OLYMPUS ❃ 김우진 (#600)



woojin 우진


❃ n /a


jin 진 a shortened version of his name used by most olympus members; allows the boys to call him that instead of hyung 형 because he thinks they're close enough; once got flamed by netizens because people on a show joked he thought he was as good as bts jin so now only used when off-camera or in private texts

❃ friend-jin 친구진 a semi-pun on the remark, "He's a friend. 친구지." and his name; a reference to how a majority of people like him platonically; even if they "go on a date," it is rare for the other party to even blush when teased because "it's just friend-jin."

❃ oppa 오빠 a play off of what his fans always call him and because he's jokingly called "perfect" and ideal all the time; used to tease and lighten the mood or make fun of him because he high-key blushes whenever called it


korean his native tongue; usually uses the typical seoul dialect but slips into his busan dialect when feeling emotions strongly or just waking up

japanese learned from high school and on, first as a class then to fuel his secret shoujo manga addiction; has a slight accent while talking

english knows the basics to hold a short conversation; is learning it for their fans; currently taking lessons from his more fluent member(s)


wannam 완남 short for perfect boy(friend) aka 완벽한 남자(친구) because he seems to have all the components of being a good (boy)friend

doljikku-jin 돌직구진 a reference to his truthful words, which, at times, are inconsiderate and, yet, always definitely unexpected 돌직구; combined his name in a way similar to the "friend-jin"

"i thought we were a team." 
"a team and a family."
"...does that make me dad?"
"nah. that makes you the eldest brother!"
"is this ?"

14 february 1992
AGE: 24
(as of debut:
23 august 2016)

busan, korea
busan, korea

kim wooseok / wooshin (up10tion)
park bogum (actor)

looking in the mirror

let the beauty shine

"it's just a concept. you can do it too."
"ok, but who else keeps up their six pack daily?"

HEIGHT: 187 cms (6 ft, 2 in)
WEIGHT: 77 kgs (170 lbs) 

tall, lean, yet strong with lithe movements that scream predator or protector depending on who he is with. straightforward eyes with little pretense, brown - strong like the earth but soft like chocolate. hair normally a similar shade but dyed red. a taller, older (and, basically y) version of up10tion's wooshin. could probably be "cuter" with the right clothes, but not his image. features that rarely shift to other emotions, but seems all the more untouchable for it.

fashion as priority when in public. put together by coordinators and made by gifts from fans or donated / bought by the company. suits his frame well. potentially a little risque or bold but simply fan service. (could be y simply because his body.) tendency towards darker colors. at home, comfortable and simple. more loose but not baggy. generally not clashing. equally not self conscious so occasional flashes of skin. soft textures matching softer expressions.


surface traits aren't all that count

it's not just my looks that make me

"hey, jin. if...if someone was picking on me-"
"what? who? let me have a talk with them."


POS: adaptable + reliable + protective + loyal 
NEU: honest = hard-working = intense = stolid
NEG: stubborn - inexpressive - negative - cynical

AKA: neutral good, gryffindor, isfj: the defender


stranger visuals that catch the eye but only briefly. an aura that keeps the eye on him - something that makes your hair stand on end. brief eye contact and something electrifying running in your veins, your heart racing without any particular reason why. his eyes leaving and suddenly, you can breathe again but feel like you've ran a mile. breathless, exhilarating, something exciting. you want to know him more. he dials life up from 1 to 100 by mere gaze.

fan someone you admire and respect within the group. known for his honesty - the truth even if it hurts but warm when kind. almost frightening on-stage and on-camera. something about his aura making life slow in that moment with eye contact. like the adrenaline rush of a roller coaster personified - either enjoyed or feared (or some mix of both). a predator of sorts but knowing, at least, he won't hurt those he cares about - s, most importantly. 

 friend all the good you realized at first plus the bad you realize along the way. decisions followed through until the end, even if bad or discouraged. a face hard to read, especially when he doesn't want you to. a pessimism that makes everything life throws at him not unfair, but expected - resignation, you realize. lack of trust of people and motives. yet the never-lost connection, even once famous, but distinguishing between the power hungry and true friends.

brother someone you admire and want to be like, the one you know you can lean on. the ability to overcome obstacles and change as much as necessary - but only what is necessary, within reason - when confronted by adversity. kindness disguised in silence, eyes that waver meeting yours because, for some reason, he's lessened contact. the fear of what you've done and not knowing what it is. hoping that he will return to you and waiting in trust of his love.

groupmates the subtle side his fans recognize. eyes double-checking on you, softer than when pointed at others. quiet reminders and guiding hands. acting as a physical buffer. not spared from the potency of his gaze or presence, but something adjusted to and accepted as part of his presence. at the same time, hard work behind doors pushing his limits, that you must stop. calm and dependable but without explicit expression. learning to read subtle signs.

summary someone almost born to be an idol with enough presence to fill a stage on his own, but lacking the social skills necessary to actually be one solo. ferocity and negativity and blunt honesty disguising, shortly, his love because the world never seems to be so kind. subtle signs of his affection in action rather than words because they come out rude. difficult to read but someone people simply grow to love (platonically) with every new page of discovery. 



00 - 04 born and raised in busan by loving parents and grandparents for four years. a small fire that damaged their house beyond repair and stole away his grandparents, inciting their move to daejeon where his younger brother was born and raised from then on. despite his young age, doting on the baby as much as he could. reading aloud and listening to music with his newly-born brother because it's something to share. growing to love these activities more. 

05 - 17 doing well in school, still adoring his brother in his usual manner. helping out at his family dojo every day and developing not only his taekwondo skills but also his grace, later lending to his ferocity. shooting up suddenly in high school and getting love confessions that he continuously rejected because he had his heart set on becoming an idol and it wouldn't be fair to the other party. street recruited at seventeen and practicing between school and dojo.

17 - 24 working hard, sometimes too much. wooseok also street recruited and overtaking him. anxiety quietly festering and, when wooseok is to debut first, transferring companies with a mumbled excuse for his successful brother. finally debuting with olympus, nearly an entire year after his brother. not wanting to capitalize on his brother's success for his own yet having little say. his increasing withdrawal from his family's lives until he is worth bragging about.

summary a normal childhood with side dishes of taekwondo instruction. the desire to be an idol, working hard, and growing more and more doubtful as the years pass. his younger brother on-track to debut whereas he wasn't despite the . despite his personality, still the desire to be someone his younger brother and parents could be proud of and his slow withdrawal from their lives. (seeking fame but finding, instead, a second family in olympus.)

extra had a shoujo manga phase in the beginning of high school. knows it's unrealistic but enjoyed escaping reality for a bit. actually friends with the up10tion members since they trained with him for some time and work with wooseok. decided if he didn't debut within two years at imagine ent, was going to drop out as a trainee, go to community college, and inherit his parents' dojo instead. (sometimes, wonders if he should have just done that immediately.)

"hey, woojin-hyung? i...i got. i. i'm going to debut."
(a small smile - the equivalent of a grin from others)
"that's great. i'm proud of you."
(and himself for not letting his voice crack with fears)

"i...i need a stage name so i was wondering..."
(an encouraging nod)
"can i use yours? i-i-i-i-i mean part of-just-wooshin!
using wooshin, in honor of you."
"...only if can be woojeok when i debut."
(one of the brightest grins from him in a while and excited chatter)
(the slowly falling smile because why would his younger
brother care so much for him? and what did it say when said
brother is to debut in a year where he couldn't in six?)


❃ stars
❃ music
❃ books
❃ olympus
❃ marvel movies


❃ lies
❃ smell of cigarettes
❃ cursing excessively
❃ being called babe / baby
❃ people messing with his loved ones (brother, groupmates, parents, etc)


pleased hums
confused tilts head slightly
embarrassed blinks rapidly
focused chews on bottom lip
all the time messes with his hair


❃ reading
❃ practicing
❃ stargazing
❃ taekwondo
❃ working out


❃ fire
❃ losing someone
❃ being abandoned or unwanted


❃ taekwondo
❃ remembering names and faces
❃ not sleeping yet fully functional for 40 hours


❃ left-handed
❃ not-so-secret sweet tooth
❃ favorite constellation is orion
❃ always loses rock-paper-scissors
❃ demiual but thinks he's aual
❃ enjoys skinship but will rarely initiate
❃ for someone who tells the truth, lies well
❃ practices his facial expressions in mirrors for shows 
❃ is the highest belt rank in taekwondo and won youth competitions
❃ sings in the shower (and isn't bad) but gets embarrassed whenever it's brought up


❃ "that color makes your eyes stand out."
❃ "don't worry, ok? i'm enjoying myself."
❃ "i don't think it'll work out well for me."
❃ "i'll take his place." (punishment game)
❃ (a firm step between them and enemies)
❃ (arm raised in offer of physical comfort)
❃ (a fast, proud, quiet, and almost shy hug)


wooshinwhite aesthetic (rose)wooshin
younger brother 김우석 (20 in 2016) up10tion member
cheerful, guileless, childish ❃ 9 / 10

although rarely together given wooseok's busyness, when they meet up, there's no doubting their filial love for each other. people comment that they rarely see woojin so expressive or wooseok so grounded. despite woojin's insecurities, he dotes on his younger brother and hardly says no to any of his requests. meanwhile, wooseok looks up to his brother a lot and absolutely beams when complimented by woojin. some remark they look closer to twins.

min hyorinlavender aesthetic (keyboard with plants growing out of it)min hyorin
best friend and pen pal 최수연 (24 in 2016) programmer
maternal, observant, quiet ❃ 9 / 10

although they hardly see each other nowadays, what with sooyeon in japan and all, they keep up with each other using e-mail and kakaotalk throughout the week. sooyeon rants to woojin about her troubles and he gets a taste of the normal workforce while he confides in her about idol problems and she sees what happens behind the screen. olympus knows her vicariously and she gets along most with olympus's mom because they're birds of a feather.

red heartred neon music for the peoplered flowers
his pseudo family (various) olympus members 
various ❃ 10점 만점의 10점

breathing flowers

love hurts

"i had a dream you smiled when you were happy."
"...but i do?"

FAVORITE FLOWER: snowdrop (meaning and picture)

initially, when the symptoms weren't too severe, he would confess immediately because it's one thing to hide feelings as an idol, it's another to die from them. if not returned, he would pretend to act normal. when the symptoms grew stronger, he would wave off concern and reassure his love that it was for someone else. ("it's not your fault. when do i lie?") he would eventually get surgery, but only as late as possible; he wouldn't want to have to let go.

he would hide it for as long as possible from all except sooyeon, who he would ask for advice. the truth would come out eventually, and if accused, he would not lie about it. when told to confess, he'd lie that the person was already in a relationship and didn't want to ruin it. when told to get the surgery, he'd push it back as far as he could because he knows the absence of feelings after would be obvious, and he wouldn't want his love to blame himself for the pain.

with his shoujo manga phase, knows much about hanahaki and its romantic connotations in literature. however, sees it closer to a curse and often thinks it unfair to both the one who has it (forced to confess and might die) and the one who receives the confession (self-blame for the pain). high-key thinks of himself as aual so doesn't think this is anything he'll ever experience. besides, he has more important things to do than fall in love now...right?

under the spotlight


"the iest part of me? hm...my voice?"

STAGENAME: woojeok 우적
POSITIONS: main rapper, vocalist
top media 6 years (age 17 - 23) 2009 - 2015
imagine ent less than 1 year (age 24) 2016
PERSONA: tough rapper; quiet, mysterious (y) boyfriend; secretly caring type
FANCLUB: laurels - a sign of victory; used by olympic winners during greek times
FANCOLOR: .wine red - #600.
Vocal: park chanyeol (exo)
Rap: park chanyeol (exo)
Dance: wu kris (exo)
Variety: n / a
Talking: n / a
Aegyo: n / a


❃ initially, woojeok had nothing going for him at top except his face, grace from years of taekwondo, and his voice - deep, easy to understand, and smooth. for six years, he trained hard so that his dancing and singing were up to par. his rapping, on the other hand, took off he was relatively well known among the trainee circle for it. when his brother was in-line to debut, he switched over to imagine ent and focused on his rapping as his main asset. 


❃ n / a 


olympus's woojeok believes himself as popular as bts's jin?! 
during an episode of weekly idol, one of the members referred to woojeok as jin during one of the segments. the mcs grasped on it and, as usual, tried to fan some flames. woojeok dodged them well enough, polite and hopeful but not condescending. sadly, one of the translated subs of the episode did not convey it well. netizens from that country were unhappy and statements from both imagine and big hit had to be made to quell the fire.


❃ n / a

interviewing the star

always always interviews

hello, woojeok:

❃ "good morning," he greets, gaze making your back straighten in response and voice tracing down it in a way that is both pleasant yet unexpected. you hide a shiver when he adds your name, polite but somehow sensual with the tenor of his voice. "i'm woojeok, member of olympus. nice to meet you." he smiles. oh no.

you've just debuted, how do you feel: 

❃ he hums lightly, an aimless tune, and the smile on his face only brightens. you don't know it's an exaggeration, something practiced, but that does not make it any less true - a stronger show for an inexpressive person, at length. "it feels surreal," he settles for commenting, eyes softening at the very thought of his groupmates.

how is your relationship with the other members of OLYMPUS:

❃ he messes with his bangs, and you hide a gulp; you want to touch- "positive," he answers, breaking your train of thought. "they're warm despite my short training period with imagine. when other trainees debut before you..." he shrugs. "i understand their frustration, which makes their support more kind."

how long have you known the other members: 

❃ "about a year now," he replies, another smile gracing his face.

if you were a girl, which member of olympus would you date:

❃ he pauses, staring at a point in space, and you take the time to recompose yourself. "any of them except [regalia]," he admits, continuing quickly to avoid controversy, "but that is because he often reminds me of my younger brother so even as a female, i don't imagine i'd find that very attractive romantically.

who's the most annoying member of olympus, in your opinion:

❃ his brows furrow slightly, the only sign of his thinking, but you don't notice. (olympus, if they had been present, would.) "no one is annoying," he finally states, exaggerating his expression again. a pause where he thinks further. "actually, [carmine] at the moment because he keeps on changing the songs in the car."

how has your relationship with other members of olympus Changed over the time you've known each other:

❃ "the other members of the group have welcomed me relatively warmly since the beginning," he regales, the smile on his face softer and less wide but more genuine. "over time, i believe we've simply grown to know each other in a more personal capacity - like friends more than mere co-workers."

who are you closest to in olympus: 

❃ some time to think before he shrugs and answers, "[carmine]." (because, in a way, the leader is the most similar to him and worked hardest to understand him and while the mother of the group cared, he had a lot on his plate, namely, the other more hyper members to watch over. but in general, he couldn't quite say one in particular.)

who are you least close to in olympus:

❃ another pause, but longer before he hesitantly decides, "[ruby]."
(because the ease in which he does things is...demoralizing. it reminds him that he has to work harder and he finds himself avoiding the boy most. not because he wants to or means to, but simply he finds he naturally spends the least time with the male of the group.)

what's the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you in front of the other members: 

❃ he lets out a sound, not quite a snort, and the sheepish smile on his face - exaggerated but still real - has you wonder. "i'd been training for around a month or so by valentine's day - my birthday," he describes. "i walk into a room of trainees with all my future groupmates, carrying a large bag of chocolates."

❃ he pauses, not-snorting again. "i didn't think much of everyone looking, but one trainee crudely commented about getting around. finally, i look at the chocolates - all hearts, fluffy, and very romantic - and realize they think i'm stringing along at least 30 girls. i don't think i've turned more red in my life."

❃ in actuality, a certain friend (sooyeon) had found out his birthday (by asking wooseok) and told of his friends ahead of time. as a joke, a majority of them had chosen the most girly, romantic chocolates possible simply by nature of knowing how others would view the giant bag on valentine's day. in all, their plans completely succeeded. 

what's your ideal type:

❃ he pauses, thinks. "i don't have a concrete ideal type," he admits, shrugging. "however, i have little things i enjoy in a person. for example, competence is always attractive. i..." he blushes slightly but firmly adds, "also enjoy when my partner can speak other languages or isn't scared to hold my hand first.


younger olympus member

manager of olympus


❃ n / a


❃ there is nothing noteworthy about their first meeting, simply two trainees greeting each other after a killer dance practice. it's two faces who had seen each other in class vaguely before but finally speaking and meeting. it's a quiet compliment - rapping for woojin and singing for his li - passed between gulps of water.


❃ the thing is, the one woojin gets hanahaki for and the one he eventually falls in love with (and gets hanahaki again for) are two different people. the first, is from the beginning - from trainee-acquaintances to friends to groupmates. he falls in love, helps them with their li, and is the first in olympus to get the surgery. 

❃ his second is someone who he initially didn't see romantically - someone from the younger line. it starts out platonic, filial almost with how close they are in age to wooseok, then bam. flowers. woojin hides his feelings again, but this time he doesn't confess. he fears getting surgery again because his feelings matter...right?


❃ woojin, despite his feelings, treats them almost exactly the same as everyone else - quiet actions of affection, honest words, the occasional blush when embarrassed. the main thing that sets them apart is woojin's gaze when looking at them, which softens even more - not obvious but just noticeable to observant people.


❃ uncertain. woojin is definitely in love, but the other side...?

STATUS: groupmates + one-sided love / mutual pining
ENDING: author's choice


❃ woojin has a weak spot for seeing li in his clothes 
❃ when they're in public or with others, pda is minimal; when they're alone, as long as li is ok with it, woojin loves kissing
❃ woojin and the first hanahaki person are now good friends and only friends; woojin likes to say it all worked out so "no guilt"
❃ li is somewhat insecure because woojin had hanahaki for someone else before; woojin soothes it away when he finds out
❃ woojin initiates skinship with li more than with any other member but subtly so others don't suspect; once dating, doesn't bother being subtle anymore and easily endures the teasing



koreangal5 ✩ soul

LAST COMMENT: hey, friend. hope you enjoyed this boy. i honestly have no idea why he turned out to be such a source of filial angst but do with it what you will. i kind of lost track of him partway through. (oops. sorry.) writing the love interest was hard, and i have no idea if it made sense but feel free to interpret as you will for maximum angst and hurt / comfort. if you have any questions, definitely ask. don't forget to hover over pictures and have fun writing!


woojin and wooseok woojin's complexes; wooseok's excitability; their obvious caring for each other; watching each other on tv and sending kakaotalks; teasing because brothers do that; wooseok discovering woojin's hanahaki or reading it in an article and trying to understand why his brother - cool, dependable, kind - would be alone; up10tion and woojin being on good terms; olympus members messaging wooseok about woojin as necessary 

woojin and olympus woojin caring for olympus members in his action-over-words way;  them caring for him; each member's opinion on woojin's low self-esteem and his brother; movie nights; no one seeing through woojin's feelings until he coughs full bloom flowers up; woojin jokingly wondering aloud, post second hanahaki, if he should date all of them; the following running joke that they're all in a polyamorous relationship; woojin blushing at it

woojin and love interest li wearing woojin's clothes; cuddling; woojin reading aloud to li; li blushing whenever woojin slips into his busan dialect; woojin slipping into his childhood dialect more in response; woojin passing off his confession as a joke when rejected; woojin knowing the flowers will not go away but resigning himself to a hard few months; woojin helping li with their own hanahaki / love because li's happiness comes first over his own

PASSWORD: pantheon 




first strain ❃ strain c-1. confesses early, before more flowers appear, and waves off concern about the flowers as they are "for someone else" since he has "already been rejected" (as detailed in "breathing flowers" section). eventually is pushed to get surgery because it's interfering with his idol duties.

second strain ❃ strain b. refuses to confess this time because he doesn't want people to worry. thinks it's the same strain as before and just gets better at hiding it. (the feeling of not being enough - from taking so long to be a popular idol in contrast with his brother - bleeds over to his love life on top of the earlier rejection, and he fears someone else will "win" even if he tries to woo them.)


hello, woojeok ❃ hello. (a smile and eye contact of electricity down the interviewer's spine.)

olympus has just won song of the year. how do you feel ❃ it's almost hard to believe, but it feels like i'm finally catching up with my brother. (a wave at the camera.) watch out, wooshin. i'll be a big brother you won't be able to look away from.

how was your relationship with the other members of olympus changed over your time as a group ❃ i think before, we were acquaintances getting used to each other, especially with my short training period in imagine. now, though, i'd say we're more like brothers. (messes with his hair.)

who are you closest to and least close to in olympus ❃ (chews on bottom lip.) [carmine] ... and ... [ruby].

[carmine] was revealed to have hanahaki disease earlier this year after an incident onstage. do you have anything to say about that ❃ he's human. (shrug.) even idols need to woo their crushes.

[carmine] has been revealed to be undergoing treatment for hanahaki. how's that been going ❃ a work-in-progress. (imperceptibly grit teeth.)

what's next for olympus? new music? maybe album of the year ❃ for now, we'll support [carmine] and avoid strenuous activities, but after, we'll come back bigger than ever. (a challenge of a smirk, deflecting from his previous, lackluster answer.)

thank you for your time, woojeok. any last words ❃ thank you to all of our fans for their support during this time. i and the rest of olympus hope to meet all of your expectations the next time we meet.


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