counts
11! despite her tiny body and nonexistent strength, she once managed to knock hyunbin down by ramming straight into his stomach because he didn't laugh at her jokes (she felt insulted, it took her over an hour to make that joke up)
12! dalyi owns an adult joke book and she's loud and proud about it, not afraid to use it to her fellow foodstagrammers
13! dalyi cries whenever she watches spongebob, because she and her father used to watch it all the time together. if she watches one, she'll probably put her fist in to force herself not to cry
14! dalyi has a very large mouth. once shoved an entire burger inside with ease. she also can fit her fist, 12 marshmallows, ad a fist of pockys in
15! dalyi will also probaby have tears rolling down her cheeks whenever she eats pocky. her father used to buy it for her whenever she scores a perfect score in her exams
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teamoone mi and mi chingudeuls! ft @seulery @notagorilla @jchayo @kiminchi @patbingjisoo
patbingjisoo oh my 🙈 we should take a picture with all of us together some time 💖
notagorilla i can't believe i let you talk me in to doing that pose
seulery OMG WE SLAY!!😍😍 I LOVE US ❤️
kiminchi we looking cute 😫💕
jchayo AAHH GURL i didn't knw you were going to post this picture. ilysm all!!😘
teamoone we should! @patbingjisoo you look fine i swear @notagorilla i love us too <3 @seulery you're cuter uwu @kiminchi aww gurl! love you too @jchayo
dalyi's beloved grandmother and her only living family left. before moving to seoul, dalyi had no idea whatsoever that she had a grandmother. it was awkward on dalyi's side meeting someone she's supposed to know yet has no idea of. but her grandmother hugged her and picked her up with ease, as if it was just yeterday she saw her granddaughter. she was the exact copy of dalyi herself. funny, hilarious, full of spirit. she serves as a guardian to dalyi, for she always runs to her grandmother whenever she's scared. her grandmother was like her prince charming, scaring away the spiders from her bed and protecting dalyi from things that could've possibly hurt her. whenever dalyi's father won't be able to tuck her in, her grandmother would do it for her, along with telling her  a bedtime story she made specially for dalyi. her grandmother was like the roots to her unstable tree, securing her in times of doubts. she regrets and blames herself for not paying attention for her grandmother. dalyi is scared that her grandmother might truly leave her one day.
her superhero, her knight in shining armour, her clown, her personal vitamin, her father. for as long as dalyi could rememember, it's always been her and her father, until her grandmother came in to the picture. and afterwards it's always been the three of them, until her father drowned himself in work. before her father got busy with his part-time jobs, dalyi would spend every second with her father. pranking him, tickling him, trolling him, putting makeup on him. they were each other's best friends and each other's pillars in rough storms. she never truly blamed him for leaving her, in fact she blamed herself. she felt that it was her fault she wasn't able to take away her father's stress, was her fault that she caused her father to be stressed. it broke her heart when he finally left her. dalyi almost wanted to join him, one time. but she knows he would be cross at her if she did that. she already long let go of her father, relieved that he's now in a better peaceful place. whenever dalyi feels lonely, she looks up at the sky, somehow knowing that her father and mother are watching over her.
before there was an ugly tall bean called kwon hyunbin, there were four more ugly beans, who goes by the names bang 'chris' chan, bae 'jacob' joonyoung, kim younghoon and lee 'hyunjae' jaehyun. the four of them were already good friends with each other since they were in diapers,until dalyi entered the picture and it became the f5. the four boys were the one who approached her at first, since she was a new kid who recently moved to seoul and into their neighbourhood. they instantly took a liking to her when the young girl manages to make a better comeback than jaehyun, womanhandled chan, beat joonyoung in basketball and boldly declares that she's more handsome than younghoon. the five of them became the unlikely of friends. they went to the same school together, all the way until highschool. they were there for dalyi when her father passed away. if it wasn't for their suppport, dalyi might've done something stupid. she gave them the name f4 due to their flower boys appearance, but since they're not f4, but the uglier version of f4, she  teasingly calls them her fake f4 squad. dalyi argues with chan the most, and she usually listens to cool songs with him *cue gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang*. joonyoung was like a protective mother hen towards dalyi, while jaehyun is like a stern father to her. younghoon is like an exact carbon copy of dalyi, but in a less cool-er version. the five of them went to different universities, but they always meet up with each other for at least two times a week.
bae seulhui, or what dalyi would refer to her as seullie her cutie pie, is basically a puppy she adopted. despite being the same age, dalyi sees her as her younger sister. though she appreciates how much seulhui hypes her up, she wished seulhui could tone it down just a little because honestly, dalyi thinks that she is not that great. she is not too close with seulhui, but she looks out for her daily, enjoying yet amused at her loudness.
koffing's character
"my momma is hotter than your momma" is what dalyi would proudly say to anyone who dared to mistreat jisoo. though they're the same age, dalyi can't help but see jisoo as a maternal figure. it all started when jisoo would wipe the stain in dalyi's mouth (because dalyi is like a kid when she eats, aka a messy eater). she was probably the only one who genuinely finds dalyi's jokes funny #blessjisoo. through small motherly acts jisoo does for dalyi and bonding through dalyi's horrible great sense of humour, the two naturally becomes closer. somehow, some way, dalyi slowly leans to jisoo, becoming dependant on her. dalyi never had a mother figure in her life, so when jisoo treats her in a way a mother takes care of her child, dalyi feels foreign yet warm. she's probably the closest to jisoo in the foodstagram squad. at times dalyi openly and comfortably refer to jisoo as her mom, ready to karate chop anyone who dared to mistreat her.
overmorrow's character
with go yira, it's either a hit or a miss. combine the two when they're at their best mood and you'll get two friends with a whirlwind of noise. dalyi often finds herself gaining some brain cells whenever she talks about things unrelated with memes to yira. it was a difficult start at first, the two of them not making any signs of opening up to each other. sometimes dalyi would try and crack a joke which yira won't laugh at, and the mood dampens. it's like a tug of war with these two. at times they'd often heads, with yira's domineering nature triggering dalyi, causing her to act uncivil towards her. it's going to take a while for the two to get closer, with their opposite persona. but once they set aside their differences, the two can become an odd but vivacious combination of friends. safe to say, dalyi considers yira as the only girl who's able to keep her on her toes. dalyi calls her gorilla, much to yira's annoyance.
ubuntu's character
~ coming soon ~
eggsighted's character
cha jiae, or what dalyi would usually call her as chayo, is her favorite partner to remake memes together. the two actually knew each other before the foodstagram thing happened. they met through instagram, finding each other's account and following each other afterwards. dalyi was quite a fan of jiae's instagram feed, and the two would often dm each other on the daily. she dotes on her fellow cha, finding it cool that the two of them share the same surname. the two are usually seen conversing animatedly or laughing at small trivial things.
dalyi took it upon herself to get to know about her precious puppy's significant other. she was glad that seullie found someone not a fckboy, and sometimes lightly teased the two whenever they're together.  at first dalyi is not really close to minhyung, sometimes having a casual talk with him about general things. after some time past, dalyi naturally found herself getting closer (not in that way) to minhyung. the two would either hype each other up or roast each other until one of them is scorched. dalyi considers minhyung a good friend, that is, when he doesn't make her want to toss him to the pacific ocean. he's the only other boy she's close to besides hyunbin and the f4. ever since she started to get close to him, she started to call him markiepie. but she mostly called him minhyung.
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teamoone mo0o0o0oOOoOooo000ood
jacobbjy honestly, same
teamoone hang in there bro, we got this! *fist bump* @jacobbjy
after dalyi graduated and entered university, she started to spend less time with her grandmother. it wasn't that she didn't want to, it was mainly due to dalyi's schedule full of other activities that she didn't have time to pay attention to her grandmother. dalyi was also working two part-time jobs to pay for her tuition and house bills. it might sound mean, but she's doing it for herself and for her grandmother. she wanted to help her grandmother in any way she can, knowing that her grandmother's ramen restaurant wasn't enough to pay for the daily expanses in their lives.
her grandmother wasn't feeling well again, but dalyi failed to notice. it was subtle at first, such as coughs that her grandmother excused as nothing more than flus, sudden pain in her knees ("i bruised my knee when i was cooking in the restaurant, dalyi. no need to worry"), etc. there are days where dalyi's grandmother can't seem to get up, and dalyi failed to notice this as well.
her grandmother collapsed when dalyi had been a fresh university sudent for over two months. and when dalyi found out that her grandmother was in the hospital, her heart almost stopped working. it was like the first time her grandmother collapsed, only this time the doctor said that dalyi's grandmother's health was deteriorating. dalyi blamed herself, why on earth did she not notice that her grandmother was in pain all along. her grandmother was the only family she had left, and god knows what will happen to dalyi if her grandmother left her side too.
dalyi wanted her grandmother to get better, but to do that she must work harder to earn more money so she can ensure her grandmother's treatment will be given.
she started to work two part-time jobs, her mind constantly worrying over her grandmother, who's currently in the hospital, resting. there are times where dalyi felt stressed out and broke down, wanting her parents to be by her side and help her out. once her crying sessoin is over, dalyi wipes her tears away and stands talll again, not showing a single sign of her frustration and sadness. it's a repetitive cycle that dalyi has been doing for a while.
there are times where dalyi imagined what it was like if her grandmother truly left her side. those thoughts alone suffocated her, causing her to feel anxious and scared. if her grandmother was gone, she didn't have anyone else left. no parents, no family. she didn't want that. she didn't want to be alone.
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teamoone how did reese eat her ice cream? witherspoon ~
kyoungh00n joke : failed
teamoone the exit is to your left @kyoungh00n
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teamoone  me being blinded by your ego
chrisbanging  damn who you shading sis
teamoone  @chrisbanging :)
seulery  looking cute!!
teamoone you're cuter! @seulery
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teamoone thx 4 the love and support
teamoone ily seullie @seulery
watermark you actually look decent for once, not like usual @teamoone
teamoone thanks m8. how do i usually look like anyways?
watermark like you're on crack @teamoone
teamoone *virtually smashes you* @watermark
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teamoone mirror mirror on  the wall who's the ugliest of them all?

kumazou i don't even need to comment the answer. it's obvious.
teamoone hmm...suspicious... @kumazou
jaehyunjae_e it's *** :)
teamoone do not start a riot with me @jaehyunjae_e
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teamoone who did it better? #manner_legs
kumazou is't it obvious? me. go home loser, you lost.
kumazou plus you probably photoshopped that lmao there's no way you're that tall
teamoone haters gonna h8 @kumazou
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teamoone  a princess and her 4 slaves
chrisbanging  *an ogre and her 4 knights in shining armour
jaehyunjae_e  the audacity
jacobbjy  years of friendship = cancelled and burned to ashes
kyoungh00n  i'm kicking you out of our kakao group
teamoone  love u guys too @ f4 squad
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teamoone  your friendly neighbourhood gangster
notagorilla *weird neighbourhood gangster
teamoone gorilla,,,i thought we were friends... @notagorilla
jchayo i love your outfit <3
teamoone and i love you @jchayo <345
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teamoone  i love food, it lifts my mood
kiminchi why didn't you invite mee??!?
teamoone kimchi, out of all the pictures of food that i posted, you only missed out on one food date,,,but i'm sorry!! i'll treat just you next time, like a special date @kiminchi
patbingjisoo the pictures looks nice 💖 remember to eat more healthier food dalyi!
teamoone will do momma!! <3 @patbingjisoo
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teamoone make me your new muse
watermark how about...no
teamoone you'll regret it, just you wait @watermark
teamoone and you're my forever muse seullie @seulery
kumazou monkey see, monkey do
teamoone like you don't know me already @kumazou
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teamoone gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang
notagorilla dalyi control yourself
teamoone dab with me gorilla <3 @notagorilla
kumazou that song is expired already. you need to learn how to keep up
teamoone how can a song be expired ¿ @kumazou
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teamoone him : take my picture
also him :
patbingjisoo who is this dalyi? 😆
teamoone @patbingjisoo an ugly tall bean with an ego bigger than the whole of korea momma
kumazou delete this or i shall have my revenge
teamoone never!! you can't tell me what to do. it's on like donkey kong @kumazou
koojune bruh you either look like a serial killer or a frigging kindergarten kid there's no in between lmao @kumazou
teamoone he truly does. i'm suprised he doesn't know @koojune
kumazou you're supposed to be on my side @koojune
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teamoone issa scarecrow
kumazou *it's a crackhead
teamoone i know my vocabularies thank you very much @kumazou
jchayo GURL you look so snuggly
teamoone really? i thought i looked like an octopus. anyways, you're the real snuggle bear here @jchayo
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teamoone so i found myself into some sort of a situation...
watermark iconic
teamoone a crackhead will always be a crackhead
kiminchi 👀 invention of the year!! i stan a legend who's not afraid to shame herself in public ✊
teamoone i love my fans <33 @watermark @kiminchi you see me rollin you hatin @kumazou
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teamoone some gud music to bless ur day #yourwelcome
kumazou i don't recall saying thank you...
teamoone appreciate my music taste sister @kumazou
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teamoone after finals catastrophe
notagorilla i don't see the catastrophe
teamoone i'm the catastrophe @notagorilla
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teamoone we are spider-monkeys @jchayoyo @seulery

seulery we are CUTE spider-monkeys
jchayo we are EXTRA CUTE spider-monkeys
teamoone i agree to agree @seulery @jchayo
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teamoone girls night out @notagorilla @patbingjisoo @kiminchi
notagorilla last night was wiLD
patbingjisoo i'm sorry you guys had to see my drunken self...
kiminchi we should do this again!!
teamoone i have no regrets @notagorilla momma why are you saying sorry you're cute when you're drunk! and no worries your secret's safe with us :"D @patbingjisoo we definitely should @kiminchi
teamoone when life gives you lemons you gotta...
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teamoone chilling
koojune im pretty sure chilling doesn't involve your hand in her legs @kumazou
kumazou that's not me @koojune
koojune lmao sure, and the earth isn't flat @kumazou
kumazou isn't it round though? @koojune
koojune dude im trying to make a point here @kumazou
seulery hands off mister!! she's mine @kumazou
kumazou why am i being attacked... @seulery
teamoone *grabs popcorn* @kumazou @koojune @seulery
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teamoone who dis
myoui.mina a big phat mega uwu @ the height diference
kumazou ...what are you doing here get out @myoui.mina
teamoone hello hyunbin's lady friend??? and yes he is tall i wish he would stop growing he makes me want to hide myself behind a trash can every time i walk beside him @myoui.mina
myoui.mina hello! you're so kawaii c: and ignore hyunbin's grumpy . i ship you guys so much #kumamoon @teamoone
teamoone uhm?? we're not...uuhh,,,but thank you mina-chan uwu @myoui.mina
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teamoone something smells here...
watermark nothing smells it's just you
watermark XD
kumazou aww you're taking a picture with your own species!!
seulery you're a cute poop daldal <3
teamoone i'm sorry to inform you but i ALWAYS take a shower...and eventho i look like a poop, at least i'm not a poop @watermark
teamoone at least poops are cool and are there for you and make you feel happy and relieved and satisfied @kumazou
teamoone this is by far the softest compliment i got. and my fave. ily seullie my puppy @seulery
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teamoone we're always so dysfunctional every time we take pictures together so here's some decent ones
kumazou we still look like we're patients who escaped out of a mental asylum to me
teamoone well if we're gonna be ugly, we might as well do it together @kumazou
chrisbanging oohhooo what's this?
jaehyunjae_e oohhooo what's this? (2)
jacobbjy oohhooo what's this? (3)
kyoungh00n oohhooo what's this? (4)
teamoone idk what's up with you guys... @chrisbanging @jacobbjy @jaehyunjae_e @kyoungh00n
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teamoone did you know that if you put your right foot in front of you, and then you put your left foot in front of your right foot, and proceed to put your right foot in front again, you're walking?
watermark the more you know
kumazou why are you like this
chrisbanging is u ok?
teamoone your welcome @watermark
teamoone i'm always like this what do you mean @kumazou
teamoone i'm ok chan thx @chrisbanging
chrisbanging i was being sarcastic... @teamoone
teamoone i know @chrisbanging
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teamoone so kids, this is called sleeping
kumazou and this, children, is called useless information
patbingjisoo you should rest more dalyi :c
watermark you look grumpy when you sleep
teamoone watch out for this scary, kids, he might eat you! @kumazou will do momma! don't you worry your little head @patbingjisoo it's to scare off any unwanted interruption @watermark
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teamoone did somebody left their granny behind?
jchayo we're sorry that we left you grandma :(
kiminchi and ditched you too :((
watermark even without the glasses and outfit you already look like a grandma
kumazou i hope you didn't forget to pay for the sunglasses grandma
chrisbanging you really do look like a grandma
kyoungh00n issok grandma is not mad grandma loves u @jchayo @kiminchi
teamoone ...thanks 4 the compliment  i appreciate it @watermark
teamoone don't worry young lad i didn't! otherwise i would be in jail by now and won't be able to reply to your comment @kumazou
teamoone *a youthful grandma. thanks! @chrisbanging
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teamoone when your professor assigns you a mountain of assignments but didn't show up...and hours later you caught him chilling in a cafe
koojune LMAO it's that professor isn't it?
koojune he was absent due to feeling under the weather...i guess not HAHA
teamoone i hope his coffee was worth all the all-nighters i pulled @koojune
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teamoone hold up i got something in my eyes
jchayo wait - there's also something stuck on your face!
teamoone what is it chayo? @jchayo
jchayo beauty @teamoone
teamoone ...wow how smooth, i approve @jchayo
kumazou oh look it's a lost kid. should i take you to the police station?
teamoone the only thing that is lost here is your sense of humour @teamoone
watermark ooohh burnnn @teamoone @kumazou
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teamoone me and my mary poppins'  bag
jacobbjy ????
teamoone because it's got everything i need @jacobbjy
kumazou i hope that isn't you're watching...
teamoone do me a favour and bury yourself underground before i haunt you in your dreams @kumazou
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teamoone i look like i just came out of a washing machine
jacobbjy even after all these years, i still don't get you and your words
teamoone no one ever does tbh @jacobbjy
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teamoone yo
kiminchi i can't believe you didn't invite me to go with you to the beach. again
teamoone my beloved kimchi i'm so sorry! it was a last-minute thing @kiminchi
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teamoone how do you make holy water? you boil the hell out of it!
kumazou not funny
kyoungh00n not funny (2)
jacobbjy not funny (3)
jaehyunjae_e not funny (4)
chrisbanging not funny (69)
teamoone at least i try @kumazou @kyoungh00n @jacobbjy
teamoone there are kids here @chrisbanging
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teamoone babysitting
seulery OH MY GOSH i'm so soft!!!
jchayo can i take it home with me?
watermark i thought you take care of kids dal, not puppies...
teamoone me too! @seulery how about you take me home instead? ouo @jchayo i am markiepie...apparently one of the kids insisted in bringing his puppy @watermark
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teamoone why did the chicken cross the road?
teamoone answer : nothing it just wanted to cross
notagorilla it's time to s t o p
teamoone the grind never s t o p s @notagorilla
kumazou want to know a joke?
teamoone @kumazou what
kumazou your existence @teamoone
teamoone ha ha ha @kumazou
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teamoone after all this time, i've been catfishing you guys. meet...the real me
kyoungh00n icb we've been catfished guys @chrisbanging @jacobbjy @jaehyunjae_e
kumazou so...after all this time...you're actually shorter than you catfished to be?
jchayo but you're still awesome
teamoone please don't kick me out of f4...@kyoungh00n y-yeahh...sorry to disappoint you, buddy @kumazou *sends a wholesome meme your way* @jchayo
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teamoone we're actually doing a satanic ritual here
notagorilla we are NOT doing a satanic ritual
notagorilla we're calling spirits
teamoone okie dokie gorilla, whatever you say @notagorilla
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teamoone food is love, food is life. who needs the male species when you already have food?
patbingjisoo i'm sorry bub but i don't agree with the last part 😆
seulery i agree...to disagree
notagorilla and tf why do you eat a lot?
kiminchi and tf why do you eat a lot? (2)
jchayo and tf why do you eat a lot?  (3)
teamoone issok i understand ;) @seulery @patbingjisoo you guys should know by now that my stomach is basically a bottomless pit of hunger @notagorilla @kiminchi @jchayo
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kumazou no i'm not wearing lipstick lol
teamoone what's wrong with wearing lipstick?
kumazou ...never mind @teamoone
the only one who ever called him this is dalyi. it's a reference to his instagram username, and in dalyi's opinion, it suits him. she has been calling him this ever since the two of them met, and hyunbin is already used to dalyi calling him kuma rather than his real name.
hyunbin was quite popular in instagram and at campus, especially among the ladies. he was a part-time model for several small brands. it was first started as a paise by one of his female admirers but soonc hanged into some sort of code name to refer to him by.
pretty self-explanatory. hyunbin was blessed with a godlike body, his tall muscular frame making anyone sin just by looking at him. he works out on the daily too, updating his instagram followers whenever he goes to the gym. it was a common way of referring to him at campus, since he's probably the only guy whose body the girls thirst for.
the most cringeworthy nickname of all. dalyi takes pleasure in seeing hyunbin squirm when someone openly refer to him as daddy. it was a hilarious nickname, and even more so when dalyi sees hyunbin's reaction. it first started as a comment on hyunbin's instagram which she screenshot and sended to him, along with millions of a laughing emoji. some girls at campus would shyly refer to him as that, but other girls are quite bold whe calling him that. long legs refers to hyunbin's legs, which are long, toned and so fine looking.
campus heartthrob, mr dreamboat.
BIRTHDATE 8th of november
MAJOR business
OCCUPATION part-time model and part-time barista at a coffee shop
incisive, coolheaded, self-assured, cordial, independent
nonchalant, cynical
snide, curt, reticent, haughty, refractory
kwon hyunbin was an introvert mistaken several times as an extrovert due to his friendly smiles and hospitable greetings. he has a large circle of friends, and people always seems to be around him (perks of being popular at uni).
if there's anything you should know about the kwon hyunbin is that he possess an aura of charisma and carries himself in a way that might seem intimidating to others, due to how sure he is of himself and his skills. he was like a movie star, and you can't help but feel blinded by his charming smiles and good-natured laugh.
behind kwon hyunbin's nonchalant gaze is a mind that's always ticking and turning like gears in his head. he was intellectually receptive, meticulous and good in analyzing situations. he's able to stay calm and composed in difficult situations, thinking his way through with a rational mind. like a good future businessman, hyunbin sees chances and possibilities where others don't. he knows what he wants, and he knows what to do to get it. he knows how to weave his words in a way so others feel good about hearing it.
despite his seemingly easygoing nature, hyunbin is quite reserved. his large circle of friends only know him from the surface. he's quite difficult to get close to, as he shuts down any effort of you trying to figure the real hyunbin out.
deep down, he's actually quite a nice guy, but easily misundertood due to his poor choice of words and brutal honesty. he means well, but not everyone can see that. he has a witty side to him that no one ever saw, spitting out sarcastic remarks and comebacks, enjoying the look of annoyance whenever he makes the person he's debating with speechless.
his biting words might be quite hurtful at times, despite hyunbin himself not truly realizing it. he's not really good with words, choosing to talk efficiently and keeps his words short but enough. he speaks his mind freely, doing what he wants to do. he doesn't care about hierarchy and all that. whether you're the world's biggest jerk or the president, if you treat him bad, he'll do the exact same to you.
he's the type of person to rarely asks for help. he always looks fine and manages to do things by himself. he believes in his own moral values and himself. if he thinks he is right, then he is right. nothing or no one can change that.
it's quite subtle but if you look closely enough, there are times where hyunbin felt like he deserves more, that he is worthy. though it doesn't necessarily mean that he puts himself on a higher pedestal than the rest, but in a way there are times where he felt like he's supposed to be better.
he's not good with words, and even worse with feelings, but he looks out for people in the most subtle way possible. he guards his heart yet cherishes the people who are close to him.
he was like a walking contradiction. he can be the most starry-eyed idealist yet the bitterest of cynics. he believes that with hardwork, anything can be achieved yet he also believes that people are too lazy to be able to achieve great results.
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koojune you look high
kumazou haha...@koojune
coffee, ice latte, baguettes, anything to do with pastry, bucket hats, his height, salad, the beach, travelling, hip hop and k-indie music, beanies, earrings, anime, going to noraebang
hot sunny days, some of his crazy obsessed fangirls, running out of facial masks, empty fridge, cancelled plans, being late, being drunk, messy things, being provoked, aegyo
going to the gym, going to the beach, planning last-minute trips, doing yoga, working out
brushing his hair back with his fingers in a slow-motion, commercial-like way
5% god-tier selfies, 10% of his music taste, anime and his beloved cat, 30% of his friends, 20% of his sinful mirror selfies, 30% of places he encountered on his travels, 5% pictures of him with her. all of his pictures either has black border or a simple plain black background. all of his pictures seems to look like it's been taken by a camera where you need to process  the photos in a photo lab, and the frames around his photos looks similar to kodak portra 400 (let's just pretend it's all true c":)
1! hyunbin is an only child
2! his father is the ceo of a medium-sized company, while his mother owns an independent fashion business
3! he used to live abroad in japan when he was younger for a few years
4! has a white american shorthair cat called komurola, or komu for short
5! he was part of the student council in his high school
6! he's quite an athletic student back in his school days. he was the captain of his basketball team back in middle school. he also was a member of the soccer club and badminton club in high school
7! he's good in latte art, being a barist and all
8! he was quite a physically active kid. he did fencing ever since he was young, and he also has a black belt in hapkido
9! he can do a back flip, handstand and cartwheel
10! he has an embarrassing dark past of wanting to be a rapper which he buried deep down. everything related to his wannabe rapper phase has been carefully hidden by him. but somehow dalyi manages to find old videos of him rapping to his own rap at the bottom of his phone's gallery
11! he was always a popular kid, from the start of his elementary school days until now. he wasn't really comfortable with the amount of attention, but he learned how to push down his discomfort and go with the flow
12! he once rescued 8 stray kittens before, but had to give it up because he couldn't find the time to take care of the kittens
13! he loves doing outdoor activites very much. he's quite a daring thrill-seeker. he likes to go bungee jumping, skydiving, hiking, rock climbing, etc. he also loves water sports a lot
14! his instagram username doesn't actually mean anything, it's just something his (un)creative brain made up
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kumazou last night
koojune you always have to choose pics where you look good in it and the rest of us looks wasted don't you?
teamoone as his best friend you should know already how big his ego is...@koojune
koojune i do...@teamoone
kumazou i don't tolerate any hate @koojune @teamoone
hyunbin's day 1 and one and only best friend. they were there at each other's highest and lowest. junhoe is the closest friend hyunbin has, and the only guy he trusts to confide in his secrets and fears. he's hyunbin's sparring buddy back when they both go to the same hapkido classes together. the guy is pretty chill and loud, the complete opposite of hyunbin. it was quite difficult to imagine the two interacting together, much less forming a tight bond. but here they are, still standing strong after almost 10 years of friendship albeit having arguments here and there, which was pretty normal. dalyi once joked that whenever the two argues it's either like two old grannies, a wife and husband or a literal scary fight that needs to be stopped before one of them punches the other. dalyi gets along well with junhoe, the two of them sometimes teaing up to prank hyunbin and teasing about his uptight demeanor. junhoe is also hyunbin's apartment roommate. the two split the bills, renting the apartment together since they go to the same university. junhoe sometimes calls him zou (inspired from his instagram username) or bean (bean is similar to bin).
if dalyi has her f4 squad, then hyunbin had mina. the two go way back, when they were classmates in elementary school. mina was the first student he befriended when he moved to japan. even until now, he still keeps a close contact with her. the two were quite good friends. whenever hyunbin wanted to vent but junhoe was unavailable, he'd turn to mina. she was a sweet, kind and gentle girl, but will not hesitate to punch you either. these days hyunbin had been telling mina about dalyi, to which mina would excitedly listen attentively. it's not everyday you see the kwon hyunbin getting tamed by a girl.
hyunbin wanted to bury seulhui's head in the ground whenever she became too loud for his liking. he wasn't close with the girl who dalyi claims to be her adopted puppy, but he respects her. he only knew the girl virtually at first, seeing her name several times when he was stalking checking dalyi's instagram account.
he knows that this guy often shows up wherever seulhui is. he first knew of minhyung's existence when he commented in dalyi's instagram posts. and he was double shocked that the two had the audacity to comment in every single post that has dalyi in it. he didn't know much about minhyung, but he wouldn't mind meeting him and getting to know him more.
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kumazou we cool
koojune is that...my frigging supreme hat?@kumazou
kumazou bro i'm sorry i gave mine to her @koojune
koojune ...you know what nvm @kumazou
dalyi and hyunbin didn't know that they both go to the same university, and had the same math classs together. it was after the two were paired up together for a project did they get to know one another. initially, hyunbin couldn't really care less about dalyi, already forgetting her name a few minutes after she introduced herself, but was suprised to see his instagram flooded with trolling commens from an unknown girl a few hours later.
dalyi couldn't believe the amount of ego he hides under his charming smiles. she only found out later that she was paired up with a dream partner, kwon hyunbin aka mr dreamboat aka campus heartthrob. she wanted to laugh. campus heartthrob? more like the campus biggest jerk.
the two continue two meet up occasionally to work on the project, eventhough at times dalyi found herself being bailed by hyunbin due to his busy 'modelling' schedule. she had enough one day, following him to a nearby cafe where he meets up with his friends instead of going to another specific cafe that dalyi asked him to so the two can discuss their project. she proceeds to publicly embarrass him that he literally had to drag her outside, and ask her what her frigging problem was. he actually truly forgot that he was supposed to meet up with dalyi. not that dalyi cared. she just wanted to finish the project quickly and cut ties with him asap.
it's as if fate was laughing at them. when the two of them thought that they won't be meeting each other again, they did.
accidental meetings such as hyunbin going to his favourite boba tea and pastry cafe without knowing that dalyi works there, and proceeds to be gobsmacked when dalyi begrudgingly served him and became his wairess with an evident look of displeasure on her face. of course he had to get her back by 'accidentally' knocking his drink into the front of her apron.
or the time where dalyi came face to face with a good-looking barista at her most frequented coffee shop, grinning in glee when she realized hyunbin was looking back at her with a huge frown on his face. ("why the hell did you come here if you didn't order coffee? and stop following me, stalker." "aw, you know i can file a complaint about you to your boss right? plus, you're the one who started to follow me.").
their friendly banters turned into sliding to each other's dms, the two of them casually having a fight about who is more superior, dc or marvel, at 2 am. their midnigh conversations turned into asking for each other's contacts ("man, you really are a fan of me. do you thirst for me too?" "haha, you're funny. you should see the amount of funks i give about you." "what the hell is a funk???" "i'm a kid therefore it's illegal for me to curse").
sometimes the two of them turn up at each other's workplace, to annoy each other. but sometimes dalyi would suddenly go to the coffee shop hyunbin works at when she's having a rough day, and is suprised to find her favourite green tea and a slice of strawberry shortcake besides her, a note which said "it's on the house. stop looking so gloomy, you look ugly if you do that."
other times it would be hyunbin unknowingly letting his feet take him to the cafe dalyi works at whenever he's feeling tired after a long day of photoshoot. then he would look up and find dalyi  in front of him in her waitress apron, concentrating in cutting his beloved baguette for him but failing in spreading his favourite blueberry jam cleanly on top of the bread, his usual iced latte already in the table in front of him.
it was little things like this that gradually made the two closer to each other. every passing day the would take bolder steps in getting to know one another. sometimes hyunbin would drag dalyi to his photoshoots, and other times dalyi would invite hyunbin to come and join her and her fellow foodstagrammers in their daily food hunt.
the two didn't know how, why, what, or when, but they felt comfortable around each other. it was dalyi who first noticed how she would smile unknowingly remembering hyunbin's stupid antics or suddenly trying to find him in their shared math class. and when she realized that her heart abnormally beats faster whe he's around, she panicked. she felt that she is funked up.
at first, she didn't know how to react. hyunbin was slowly becoming a steady presence in her life, and althought she welcomed it, she was afraid of the possibility of him leaving her.
hyunbin on the other hand, was as dense as ever. it took him a while to realize that he's slowly (or may have already) falling for the girl who continued to insult and troll him at every chance. he kind of panicked, not knowing how to deal with this new foreign feelings, but one thing's for sure. he wasn't going to let the presence of cha dalyi in his life disappear.
the two continued to act how they would normally do around each other, except the only difference is the shift in feelings they had for each other.
- it's always friendly banter and serious who-can-roast-better competition between the two
- but the two of them can also have a decent conversation, talking about music or anything.  one time dalyi randomly asked hyunbin what he thinks is the purpose of a toilet bowl and instead of looking at her as if she lost her mind, he answered her seriously, even providing facts with bullet points
- she'd always share the latest memes and funy videos she found hilarious to him
- hyunbin would
- the two are rarely seen together at campus though, since they're both from different majors and have their own circle of friends
- the two don't really share any skinship with each other (it's usually dalyi punching him and hyunbin proceeding to headlock dalyi) but they do, it looks natural
- they somehow unintentionally lean against each other without knowing. though if one of them realizes, it would definitely be dalyi and she'd awkwardly clear and smoothly do something as to not make it obvious to hyunbin that she was leaning against him
- dalyi could be accidentally sending him a meme at 3 am and hyunbin would immediately shoot back a reply
- hyunbin never complained about how tired he feels at times especially when he had to work long hours after doing a photoshoot, and he wasn't really good in conveying his feelings. but one look from hyunbin and dalyi instantly knew, proceeding to massage his back and neck, knowing what he wanted to say and offered words of encouragement
- dalyi is really guarded abot her financial and economic troubles, and she never shared it to hyunbin, knowing that he came from quite a well-off family and she didn't want people to think that she hung out with him only for money and fame
- the two would have secret trips to town , a beach, or anywhere quiet and peaceful with just the two of them. it's usually hanbin who plans these spur-of-the-moment trips
- since a lot of people calls dalyi dal or anything with dal, hyunbin kinda wanted to have his own name for her. the same goes to dalyi. thus the name moon and kuma was born. hyunbin doesn't publicly call dalyi moon, and dalyi doesn't publicly call hyunbin kuma, but when the two of them are alone the nickname comes out
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kumazou i age physically and emotionally everytime i deal with her sheet
teamoone and my life span decreases everytime you try to make a joke @kumazou
kumazou then why are you still here? @teamoone
the two are stuck in a more than friends but less than lovers phase. they're very comfortable around each other, but won't hesitate to insult one another. at times, hyunbin would suddenly make a bold action by wrapping his fingers around dalyi's wrist and proceeds to drag her excitedly to a newly opened coffee shop, or dalyi would unknowingly lay her head against hyunbin's shoulders and proceeds to sleep (and drool).
i feel like over time the two somehow knew that they both had feelings of each other but like, wasn't ready to date yet? like maybe they do date but for now, they're comfortable being like this, feeling relieved at the fact that they both have fallen for each other. it's up to you whether you'd like the other foodstagramers taking part to push the two together more closer and make them date? or they can simply leave the two clueless yet lovesick foolish kids be.
- the foodstagrammers reactions when seeing hyunbin and dalyi skinship for the first time (eventhough in dalyi and hyunbin's peripheral vew it was normal and nothing out of the ordinary)
- dalyi finally breaking down in front of him and hyunbin, not knowing what to do, instinctively guide dalyi's head to his shoulders and proceeds to let her soak his hoodie with tears, gently rubbing her back
- hyunbin getting sick and dalyi taking care of im!! :"D
- an admirer of hyunbin saw him and dalyi together and when hyunbin left dalyi alone for a second she stomps up at her and demands to know who she is. to which dalyi would casually reply "i am his greatest enemy and a better looking model than he is."
- hyunbin's admirers harrassing dalyin in social media but she's able to troll them and make them look like fools
- hyunbin's admirers caught harrassing dalyi in real life!! and hyunbin was about to rush to help the damsel in distress only to find out that the damsel took care of the situation better than he can
- hyunbin joining dalyi along with her foodstagram squad and the squad tease the two to no end, much to dalyi and hyunbin's confusion ("so, hyunbin, i heard that you're...active" "i'm sorry, what?" "did you do it?" "did what?" "you know, that" "i'm really sorry but i have no idea what you're talking about" "okay, if you say so. i understand if you don't want to share...private information with us. you do you, and go get her!" "...i am at a loss...")
- hyunbin and dalyi turning up at each other's workplace!!
- hyunbin going to the daycare dalyi works at and proceeds to get interrogated by dalyi's tiny admirers
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teamoone photo credits goes to..
kumazou goes to a short ugli pig panda who can't crack a joke that is good enough @teamoone
teamoone i have never felt so offended in my entire life...@kumazou
yes i am. i also unfollowed him several times, blocked and reported him too, fyi.
he wants to! but i won't let him. i rejected his follow request several times but he refuses to give up. i think he's a sasaeng, haha. but i accepted him in the end.
nah, i don't think so. he only has his eyes on coffee that would definitely decrease his life span. and honestly, my feed is way better than his HAHAHA sorry not sorry.
i don't think i have one? like, when the time is right and he's the one for me, then why not? i'll accept him if we were meant to be together. fyi, he's not my crush. he's just an ugly bean who happens to be obsessed with me.
woah there...that is an invalid fact. okay, i'm going to rephrase that question in my head. i thought that he's the man version of elsa from frozen, and he is, sadly. to some extent. i also thought that he was the type of person to let his ego, which was is way bigger than the world itself, get the best of him. but honestly, he's not that bad. if you survived his hunger games, which is his form of mean words, then you'll be okay. i survived like almost five of his hunger games? literally i just wanna hulk smash that dude half the time but he can be nice at times. it's through the little things, i guess. he means well but he gets easily misunderstood. when i start to realize he's not that bad of a person, i see him in a different light.
okay! hey you. you're ugly, annoying, a world class jerk and the reincarnation of the snow queen and i will not stop winning in our roast battles because face it, i am way better than you. but i'm thankful for your existence. now don't go flying over your head, you're still and will always be ugly.
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kumazou no pictures please
teamoone as if anyone wanted to take pictures of you
kumazou oh believe me, you'll be surprised @teamoone
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seulery borrowing @teamoone 's camera, the result is so pretty <3 everyone pls go follow her i swear she doesn't bite and is really nice and funny! (and no i wasn't paid to promote her k)
teamoone aww i'm in shock. there's no need to promote me. but thank u! ily 5ever seullie @seulery
well, as ready as i'll ever be. hit me (with that ddu du ddu du du).
as of now, i am! why wouldn't i follow seullie my cutie pie. i think i saw your account through stalking through some of my followers' followers...ahaha...please don't be creeped out. i think it was around the beginning of uni?
random things i guess? i got a cool lomo camera from a friend and i basically take a picture of whatever interests me? instead of selcas i take faceless photos of myself. and also faceless photos of my friends. sadly, there are no memes in my account.
i love desserts! most of them are desserts so i can drool in hunger at midnight when looking at it ahahaa. i also like to take pictures of western or foreign food as well? like macaroni and burgers.
first of all, i don't have a crush therefore i don't have time to flirt. well, i'll probaby go out on solo adventures to the park to relief my head? but sometimes an ugly tall bean would drag me to accompany him to his last-minute trips to the beach, a temple, anything tourist-y. oh and the f4 squad! they usually forcefully drag me outside to go and watch a movie with them or two, go to the mall or town. and sometimes they'd take me sightseeing around seoul. i also usually help out in my grandmother's ramen restaurant. other than that, catch me sleeping for a century straight in my snuggly warm bed.
honestly? the food. i'm only here for the food. haha, no i am just joking. the companions i guess, and getting to know one another. but also being able to hunt for new delicious food and eating it together. it's like a shared happiness, you know? plus, i get to know the hidden treasures of seoul that i previously did not know that it existed.
out of boredom, and i wanted to make a good use of my lomo camera. plus i wanted to beat a certain ugly in terms of aesthetically pleasing feeds. also, who wouldn't love to make someone drool over something you have? i take pleasure in delivering high quality pictures to my eye-hungry followers.
it's my name! in english. well, my name translated to english. according to an online translation, but i don't know if their translations are accurate are not. cha and dal means tea and moon in english, plus the alphabat e sounds similar like yi.
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kumazou fun
teamoone i bet you were too much of a chicken to ride that lel
kumazou sorry to disappoint you but i ride that 3 times @teamoone
koojune *2.5 times. don't believe him dal, he gave up halfway. i was there @teamoone
kumazou wtf stop exposing me @koojune
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kumazou hi, how can i help you?
teamoone you should've been extinct
kumazou it takes a whole lot more than meteors to kill me @teamoone
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kumazou 💦💦
teamoone lel i'm pretty sure you only go to the gym to take a picture
teamoone you can't even open a water bottle today
koojune HAHAHAHA @kumazou exposed
kumazou keep hating @koojune @teamoone
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kumazou tell me where to go, turn on the radio of the city lights
teamoone finally a long caption that isn't empty or just an emoji
kumazou it's song lyrics. and wtf stop slandering my captions @teamoone
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kumazou  🌃 🌃 🌃
teamoone wow
teamoone and you didn't even invite me
teamoone #top10animebetrayals
kumazou stop spamming. i'll take you one day @teamoone
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kumazou morning
teamoone must be nice to be abroad
teamoone do me a favour and don't come back, thanks
kumazou nah, i'll come back. who else will annoy you and make you suffer?@teamoone
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kumazou 😷 😷
teamoone this is what you get for working too hard
kumazou don't make me question my decisions @teamoone
koojune nice curtains
kumazou thanks @koojune
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kumazou 💤
koojune stop playing overwatch and go to sleep man, if you're sick i'm not gonna be your personal nurse @kumazou
kumazou i will if you stop streaming twice all night @koojune
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kumazou fine wall
koojune and you don't even credit me smh
kumazou photo credits : junHOE
koojune i helped you and you did me dirty. i'm locking you out tonight @kumazou
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kumazou eye see you
teamoone haha very punny
kumazou why do i feel like your laugh isn't genuine? @teamoone
teamoone because it isn't @kumazou
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kumazou peace and quiet
koojune you lucky mf. you out here relaxing while i study my off for tomorrow's finals
kumazou don't hate me. you should've said yes when i offered you that job @koojune
koojune damn u is right. but you know i can't model for @kumazou
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kumazou noir
koojune oh you speak french now?
teamoone show off
kumazou i didn't know a demon and a devil is so worked up on whatever i do @koojune @teamoone
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kumazou my new bro
teamoone oh my you're taking a selfie with your own kind now???
kumazou at least the llama's cooler than you @teamoone
koojune let's add the llama to our group chat @kumazou
kumazou on it @koojune
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kumazou this sore loser is always begging me to take a picture with her 👻👻
teamoone first of all, wow,,, you make me sound so desperate...how dare you
teamoone second, i will sue you for spreading lies
teamoone and finally, you're the bigger loser
kumazou sure thing hater @teamoone
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kumazou a 🐼 is stressed out
teamoone YOU stress me out
kumazou i'm glad @teamoone
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kumazou 👹👺
teamoone oh my god is that a pimple i see!!??! oh no :(
teamoone btw the emojis suits you so much,,,i can't believe you're finally admitting to yourself that you're a half goblin half ogre hybrid. the only thing you'e missing to admit is that you're a piece of trash
kumazou nice try, i applaud you keep going @teamoone
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kumazou move bench get out the way
koojune zou to dal : take this rasengan, er
teamoone blocked and reported @koojune
kumazou ouch man that's harsh @koojune
koojune dal, i swear i'm on your side! i'm trying to expose him for you. those were his exact words last night, i swear on my love for twice @teamoone
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kumazou sweet gin
teamoone drinking in broad daylight? wow what an icon
kumazou that's starbucks, you dumb pig. plus, i think you know well by now that sometimes caption don't relate at all to the picture @teamoone
kumazou @teamoone ps, sweet gin is a song
teamoone oooooooohhhhkaaaay @kumazou
kumazou @teamoone why are you this ugly? god, why do i even bother
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kumazou 🤔🤔🤔
teamoone how is captain fluffy snowballs junior the third doing?
kumazou ...he's okay, and why the heck did you just expose my cat like that @teamoone
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kumazou no i'm not wearing lipstick lol
teamoone are you also having a nosebleed after witnessing naruto's harem jutsu?
kumazou @teamoone no.
kumazou ok ok just asking
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kumazou a busy week
seulery wait isn't that daldal's snapback?
kumazou no, it's mine. she has the exact same one. she copied me @seulery
teamoone he copied me seullie don't believe him!! @seulery and lel who you fooling all you did was play overwatch @kumazou
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teamoone you're not even legal yet
kumazou i am legal. stop spreading lies h8er @teamoone
teamoone well, on papers? yes. mentally? no @kumazou
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teamoone the u in kuma stands for ugly
kumazou the o in moon stands for ogre
oml i finally finished,,,way past the extension time ;; im so sorry. what made it long is the extra pictures / feed i put in and having to think of a good caption and comments :" i dont know if you notice but with the help of my good friend @ parkwoojins (who coded the slide left thingy + extra feed) i add in more pictures. i went crazy with the editing (pictures) and i didnt want it to go to waste so i put them all here...again, im really sorry for making you wait. i understand if you cant accept my app. but i will still continue to make the second app so look out for that one :"D for the crisis,,i imagine the foodstagram squad helping her not through money but through mental support,,,
good luck with the story!! omg this was such a good idea that i cant resist to make 2 characters. i edited a total of roughly 300 pics for both appps (the girls & their love int) bcs i <3 this story so much. whether my app will be accepted or not, i will still look forward to foodstagram & read foodstagram <33 goodluck mint!!
CREDIT + credits to parkwoojins for tweaking the layout. thank you rune! <3


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ow oww clicked this on accident but this is shooo cute <3
ok why is this aesthetic af i m crying—