Do you want to CRY?

I'll tell you how to cry.


First step:

This was at, according to him, the darkest time of Zico's life that he remembered. 


Please don’t leave me alone
Leavin me behind, everything fell away I didn’t know
I’m fighting back the biting wind, That’s no way
Abandoned because it’s the last, and I breath in the cold air
Yeah, be well my friends, my house and my soul
Thank goodness everything else is safe
This is the last time, final
And then leave fall, times over

A place I don’t know, in a place that I can’t reach
Is my abandoned spirit
The wind blows sharply, making me crash
And I’m trampled into the ground
The faintly seen color disappeared
My frame that has half fallen away
And I in the Spring, who was so vibrant
I’ll fade away while longing for him
(down down down)
dead leaves

BTW 'him' is God.



Parents who boast about their precious daughter
The dust that enters their mind, their eyes
Engulfed in the feeling of betrayal, they shake their heads
Did they achieve their dream or lose their dream

Murderous looks keeping each other in check
When I turned around after running for a long time
I had lost my innocence and became a villain
No one will forgive me

I will survive as I live
I must survive until the end

I will survive
I will. I will survive


Then there's this.


The cute... second prince^^

    My second son Jiho^^

    The son I raised with so much difficulty...

    A heart surgery and con asthma... and hernia

    You've weathered all of those hard crucial moments... my admirable Little General!!!

    I made a promise... that day... as Jiho was lying on the operating table... I really got down on my knees...

    'Please... save him... I'll try to raise him well... Truly, if you'd just save him this once...

    I will raise the children without greed... I will raise them according to your will... So please... don't take him away...'

    And that is why... my lovable son Jiho was given to me...

    Of course... Jiseok had it hard too because of Jiho...

    Let's live healthily... while loving~~~


(His mom's message.) 

He had all that at age 1 or 2.


Even now, I get scared sometimes. There's a video of him after one of his stages where he's gasping for air and he says, 'how many lines did I rap- 500? I feel like I'm going to die' while pressing his hand over his heart.

The members have also said Zico makes regular hospital visits due to his weak heart.


I hope nothing really bad happens. 




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