❝ Jung Alexa ❞ is ❝ Hestia ❞ (#faf)

jung alexa


HUMAN NAME : jung alexa

ALEX, LEX, LEXA, LEXI shortened, cuter versions of her name; used by her human friends, siblings, neighbors, everyone really; some stick with one, others switch around

AL a nickname that her brother ares alone uses; gets yelled at by certain sisters (and brothers) because it's "too masculine" but neither of them pay any mind about it, so it continues

DATE OF BIRTHthirty-one, december
AGE : eighteen
ETHNICITY : korean

GREEK natively fluent the language utilized in mount olympus

KOREAN fluent many households enjoyed kdramas and kpop, so as goddess of the home, learned the language of kstuff

ENGLISH semi-fluent began learning it once she got to earth; low-key impressed everyone with her speed in learning but she's not there yet; has an amalgamation of accents from her siblings so depending on phrase / word and who she learned it from, different accent (high-key entertaining to listen to)

SPANISH basics learned bits and pieces from aaron 


i woke up like this.

1 pink pixel house 2

FACECLAIM : cho hyeyeon (gugudan)
BACK-UP FACECLAIM : park siyeon / xiyeon (pristin)


at 155 cm / 5 ft and 52 kg / 115 lbs, it's no wonder that people mistaken alexa as young though she's actually older than millenia legal. with smooth skin, a baby face, and soft features, alexa is easily an attractive figure found in fallon bay. she has one pair of ear piercings and a birthmark on her collarbone that looks like a splotch from one perspective but a flame in another. her hair is parted slightly to the side and falls mid-back, a dark brown, almost black - wood in a fireplace. her eyes spark red sometimes, but it's a trick of the light...right?


any clothing that isn't overly revealing nor over the top chosen by her siblings. in spite of her looks ("inherited from me," aaron brags), it'd be difficult to pick her out from a crowd because her siblings choose simple patterns and solid colors because she "looks good in everything!" she has no preference for heels vs sneakers, hair up vs down, pants vs skirts, etc so easy to shop for. her siblings take her out and buy her outfits. when worn, the sibling will brag for the entire day. she tries to rotate between everyone but randomly so it isn't obviously scheduled.

1 - red top, black bottom 2 - black 3 - formalish 4 - short dress
5 - fashionable 6 - blue 7 - floral 8 - lazy
9 - unusual 10 - simple 11 - formalish 12 - white shirt with red letters, short blue jeans
note: these are just examples and might not be the styles the actual characters pick for her.


So what are you gonna do? When the world don't orbit around you?

pink pixel bandagesPERSONALITY TRAITS :
POS playful + composed + adaptable + steadfast
NEU observant = mannered = honest = pacifistic
NEG passive - aimless - underdramatic - airy
AKA infj: the advocate, neutral good, caregiver: the bff 

nico robin (one piece) - passivity
sakamoto fuyuki (family complex) - filial love
asui tsuyu (boku no hero academia) - honesty


"don't be a grumpy goat, hera. you'll get wrinkles, and demeter will laugh at you."
alexa, her siblings say, is the perfect cross between sarcasm, sing-song, and deadpan. she has mastered them all and shamelessly teases, jokes, or laughs at being the target, especially to defuse tension. the "resident roaster," they joke. (generally, her target ignores her and her other siblings laugh.) she is, of course, cautious about taboo topics, but on the rare times she makes a mistake, she's quick to apologize sincerely and try to make up for it, because she only wants smiles. it's hard to believe her smile hides a calm mind, unable to be surprised - even by their banishment.

"athena, we are strong, independent woman who don't need a man...but we could want a man."
perhaps by her age or (from looking at her siblings and their temperaments) simply by her personality, alexa reacts to situations with an enviable ease and efficiency. she has no problems taking charge if need be (such as when they were all first dropped off on earth) and, in those times, reminds people exactly why she is the eldest of the olympians. she is the first and the last, a stable force within every home - including mount olympus. it's no wonder that she's the first to build (a home) and the last to go (hope) - the one people depend on and know will not change through the storm. 

"i'm going out with aphrodite today, so you should go out too, hephaestus."
rarely are her siblings surprised when alexa seems to understand more than she lets on, even if it's a secret. she's quick to pick up on allergies, habits, fears, etc, and though it's the warmth of a hug on bad days, it's disconcerting to know nothing is a secret in front of their sister, whether they like it or not. also, manners may maketh men, but even men choose who to be gentlemen with. she does not ever seem to make the distinction. enemies, rivals, friends, family, foe, or other, she is polite to all and everyone without discrimination - even if undeserving of her respect.

"artemis, apollo is right about the lyrics this time, even he was being a jerk about it."
unafraid to tell you your does look fat in that dress, alexa is unrepentantly honest - even if it comes off as mean. her compliments warm your heart, and her insults pierce deep because she sincerely believes the ugly truth is better than any beautiful lie. also, she's always first and last to avoid any form of battle. despite being a goddess, she eschews conflicts and, at times, even suffers more loss than she should because she simply refuses to fight for herself. she agrees to battle only as a last resort and if it has a long-lasting, negative impact, especially on her beloved siblings.

"hades! poseidon! zeus! we just finished fixing this room from your last fight!"
alexa goes with the flow always. always. even if the house was about to burn down, she'd high-key stare, say "oh," and move on with her life. she's rarely active against adversaries (unless it's deathly and threatens her siblings or their home; doesn't care if threatens herself), barely interferes between anything (like hermes's "kick me" signs), and can be likened to an audience member for any and all chaos occurring in the life of her siblings. she barely has a life goal. (living life with her siblings? that's literally before, now, and the future!) it's rare to see her strive for...anything.

"i don't feel so good, hermes. i-why are you carrying me up the stairs?"
if alexa ever said something hurt, all of her siblings would drop absolutely everything and rush her to the hospital because alexa is the most undramatic person ever. answering questions ("how was your day?" "the usual.") is normal, but comments made on her own are the ones to watch out for. ("it hurts." "today was terrible." "i met a weird person today.") it doesn't help that she's typically doesn't take things too seriously - threats, warning signs, etc - especially if they involve her own health. her siblings find it frustrating because, gods, this is their sister! she always matters!

"ares, take it easy on the humans. i don't want to have to bust you out of jail for murder."
in other words, the eldest sister disguised as the youngest - the baby of the family everyone adores. intelligent and quick to turn things positively yet an entertained audience member when things go negatively; unless it goes very terribly, in which case she'll pick up the mantle fearlessly. resident roaster of, well, everyone and one of the olympians who makes life lighter. a go-with-the-flow girl who is high-key the family favorite but could probably stand to put her foot down more often. (but it'd be less entertaining.) should care for herself more, much to the worry of her siblings.


FIREPLACE especially when everyone is together during the winter

STUDIO GHIBLI especially spirited away, chihiro's choice (family > boy)

HER SIBLINGS all of them, even the ones who say they don't like her (lies!)

SKY sun, moon, stars, clouds, all forms of weather, etc; an avid sky-gazer at all times

BOOKS particularly enjoys anything involving them (greek deities) and showing her siblings their portrayals


LIES enough said

CONFLICT should only be a last resort; all life is precious

ERTS / RAPISTS particularly after incident with priapus, low-key flashbacks

SWEARING tolerates others using it (in moderation) but does not herself because conflict-calling

BEING CALLED BABE / BABY finds it demeaning, especially as (technically) the eldest greek goddess




cooking / baking

hanging out with her siblings

cough roasting her siblings cough


HAPPY hums

CONFUSED tilts head

FOCUSED bites bottom lip

EMBARRASSED blinks rapidly

ALL THE TIME tucks hair behind her ear


AMBIDEXTROUS tends to use her left more often though
HEAT never seems to get hot or sweat, much to her siblings' envy
TITLES doesn't add oppa and unnie to her siblings' names because they don't "deserve" it

CUDDLE PUDDLE enjoys skinship, especially with her siblings and friends but never initiates; instead, if offered, she'll slide next to them on the couch or give hugs or curl around them or etc

POLAROID JOURNAL keeps a detailed polaroid journal where each day = polaroid picture of the sky (varies when) + polaroid picture of her siblings (varies who and doing what) + recording of what she did that day 

TWITTER LEGENDS has a low-key popular twitter account (@thisismyhome) where she posts tweets about the ongoing shenanigans, pictures comparing pre vs post chaos, and short videos of her siblings, well, being them

THEIR SOFT SPOT though she's not one to hold a grudge nor quick to anger at all, if you upset her or disrespect her in any way, all the other gods will turn on you; all her siblings avoid upsetting her either for this reason or because they adore her or some combination; low-key most influential goddess among the pantheon


"guess what? i met a fun person today." (explains)
athena: only you would befriend the local mafia boss, call him "fun," and mean it.

all of her siblings at one point in time: you could have done that earlier.
(referring to alexa somehow making the other sibling(s) stop hogging something, fighting, etc)

aaron: (mid-argument with someone else) excuse you! i spent extra time on this face!
"you didn't spend enough time on your brain."

aaron: french fries are man's greatest creation. after worshipping me, of course.
"there's a reason why they stopped worshipping you but kept making french fries."

aaron: i just came back from visiting new york! the empire state building is quite impressive and large!
"the only thing bigger is your head."

"don't forget your lunch!"

sen: ah yes! the feast! many thanks, al!

"not going to fly to korea and woo good day's jiwon off her feet yet, sen?"
sen: no! she's a goddess meant to be admired from afar, and i may only court her after waging war against the imbeciles who dare troll and hate on her and her group's glory!

"say kimchi!"
"it's never too hot for the fireplace."
"you're beautiful just the way you are."
"we just finished fixing the kitchen from the last nerf war!"
"if you want me to call you oppa / unnie, you need to earn it."
"the sky is beautiful today; we couldn't see this view from mount olympus."
"hey! hey! guys! check out how they portray us in this series. you won't believe it."


Hard times gonna take you down and laugh when you cry.

pixel lunch box fc pixel cookies, milk


it is six o'clock in the morning when alexa rises, without fuss nor a single alarm. she changes, brushes her teeth, uses the bathroom, and enters the kitchen within fifteen minutes. in charge of packing lunch for everyone, she opens lunch containers and packs - sometimes cooking in the morning or merely packing leftovers from the dinner before. if there's time, she'll occasionally write little messages for her siblings and sneak them between ziplocs / containers. (she tries to rotate between dishes to avoid people complaining about the monotony.) 

with ease, she starts the coffee pot so that it'll finish brewing fresh coffee by the time aaron stumbles in. she gets a ride from her siblings to school then, depending on who is awake and about to leave. after school, she either walks home or gets a ride from yet another sibling. there are three families that hire her for babysitting: the choi's after school to dinner every school day, the kim's all saturday once a month, and the park's noon to three every sunday. all within walkable distance, alexa schedules plans with friends and family around these dates.

on weekends, she generally has plans with friends or family, occasionally following them to jobs spontaneously or getting dragged out to shopping trips when they think she needs more clothing. in the evening, she eats dinner with whoever is home, helps siblings with chores, acts as entertained audience to all the chaos, and - at some point in the day - takes a picture of the sky and of her sibling(s). at nine o'clock, she showers for fifteen minutes and sleeps at ten o'clock. she can stay awake longer, but she'll be sleepy throughout the next day then.

OCCUPATION : student (high school fourth year); local babysitter


born in korea ("you're greek!" aaron complains somewhere in the background), alexa was raised lovingly by her parents and siblings - blood-related and adopted. ("we're all ichor siblings," demeter points out, rolling her eyes. "but we're different ethnicities," alexa reminds. "we have to make sense to humans, not gods.") as the youngest of many, she got used to the eccentricities of many different personalities. unfortunately, her parents deemed her siblings irresponsible after an incident that occurred while their parents were on an extended business trip. 

thus, their parents decided to send them all to america to learn about responsibility and independence. ("eh. true enough," mnemosyne mumbled, shrugging.) their parents gave her a choice to stay in korea or follow her siblings, but she thought it'd be fun to go meet new people and learn new things. besides, she adds every time, her parents could do without her while they focused on their jobs. ("company representatives" she states when asked. "if you mean representatives for their will imposed on earth, yeah, sure," one of her siblings complains.)


though previously she could do all this, she "lost" some when sent to earth. she has pyrokinesis but is limited to starting and putting out fires only (mostly the fireplace). her comfort & ease and amokinesis immunity are in full working condition. she is able to use her home transportation, but only once a day. the power her siblings debate about is her culinary arts. she's still good, but no one is fully certain if she's a natural or if it's because her powers. (answer: she's a natural.) some siblings wish she retained sanctuary protection & prohibition to stop fights.


So what are you gonna do? When nobody wants to fool with you.


heechul 1 pixel mostly sky heechul 2
"aaron, i told you your green beauty mask would get you punched one day."
human brother : jung aaron aka zeus (28) outgoing, honest, overdramatic : fry cook

red-haired minhyuk (btob) 1 pixel red cityscape red-haired minhyuk (btob) 2
"sen, when i said to have a good day, that's not exactly what i meant."
brother : shin seojin aka ares (...) ... : game vlogger + underground fighter
wip by randomfan101

sky 1 pixel landscape sword in ground sky 2
"you know, earth is actually a lot of fun, especially with our family."
parents / extended family : titans (old) various : being titans

red pixel city 1 pixel sunset red pixel city 2
"say cheese! nice. this one's going in my journal and this! is going on my twitter."
siblings (16 - 30) various : various

1 pixel forest landscape 2
"samuel, i know your allowance is higher than mine, but i'm treating this time!"
platonic soulmate : kim samuel (16) adventurous, observant, blunt: student


kim samuel (below information for him)


bright, somewhat manipulative, paired with a short temper that flares most when someone he loves is being insulted / threatened. alexa's opposite in many ways, but with a heart just as big. interestingly, shares traits with a lot of alexa's siblings. a wealth of potential for the future and eyes just as bright. in summary, just a fun individual and warm soul.


a broken home with a dead mother and workaholic father. a high allowance, making him popular but without genuine relationships. the desire to be a kpop idol - to make others smile - but a busy self-training schedule. a quiet loneliness few can see underneath his bright grin. the growing need for something, not romance but...some form of love still.


alexa's first day of school, she asks him (and his group of friends) for directions to the office to get her schedule and such. (he's the one who mainly answers though.) she thanks him, gets her schedule, and discovers that he has homeroom next door to hers. they pick up an easy conversation and keep on greeting each other / talking from there. 

despite their and vastly different personalities, their relation ends up becoming closer with every conversation between classes and at the library during lunch. somehow, they end up best friends. by her goddess powers, perhaps, she knows that his home isn't very warm and sort of becomes his home - an older sister, mother, best friend in one.

when together, they're not only smiles and laughter but also tears and confessions. they don't even need to be talking 'cause they understand each other well enough anyways. they hang out as high school friends do and simply are there for each other, only a phone call away. and for her, he's someone she cares about and simply wants to be strong for.

ENDING: siblings' choice author's choice


Ain't it fun. Living in the real world.

1 pixel fireplace 2

greetings : ❝Welcome. please tell us which god you are?❞

she smiles, putting you at ease. ❝ hello. i am hestia, goddess of the hearth and the home. pleased to meet you. ❞

earth must be exciting : ❝how do you feel about your parents sending you to earth? it must be really different from Mount Olympus. are you looking forward towards anything on earth, the people, clothing, or places?❞

personally, the banishment was expected in my eyes, ❞ she admits, her smile turning sheepish. ❝ and yes, earth is quite different from mount olympus, but i'm looking forward to spending time with my siblings most. ❞ she pauses. ❝ also, getting to know more people and, hopefully, their happy homes is also worth experiencing. ❞

you must have someone to lend an ear or hand : ❝are you close to any of your siblings?❞

i love all of my siblings, ❞ she states immediately, beaming. she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, a light hum present in the air. ❝ recently, i've been spending a lot of time with zeus - because without his godly powers, he has difficulty in the mornings - and ares - because he's a hidden sweetheart among my ichor siblings. ❞

work for what you want : ❝what's your job on earth?❞

most of my time is spent as a student. at least as a centuries old goddess who kept up with at least the basics of human advancement, i don't need to study, ❞ she half-jokes, chuckling. ❝ however, i do work as a babysitter.


koreangal5 : soul  :  BACK HOME

COMMENTS : here you go! hope you like alexa and the way she's the resident roaster / amused audience member of this household. i collaborated with randomfan101 (ares / sejin), but her app isn't up yet. honestly, i didn't expect this out of her but it happened. your story literally gave me so many feels. i love hestia. i'm kind of curious just as to why you added her but not dionysus who is a part of the main 12? anyways, hope you get lots of great apps and have a lot of fun writing! ps hope you hovered over all of the images on this app, especially in the realtionships section.

hestia research: 01 (wikipedia) // 02 (percy jackson - most used) 


ALEXA AND AARON alexa roasting him hard every day because his head is too big and he's such an easy target; alexa never failing to make aaron his coffee before going to school (until the day she gets sick); "spa nights" where they both do packs at night; shopping trips; pottery shopping trips; matching fuzzy socks
ALEXA AND SEN alexa teasing sen about good day; sen talking about good day and alexa indulging him and smiling and listening because, yeah, she doesn't particularly care about good day but she loves her brother and he loves them; alexa recording sen defending good day and submitting it to a competition or something to meet them; for sen's human birthday, alexa buying a good day poster. for herself. then revealing she bought two - one for herself (to rep them) and one for him (to fanboy over); once, a co-worker (at the fighting ring) makes fun of alexa's japanese-inspired, cute bento lunch and sen "defends her honor!"
ALEXA AND SAMUEL above all else, being platonic soulmates; texting each other constantly; being opposites but best friends (and more) still; samuel meeting her siblings; her having to act as buffer because her siblings are overwhelming and "no, we aren't dating."; samuel getting semi-adopted by her siblings and coming over a lot; if they date, dating quietly and not changing much; if breaking up, returning to friends
IN SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH alternatively, alexa gets sick and everyone freaks because disease?!; aaron notices first because his coffee isn't done; calls get made and everyone realizes no one gave alexa a ride to school; everyone calls absences and stuff and converge at home because aaron found her stumbling out of the bathroom, running a fever and still trying to go to school; they force her to stay in bed and make frantic phone calls + google searches because their baby sister is dying!; a god(dess) telling them it's just the common cold; relief until they realize they have no idea what they're doing; ensuing chaos; alexa smiling
OHANA MEANS FAMILY laser tag; escape rooms; movie nights; ghibli movie nights; alexa wanting to stay up and hang out with her siblings but going past her usual sleeping time; alexa falling asleep on her siblings every movie night; her siblings taking turns to (and or fighting to) sit next to alexa during these late movie nights because there's something about the trust she gives, sleeping on them, and the warmth she always exudes; alexa cuddling; her siblings each having a favorite lunch and baked good for when alexa packs lunch / bakes; dichotomy of alexa being youngest - indulged and adored - and oldest - respected and followed


teen top niel gif



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i saw the word collab so here i am :"D