『 WELCOME TO CLASS 0-Z :: 吉田, 美羽! 』 (#eee + #fce)

300w x 100h
w300 x h100
ia (vocaloid) w185 x h370
anime sky 280w x 100h
NAME: yoshida, miu (吉田, 美羽)
` a romanization of part of her name and her birthdate; a play on words that says, "you too (can be a hero)!"

` because of her love of books; used jokingly
` switch of characters in her name; used by her "siblings" at the orphanage with honorifics meaning older sister (usually nee, oneechan, or occasionally oneesama)
miu-chan, mi-chan, mimi, etc
` "cuter" versions of her name; used by her peers in 0-z

D.O.B: two / two, sixteen
BIRTHPLACE: mie, japan
HOMETOWN: mie, japan

japanese 100%
` born and raised in japan all her life. her native tongue. can and will double in it as a walking dictionary if asked.
korean 25%
` had a group of siblings from korea join the orphanage one day. self-studied and asked those siblings for "help" to get them to open up and communicate with them. 
fc 280w x 100h
FACECLAIM: ia (vocaloid) // back-up: lorra (vocaloid) 
HEIGHT: 155 cm (5 ft)
WEIGHT: 52 kg (115 lbs)

long hair to her knees of a muted off-white. blue eyes that vary from the reflection of the clear skies on ocean to the indigo backdrop behind stars depending on her mood. a petite, secretly-fit stature with soft, beckoning features. an otherworldly beauty as if to fly away at any moment. 

a neat uniform, tie loosened enough to be fashionable but tight enough to be regulation. a red ribbon, matching her tie, to tie her small side braid. a pair of pink and white sneakers paired with a black choker - a small gift from her makeshift siblings in celebration of her acceptance.

generally, fashion plus comfort. easy to move in fabrics paired with unhindering flair. matching colors and simple patterns. clothes unafraid to be feminine 'cause "being a girl and a hero are not mutually exclusive." outfits that suit her frame. jewelry in silver. the ever-present choker. 

angel to avenger. black synthetic kevlar to hide stylishly, effectively. knives hidden everywhere. secret pockets. a utility belt full of things like garrote wire, lockpicks, etc. fireproof, bulletproof coat. arm bracers. heeled boots able to break blades. silver rings doubling as trackers. tech.
inspiration: gamora (gotg)
gamora (guardians of the galaxy)
anime sky 280w x 290h
initially, simply beautiful. doll-like and needing protection, yet graceful and mesmerizing. the kind females want to be and males want to have. pleasure at her demureness and manners. seen only an image to admire. a face not forgotten but not known as more or further than such.

discovering her lack of a quirk, pity. hope / pride - you(r quirk) may be desirable. scoffing at her rejection reason; not the idea that she is someone without a quirk - of course! everyone is someone! - but that she is equal to everyone who has a quirk. haughty, they think. spoiled.

laughter because she wants to be a hero. ridiculous with her weak stature and enchanting looks. brainless to choose the impossible road. gold-digger, they assume. beautiful - secret pictures circulated (and destroyed when her classmates find out) - but a waste of a pretty face. 

+ composed, adaptable, patient, protective 
= observant, curious, diligent, mannered
stubborn, quiet, inexpressive, calculating
aka ravenclaw, istj: the logistician, lawful good
kujou mikoto (last game)
shimizu kiyoko (haikyuu!)
nakamura shiharu (love so life)

never seeming surprised and taking everything in stride, no matter how unexpected. tackling new situations with the same focus and steadiness as if she's done it many times before. reacting efficiently to every situation with an enviable ease. changing to meet the different conditions.

an infinite waiting period for the other's response and the respectfulness to not push but keeping her door open for them. trust in another's abilities and awareness for their growth but watching just in case. knowing who will stand up for themselves and doing so for the ones who won't. 

noticing what others don't, including what others don't want her to. the desire to know everything even if she shouldn't. working hard without complain yet struggling to know her limits and pushing too far. polite words no matter who, even if undeserving or not doing the same.

sticking with her decisions to the very end, even if the whole world is to fight against her. difficulty apologizing after realizing her mistakes. constant awkward silences and forcing others to adjust to it. sneaking up on others by accident. stretched periods of thinking for responses. 

difficulty in telling her emotions or relationships because she doesn't say or display anything. (must look at her actions alone.) choosing her words such that they are interpreted in the way she wants. the ability to act if she needs though used sparingly out of respect for others. 

a dead mother and a kind father - a policeman with a lie detector quirk. lonely days home alone intersparsed with love from him and his other police friends. her eighth birhday - staying up late, falling asleep at the table because he promised to be home, waking up to a knock.

tears because her father and almost the entire station is dead. a large funeral and the offer of several now-single parents to adopt her. her declines because awareness that children are not cheap. entering into an orphanage nearby at the age of six. learning to be an older sister.

the occasional run-in with policemen, heroes, etc as kids enter the orphanage. learning to say goodbye to and / or writing letters to those who are adopted yet attached to their "umi-nee." ever-changing siblings and connecting with, remembering, and caring for each one of them. 

top of her class yet untouched despite her quirklessness. cultivating the quiet dream to be a hero - someone who loves strangers and helps without pity or questions or anything she gets now. reluctant knowledge that being a hero is unlikely so potential downgrade to a civil servant.

news that deku is looking for a class. her siblings who come across her hero analysis book and sign her up with help from the orphanage caretaker in secret. the choker given to her alongside the news of the interview chance on her sixteenth birthday. happy tears. warm hugs. hope.
POWER: 0.5/5
SPEED: 0.5/5
fc 280w x 140h
quirkless and with pre-quirk, average physical abilities. naturally brilliant. teamwork as her main weapon. training to be better, be more, but accepting her current abilities as she continues to train. no bad fighting habits yet barely any experience. currently, a template of potential. 

as a hero, coordination and cooperation - a planner and guide. all brains. as much brawn as a normal person can have. diverse options trained with. accurate, mid-battle analysis of strengths / weaknesses and ability to exploit. underestimated, the enemy's regret. an asset and leader.

inspirations: midoriya izuku (bnha)

many hidden blades and accurate throwing of them. near invisible wires, bombs, etc for traps. exceling in planning and sneaking and trapping. practice fighting with blades and hand-to-hand - specifically for larger opponents because of her size. (thank you, eraserhead.)

also can fire a gun relatively accurately. best with smaller guns because of recoil. newly developed (yet brilliant) hacking abilities. with her quirklessness, underestimated but only once. good at negotiation. many diverse skills - mostly behind-the-scenes. her mind = strongest weapon. 
anime sky 280w x 100h
` books
` learning
` her siblings
` studio ghibli
` fashion with function

` pity
` ists
` being called babe / baby
` being a burden on others
` people thinking less of quirkless people

` reading always has a book in her bag; a regular face at the library; finds everything entertaining, even textbooks
` studying doesn't matter topic; treasure trove of random facts; weakest at math but still within school's top three
helping others can be with errands, homework, etc; will draw the line if necessary for other person's benefit 

` happy hums
` confused tilts head
` upset taps her fingers
` focusing bites bottom lip
` all the time tucks hair behind her ear

' the room preset as it came with its generic furniture and all. mostly white and light grey with splashes of pink. a gap in number of possessions when compared to her classmates. well-worn books and normal closet. a few old stuffed animals. a laptop from the school. simple. warm.

` ambidextrous
` allergic to coconut
` prefers jasmine tea
` photographic memory
` a night owl and early bird
` keeps a detailed bullet journal
` crazily talented at mental math
` can run on three hours of sleep
` talented at remembering names and faces
` constantly makes comments about having to open up a hero care agency to force heroes to take care of their health; probably will do this if being a pro hero doesn't work out and high-key might do this even if she does end up being a pro hero; potentially even being the "hero for heroes" instead of the typical hero saving people
anime sky 280w x 100h
the "mother" of the orphanage who used to be an orphan herself. tries her best to care for the kids but has a heart bigger than her wallet. leans on miu and the other older kids to take care of the kids while she works side jobs for money. 

strict, fiery but warm, loving. has a quirk to store clothes and change in three seconds. was working to be a police officer until she heard the orphanage lost its caretaker and was going to close; still keeps in contact with her ex-partner.
the children at the orphanage who look up to miu (or their beloved "umi-nee") as their own personal hero. love her to bits. variety of quirks, personalities, and relations. some who are adopted still keep in touch with her. listen to miu well.
gakuen babysitters children
akaashi keiji
eventually, her closest friend and she, his. despite knowing he has a quirk, always forgets what it is because its nature. treats him like anyone else and trains together though he's much better than her. an unexpected but good duo.

helps him utilize his quirk to max potential once reminded. always notices him - more than expected but less than she wants (because how does he always escape her view?!). never looks down on him. he reads her emotions best in 0-z. 
high-key respect plus low-key worry. (heroes are terrible at caring for themselves!) finds his muttering helpful. sometimes acts sisterly / motherly because his personality. admires him and helps him keep the class in order. 

sees her as a kindred spirit except quiet whereas he mutters aloud. truly believes she can be the first quirkless hero. weak to when she makes requests since she literally never makes any. later introduces his mom who pseudo-adopts her.
midoriya izuku
todoroki shouto
wants to take him as an older brother or something because of his low-key awkwardness. listens to him and respects him but not much direct instruction. in turn, cares for her as a student and trusts in her potential and effort.
her favorite hero. respects him highly but also worries about him because he is just as bad as izuku (but in a different way). (and if this is a trend among heroes, she is opening up a hero care agency. seriously.) knew him previously.

used to bring kids to the orphanage if they lost their parents in incidents. met her several times. worked with her father prior. sees her kind of as the daughter he never expected / knew he wanted. the one to fully know her potential.

favoritism? him? pushes her just as hard if not harder than other students. yet also special training sessions when she asks and his personal number "for emergencies only." admires him 'cause his quirk only "evens the playing field."
aizawa shouta
li 135w x 135h
anime hands 135w x 135h
insert here
insert here ( backup here )
insert here
if they're in u.a., what class are they in? if not, what school and class? if not even that, then remove this.
insert here. delete this if li is a student.

they probably have a quirk just like most of the others that existed in the world, so tell me about it! please list minimum of 3 strengths and weaknesses each and remember that weaknesses must not be less than strengths!

as you would most likely be creating a love interest instead of using canon characters due to their age differences, please tell me how your love interest is in terms of personality. just the bare minimum of nderstanding how the tick is neough.

no need to be as detailed as you were with your character's history, just give me enough to understand your character's love interest's upbringing and all those important bits that led them to their path today.
ia 280w x 140h
with meetings scheduled after one another, the two meet while waiting for their interview with eraserhead. who knows why he chooses to talk to her, but he compliments her choker. watching her eyes shine while conversation continues, his heart quietly reacts to this ethereal girl.

she, initially, is simply endeared with this person who chose to speak with her with a kindness and normalcy most lack. she watches him as she watches the rest of the class - something like an older sister - but if, over time, her heart skips a beat, well, no one needs to know.

it is during an attack or exercise one day admiration turns to more. she falls, an attack swinging her way. he jumps in between the blow and her; he saves her. and he asks - not "are you okay?" nor "you should sit this one out." but - "can you still fight?" he trusts her and is the most heroic.

from there, she still treats him as normally as possible but when he walks away, her cheeks color and her face shifts into an unseen expression - something wistful and pleased and embarrassed all at once. people pick up on it, but it is what he thinks that matters the most to her. 

author's choice 


` li supporting miu as a hero - believing in her
` li lent miu a large hoodie and never got it back
` miu gives li hugs when they're alone and smiles
` there was a class betting pool about when they'd date
` miu actually smiles and laughs with li, to other's surprise
ia 280w x 140h
fc 280w x 100h
miu entered the blank room that had a simple table, two chairs, a video camera set on a tripod, and aizawa looking at her with a blank face. he gestured for her to come over and she nodded, doing so. aizawa gave a sigh before he began the interview, expression not betraying the want for this session to end as soon as possible.

"good morning. my name is yoshida miu," she states, voice quiet but firm. "i'm sixteen, quirkless, and wish to be a hero." her voice does not waver in the last phrase of the sentence, but her heart lurches because she has not said her dream aloud in years and she wants, deeply.

she shrugs. she doesn't know how to put into words - at least without giving a whole speech - about how schools make her nervous: how people scoff her quirklessness but swoon at her beauty (a dangerous combination that makes people entitled) or her own anxieties and fears.

she doesn't know that this class will be her second family and will grow to trust her and her instructions; that they'll care and stand up for her when she won't even stand up for herself; that they, too, dream to be heroes and won't laugh at her but will help her onward. she doesn't expect.

a pause. "yes," she breathes finally, putting all of her conviction into her voice. because this is her only attempt and if she fails, she has resolved to give up. because objectively, after so long, she has lost confidence to do it on her own. so she trusts and places her hopes on them.

"thank you for the opportunity," she states, standing and bowing. "and thank you for your service, aizawa-san."
anime sky 280w x 100h
PASSWORD: eraserhead
sorry for all the questions! i got too excited and high-key didn't read the cheatsheet carefully. she's a weak little flower but feel free to whip her into shape. she's certainly willing. i imagine her as the semi-parent of the class and leader on the field who won't stand up for herself off-field.

aka the class who becomes her family stands up for her instead and when their enemies turn to her makeshift family instead with pain and insult and injury, she hits back with vengeance. because she is scariest then. unsure if that came out in this. cries. hope you enjoyed.

p.s. please hover over the images, or at least the li ones.

` photos of her circulating around. 0-z finding out and protecting their older sister / mother figure.
` meeting her makeshift siblings at the orphanage and understanding why she is the way she is. adorable (and potentially scary) threats from the kids to protect their "umi-nee!"
` her usual "bullies" turning their attentions to her class and her using her brain to make their lives utterly miserable almost villain level. rumors after it and no one touching 0-z but no one in 0-z realizing what happened.
` 0-z finding out why everyone backed off of them. surprise because they knew she cared but not that much. (also low-key laughing at their stupidity because everyone in 0-z has long since learned that miu is actually the worst enemy to have even without a quirk.)
` miu asking eraserhead for special tutoring because she is that determined and needs the extra help (and is willing to do it). a tough set of sessions but growing each time and not giving up and just coming closer to the hero she has always wanted to be. 

children arc. some of 0-z gets turned into children. insert miu acting as de facto mother and dealing with all of them (even the ones with quirks) with ease because just another day at the orphanage.
kidnappers arc. children with strong quirks at orphanages are kidnapped and sold. they target some of miu's siblings. 0-z hunts them down both for miu and because they grew on the class as well.
switcheroo arcs. switching of genders, quirks, bodies. the ensuing chaos, hilarity, and embarrassment. 
leadership arcs. anything where miu acts as a leader, not to say the rest of 0-z can't; in fact, most of them are great at it too. but there's something reassuring about miu as a leader - maybe her clear instructions, lack of pretenses, objective (and thus factual and will-happen) views; who knows why, but trusting in her as she trusts in them and knowing she will not abandon them. 
sickness and health arcs. anything where someone is sick and the entire class rallies to help. bonus points for if their quirk (if they have one) goes out of whack and everyone has to work together to care for him / her despite it. in contrast, for the quirkless, the illness is deadly and everyone works together to get the medicine. extra bonus points if it's during some kind of a busy season and so everyone's pretty tired or switching duties. extra extra bonus points if the sick one is actually needed for a mission or something and still end up going to the job despite being super sick. they complete it but worry everyone the entire time and potentially pass out when the job is over and wake up to everyone caring for them and scolding them about overdoing it.


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