Sho's Diary - Chapter 12 - The Ups & Downs Of Adulthood (Part 1)

To say that 2016 was the worst year is understatement because that year had been somewhat worse to me professionally and personally. It's been a while since I am posting a chapter of my life but I find it therapeutic to be candid about my personal and professional life and hope to inspire people who experience all kinds of troubles (mental or physical) every day and find a way to move on and feel positivity for life.

It all began once I started my role as a Service Desk Analyst as mentioned earlier in Chapter 11, you start a job with new hopes and aspirations to grow further. But it all got real when any little mistake was criticised whether it be my tone or something else, I think it was all due to the fact that I wasn't a morning person or wasn't much experienced in the field as yet. But then due to a small yet costly mistake had me fired since the company have become strict and any three strikes of mistakes have been called out, then it's game over. I accidentally given my home number instead of the company number to contact and in my defence, I was allocated an email that no one bothered to go through and I found myself stuck in between and I wasn't fully awake to realise what I did but I admit I made a mistake and it wasn't meant to be. 

From then on, a long period of unemployment made things worse for me and I felt like I was going crazy staying at home doing nothing and no matter how many job applications I've gone and many interviews, I still couldn't get in due to "lack of experience" despite the skills and knowledge that I had. In the summer, I made a foolish choice of buying products that were supposed to get rid of my blemishes but instead they made my face worse and the skin burned. It was such a horrible week and I had to use a Vaseline lotion which helped me recover from the burns and skin tissue was reappearing again.

But then came a day when I finally reached my breaking point where I had received a call from a job agency who were looking for people to start work. I was happy that the umployment slump was going away but it was overshadowed by a revelation that would break my chances of getting my husband's Visa legalised. So with a heavy heart and saddening outcome, I had to reject the job and was in complete tears thinking I was useless and worthless. I was in complete depression thinking I can't handle adulthood and not able to secure a job or house and wanted to lash out everyone and everthing but had to wait few months after 2017 began until my fortune was looking bright again.


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